Monday, February 14, 2011

Vip Luggage Orion Number Lock

homily by Dom Erwin Kräutler to 6 Anniversary of the murder of Dorothy Stang

Dorothy, Liebe bis ans Äußersten

Homilies sechsten Todestag anlässlich des von der Schwester Ermordung Dorothy Stang NDdN

"Wir wissen, that the whole creation groans until the present day. "(Romans 8:20)
" I am come to cast fire upon the earth. How would that it were already kindled "(Lk 12, 49)

sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ,
beloved people of God in Anapu and the Transamazônica!

On 12 February 2005 reached the water and Spirit baptism (cf. Acts 1:5) of Sister Dorothy Stang and her devotion to God as a nun in her baptism of fire and blood to complete. The photos the sprawled on the street sister show us how the blood from the fatal hole flowing, the earth from the PDS "Hope" prevailed. Sister Dorothy completed her life that was devoted to the poor and the rain forests of Amazonia, in a final and total surrender. Her life was taken by the opponents of the settlement project on Sustainable Development (PDS). So full of it ended in his own body, "what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ" (Colossians 1:24) . They united with the blood of Christ, symbol and reality for her love who went to the edge.

"I have come to cast fire upon the earth. how I wish it were blazing already, I must be baptized with a baptism and I am very depressed as long as they is not yet complete. (Luke 12.49-50)

I think that for the celebration of the anniversary of the murder of Dorothy is no more appropriate scripture to mission and martyrdom of our sister better expression. The two verses of the Gospel of Luke refer to the sixth Assembly of God's people on the Xingu in November 2009. They were the motto of our great meeting, come to the representatives of all the prelates were to develop priorities and guiding principles for the pastoral and evangelization to 2014. The spirit of Sister Dorothy was always present at our meetings. So the letter is addressed to all brothers and sisters who are traveling with us on the Xingu, an image their conviction: "We want to be a church that is building the Kingdom of God is involved, a Samaritan church that opens its heart to the suffering, but also a prophetic church, aggression and disrespect for the dignity and rights of the people vigorously convicted, and against projects and programs, claims that the home environment and how God has created for all people, destroy. "

Concern for the dignity and human rights were at our proclamation of the Gospel always prevail. For us, of course, that the fight will never be separated from the defense of the Amazon to the life of the peoples of this region can be: Forests, waters, the magnificent biodiversity. Because of this Amazon is the guarantee for the physical and cultural survival of the people who live here. We are convinced that include the care and concern for God's gift of creation to proclaim and witness to the Gospel. Already in 1990, deplored the bishops of Pará and Amapá "the bleeding of Amazonia," which "has already reached the limit, and God's creation is groaning in agony." They warned that the ills that afflict the region, can cause irreversible ecological disaster lead to the "disastrous for the whole ecosystem be and without doubt, the boundaries . Exceed Brazil and the continent "

In September 2007, gathered the bishops to publish the entire Brazilian Amazon, in Manaus and repeated a document based on the first reading of this Mass: " that creation is freed from the bondage to decay be the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans until the present day and in travail. "(Romans 8.21-22) . The shepherds complained of Amazonia that" the so-called development of the Amazon 'I brought deforestation and exploitation of natural resources without evaluating the consequences. This is an evolving process, the nature and the people are oppressed, because it is based on economistic perspectives, especially the profit-oriented, without social and environmental responsibility. (...) The salvation of mankind to save the created world ends with a. This means rethinking and advocate for appropriate development in which all are involved.

We are gathered here today not only to commemorate sister Dorothy, who was brutally taken from our midst and give thanks for their courage with which they defended the Amazon and its peoples forever. The main reason for this celebration is the sixth anniversary of her death, to ask for God's grace to continue steadfast and courageous in the struggle for to remain a world where justice and peace prevail, and where the environment is respected. We also want to use the present moment and ask ourselves what has become of the legacy that has left us sister Dorothy. I have the last interview she a journalist on 2 had been February 2005, exactly 10 days before her murder. Dorothy confessed in this last session before the media: "Our people are very frightened nd desperate (...). landowners and timber merchants drifting around in the PDS with different pistoleiros They penetrate into the courts, aimed at the settlers and armed. threaten to kill our people (...) The suffering is very great. I believe in God and I know he is with me. I prefer to talk about life than death. Our people have a project for a better life - in the PDS. I have no time to think of something bad. But if they kill me, I want to be buried in Anapu, modest in these people. .. Has Pará is my home now "

Six years have gone by since Sister Dorothy addressed these her last words on the media to the world I ask myself today: What has really changed What is the reality of the PDS settled families? ? I know only one thing. they are still desperately But even more painful when we have to see that many people who fight for their lifetime to Dorothy supported the children in the PDS have to go no more with us today. Unfortunately, they have changed sides. They defend their own interests or those of a group and try to kill Sister Dorothy's dream and do not hesitate to betray those ideals for which they have shed their blood.

"We know that all creation groans."
"I am come to cast fire upon the earth. How would that it were already kindled! "

It is not the fire of slash and burn!
It is the fire that can burn our hearts, so we care for the gift of God's creation and defend in the name of God, the rights and dignity of the peoples of Amazonia.

Anapu, February 12, 2011

Erwin Kräutler
Bishop on the Xingu

Source: Prelazia do Xingu, translation: © PlattformBeloMonte
Doroty, amor até ao extremo levado.
Homiliae proferida por ocasião do 6 º aniversário da Thurs assassinato Irma Dorothy.


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