~ The sacred center of the Divine Feminine
"Healing visitation of Earth's inner spirit"
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:-) So how it looks is, Shana function in the future as a translator for Kata .... what am VERY PLEASED!
18th November 2008 http://www.lemurianawakening.com/
translation: Shana Shaninia, www.torindiegalaxien.de
it seems that my last LemuriaLetter in the Lemurian reactivation ceremony Teotihuacan many hearts have been reached.
I never received so many wonderful responses, as in this period. This is the most light-sign that the time really is here, and we are really after ready so many thousands of years of unconscious existence to recover our long-forgotten wisdom and divinity.
all wonderful world methods have the same goal. Your heart will tell you, if you will be united with your own past and your future, what is the deepest of your own way.
The answers read and recognize how many wonderful souls are ready to connect to this ceremony, although they are not able to join us on the physical plane to be there ~ it's really amazing. Well, I have good news. I am here to share a method by which that can connect to, want to wholeheartedly at the ceremony in the Teotihuacan, language of the heart 'to participate.
07th December is an important energetic day. A huge amount of light will reach our atmosphere again. The Divine effect can be doubled if we prepare ourselves and our dear planet for this wave. Again, a personal method to improve the process. If you then you feel you connect to us, is what I propose here to do. It is very easy, and on this special occasion 07th December tries to make it in the morning.
Connects your heart in your meditation with the crystal of the Great Central sun is low in the center of the earth. If This connection through breathing and sending your love is created, send your light and love of the Great Central Sun. With this conscious reconnection you are ready to go ', whereas you feel. Well, you will be invited to the holy center of the Divine Feminine to come (look in the message below).
true you up inside, feel the unique energy of this place. There is a sacred fire in the center. There is a rainbow-fire, all the Seven Sacred Flames can be seen in it, can be felt in him. With conscious breathing, your heart is connected with the Holy Flame, and send your love to all. Feel how the special Vibration of them, a very special dance 'begins in the center of your heart. Feel the tremendous joy and energy of lightness. Invite the healing and energizing power of the flame in your heart one. A very deep but quiet breathing is proposed. If your heart is filled, you can return it in the center of your body. And now there is one last part of this meditation. You brought much of this special energy in your heart back from the Holy Center. Now send her your love and your light again first to the Great Central Sun of the crystal in the center of the earth. Feel and see, while achieving the Seven Sacred Flames of your heart to the heart of the planet. Enjoy the feeling like your heart is combined with the planet in a profound way. And now you begin to imagine that the same type of rainbow flame that you saw in the middle of the saints, reside in Teotihuacan on the surface. You see it, send your love to her, see that they are stronger because of your intention. Look at this rainbow flame in Teotihuacan ~ ~ through your conscious participation as reflected first by a special light cord in the center of the earth and then to the Great Central Sun above links. This huge beautiful flame of the Seven Rays was so above, as well as down, are connected because we participate together in this reconnection. This reactivated rainbow flame the surface promotes the Divine Feminine to wake up again completely. This happens in Teotihuacan. Those who feel it in their personal meditations make will be as important as those who felt the system have to be there. Energy, this energy is a very important reconnection. You will determine this scene '. We will participate together in the same Lemurian reactivation ceremony. Each heart counts. Your enthusiasm and your light will be highly appreciated and thanked. And not only me by
love and happiness beyond words
The Sacred Center of the Divine Feminine
KyraNamu by Kata, 18 November 2008 http://www.lemurianawakening.com/
translation: Shana Shaninia www.torindiegalaxien.de,
greetings to you all, this is
KyraNamu, and I have the honor to you again on behalf of The Great welcome to diamond Sisterhood of Telos beneath the Mt Shasta.
All these years, and especially this, have taken to exploring new realms of your consciousness, you are on the main tour EVER. Every day is ready to bring new miracles in your life. This year is special on many levels. A tiny piece of it is that you reach the long-awaited preparedness and allows us to have to speak directly to you.
Let's look at the planet, then you are honored because we see the accomplishments that have earned it. If you look back on this year, we have been there with you through written words to all those occasions when the personal and planetary changes reached a new level. I am happy to present you that this is the reason for our approach to you.
My beautiful heart, the Sisterhood has in previous releases, the surface ~ enlightened the importance of your beautiful souls ~ in 3D and you are ready, a large Units to be provided on their own over your divinity. You are now ready to understand, which means divine balance, and it is time to show these were not fully in your life.
Divine Balance is the foundation of life in peace and harmony. That's what you can do most during this challenging time. We know very well that affect the intensity of the changes you. Your zeal to attain this balance, has the greatest meaning in your life. The late full moon together with the special energy of the 11:11 has brought something very precious. He placed the sacred feminine energy in the deepest part of your heart's memory available. Each planetary event has its own importance. The lunar energy, as we explained to you earlier, has the significance that connect you more deeply with your own sacred feminine side. It is true since the dawn of time, and especially important now that you are ready, your self-confidence for these holy energy to open.
The lunar energy is one of those important factors, ready, fresh and new portals to open up your hearts, to awaken more and more facets of the Divine within. After all the major energy arrivals in this time we are back here to assure you that the Holy aroused female energy in the surface Peak moves towards, which is expected soon. As we come closer to the center of our vast galaxy, and as we come closer to all the light that emanates the Great Central Sun in our hearts, we are invited more and more aware of these special broadcasts to take. They awaken something deep within your heart. You all have the memory of being in Divine Balance. It is a key point in your DNA. It probably requires a specific reactivation, but there are those among you who receive this long-dormant part of their Zellgedächtnisse without any special ways to activate access. There are those who are capable of it with the pure intention to ~ love to wake and by thought. You are blessed and we invite these precious souls to help open the activation process for those whose memory codes require a deeper change in order to achieve the same result Divine.
I invite all the saints in our center, we can call it a temple, if you so you feel better. Labels are not important, which is a sacred place in our beloved Mt Shasta energy field from which the energy, the sacred feminine in its purest form, protected long ago by The Great Diamond sisterhood since the devastation of our beloved continent. This holy center of the Divine Female has a deep connection to all the holy flames and their retreats or temples of the manifestation of the world.
The special energy of the full moon recently, has opened the door of this center. This is the brightest of proof for those who have the ability to read past the events as we get closer, in fact, ready to get more and more of the galactic light, absorb and integrate. This opening had not previously been possible, not years earlier, but months earlier in linear time.
And now here we are very pleased to offer you a personal invitation to be with us in our divine work participate. This work must begin with the income of personal readiness. Come visit us. If you feel the desire to experience the pure radiance of the Divine Feminine, ask your guide to show you the way to us. We can be with you and show you every tiny part of this miracle. Enjoy the power and with our personal help, your heart opens up to the deepest memories of holiness. This will lead you to a new phase of your experiences. If you feel ready to do more, we are more than happy to invite you to work with us on a deeper level, help to reach the heart of our dear planet to help, your complete to reactivate precious sacred feminine potential.
If you feel the call to be in this mission with us, you shall find the way to do this. In the name of the Great Diamond sisterhood I can assure you that all your heartfelt efforts will be successful in awakening the sacred feminine, and the long awaited divine balance within you restore. Your hearts are ready to recover ALL old saying that once belonged to such a profound way to you. The time is NOW.
WE are here to support forever.
We love you beyond any words.
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