The call of the ancestors - Adama Telos
courtesy of Axel Klitzke
The call of the ancestors
Adama of Telos
through Kata Fulop
19.9. 2008
German translation: Evelyn Kuemmerle
greetings to the master,
there is always a privilege for us if we can share our light, our wisdom and our love with you, once on the surface of our physical existence was represented and which are now in the Higher Realms in the same intensity to get back to you.
How can you feel it so precisely in your personal living space arrives, you are now closer each day to our divine dimensions - and therefore the time has come for an update in terms of the Lemurian vibration that is present to our beloved planet around .
The intensity of this vibration is expected to double in the extent to which shrinks the time frame. On the surface there are those to which one can rely in the planetary mission when it comes to making them visible. Many of you have already prepared for their own personal problem with it and many will still be.
In this sacred Design is the mission is to bring the essence of the Lemurian existence and present. Lemurian in the sense of representing or say the first awakening and balancing the Divine Feminine in the way of your speedy and harmonious coexistence.
Our wonderful civilization was the last to this truly divine element accepted in his well-earned traditional perfection. There is a whole list of reasons why this had to disappear for a certain time period. Now is the time passed. As you approach gets closer to your divine mission as humanity, it is high time to deal with it, and let in all the wisdom, this wonderful item, the sacred feminine divine - can cause interior and exterior for the greatest good of humanity.
Lemuria was not a toy empire. Lemuria was a vast land of unconditional love and intuitive wisdom. History can repeat itself in a very positive way, if you're willing to approach it from a higher and still continue lifting perspective. This is the case with the Lemurian energy received just now on the surface. You are a man perfectly willing for it. Among you there are many whose cells are ready for this activation. Your DNA contains the sleeping layers of all those long forgotten memories and their most divine manifestation in reality.
The time has come to activate all the wisdom that once belonged to you. Of course, in the universal expectations will prove to do so with a higher and more developed personal and planetary readiness. You are not blind participants a galactic reality show. You are the only ones who are responsible for your own future. We are here for you to provide all the tools to ensure your trip is a success. When I speak of success, then you know so well what I mean. Success as a fully awakened being, the light heart, a smooth transition make into a higher dimensional reality, full of mutual responsibility - as compared to the planet and all other realms of the universe. Time again as your galactic citizens to take responsibility back. Your time, all the ancient wisdom to withdraw it. Without it you have no chance. ONLY THE WISDOM OF YOUR ANCESTORS CAN YOU THROUGH OUT.
The explanation is simple. Your hearts are full of this ancient wisdom. Open it, let this precious treasure of the human heart is called, passing you. Lemuria and Atlantis, with all its consequences and lessons are timeless in their existence here to help you. I Am Adama, the high priest of the Lemurian, who have survived all the devastation and now we are here in the fifth dimension, to be with you on services. With all our ancient wisdom, we knew this time would come. We have made the transition many thousands of years before you, but believe me, this time is not a factor in her a sense we use it. We are here to share with you a lot, we are here to make you ready for your new reality.
The Lemurian energy is more alive than ever, the crystalline lattice network is almost ready. This extremely important time period for all of us a unique experience for you to move closer to everything what has long rested in oblivion and now to be brought back to life, and for us to see you in our younger selves. We are one. We are here. Let that we show you the way, step by step, heart to heart.
be there these wonderful souls who will feel the call in which they read these words, or simply by sensing this energy - the - thank you the way for the always ever-growing group of hearts, which accept the Lemurian reminders fully can - month by month, will double. I can use our highly advanced technical equipment - with our heart sentient computer system - See how this wave of awakening is extended. We can access an update that is detailed information on the activation of the DNA layers. We shall present the complete database of DNA activation process is available. We can capture every effort we can welcome any development. It is no longer in question, as is the intensity of this process on a monthly basis now tripled. We actually march towards our most precious goal. You are really ready to play in this very extensive and wonderful universal event details. Your physical eyes are open. Your heart-oriented higher-dimensional perspective awakens. I deal with this particular part of the gains, because this will lead you in a long-awaited part of this wonderful journey. Your continuous adjustment to the level of frequency of the light quotient of the New Earth will help you exercise your new reality as I've told you.
This reality will be personally on many levels, but there will be some key elements that will be the same for everyone. Your ability to work with your vision to look inside will bring to this new reality elements. What am I trying to say is that you will very soon be able to perceive the higher dimensional reality around you, like to hear more, to feel, perceive. This is now an intense period of adjustment. I'll tell you now what will be at the end of this period, or - or who will be there. We will be there. Your family will be higher-dimensional light greet you there. This will be a precious moment when we for you the first time will be visible. Yes, on the surface there is a lot of excitement about the release of the vessels of the Galactic Federation in your day / night skies - see all public - in a historical moment, to a certain date.
Well, it can happen. This date is planned carefully and had been estimated by observation involving all the processes of integration, though now passes through in the final phase. If the adjustment process continues with the same speed, the specific time period to bring the long-awaited screening of the physical vessels. A slightly later date can bring the same success on a more personal level. All upcoming activities - regardless of whether they are advanced or just pure natural manifestations - are part of the Divine Plan, just as it had all the elements before. However, the intensity of all has changed in just the same way in which to a greater willingness on your part for it. We are entering a new phase in our common mission. You'll be closer to us, not because it would shrink to a physical level, the distance between dimensions, but because your wonderful calibrated senses will be further developed.
This process is happening now. It may be unpleasant, or even for some extremely intense. Have patience. The well-deserved result is waiting for you straight to the corner. Be prepared to see through your heart during this planetary tests, who is on the move.
Take him in peace, lived through it with harmony.
After I had the short message from Adama of the most likely read upcoming sightings of ships of the Ashtar Commandos have, I decided to you this senden.Text by Dianna Robbins uten see:
On 25 August 2008 I received this message:
The era has begun. Peace can be manifested now. Important now that everyone knows is of you light workers in the coming events. This will be great changes in your economic life and in politics to your religions and sciences. So prepare yourselves
close together in groups to perform light manifestations. It is necessary, the incoming light to anchor deep in Mother Earth, so the gifts of God in the truest sense of the word to germinate. You are the gardener of God, keeper of the light nuclei and executor of the everlasting covenant.
In your meetings, I will be there with my entourage. Asking for my support and you will get bundled to be sent through your body in the form of light rotations. This causes a crosslinking of the energy of the Earth with the energy of the cosmos, you are the switching point, the mediator, the link - infinitely precious and indispensable.
The New Jerusalem can only be manifested DUCH you! It is so important that you are aware of that.
Sananda you also offers his help and support, calling him and he will be present to accomplish with you what is necessary to fulfill the eternal covenant of distress.
And be it
It was sent the question to me, to be held in what way this light manifestations.
call us and give the intention to serve as a light channel to be the light channel for the highest energies of God, that's all - so simple.
No rituals are necessary, no tools - except herself and your intent. We have taught you so many times: Your intention is the focal point of your manifestations. Intention, pure intention is wrapped in love is the most powerful tool that you at this time is available.
If you like it, adorns this ordinance with songs, a mantra or words of introduction, just as you like it, is you are free.
It is wonderful when many people gather, but it does not necessarily require large groups. Sanandas you all the words are known: If two or three are gathered in my name ...
Amen - So be it
Dear friends, I had said I was the subject of .14.10. let rest
but if something comes from Adama, I can not deny you.
this message here came from Larry (Telosconnection). Larry was extremely interested to know
, which on 14 turn, and he has asked Dianne Robbins to question Adama SPECIAL
I translate you now what Adama said about Dianne. Adama has relatively
here in focus, or Larry has posted only a snippet. But Larry
this message about the sighting was at 14.10. Incidentally, according to his own statement distributed to dozens of radio stations across America.
course, I had then also held a private chat with Adama, and he has noted
- not only here but also in the Embassy in Kata.
"We are your question . Answer YES! The sightings are most likely
the first step to be to fulfill our emergence. Everything is one and the same.
The ships of the Ashtar Command will be the ones that you will see in your skies ,....
and they will pave the way for our "appearance". We thank you for this question.
I am Adama.
"We will answer your question. YES! The sightings will most assuredly be the first
step towards the fulfillment of our
emergence. It is all one and the same. The Ashtar Command
crafts will be the ones you will see in your sky ... and they 'will pave the way for our
emergence'. We thank you for this
question. I am Adama. "
see also the blog" hidden knowledge "
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