stand why the people in most Orthodox churches? HERE
crossing themselves
crossing themselves why the Orthodox Christians from right to left? HERE
What is HOLY FIRE?
What really Orthodox ?
Ortho-dox comes from doxa = glory, price / ortho = right, goes so far as "the right price," the whole church could rely on it.
What is Catholic?
is Catholic by kat `holon-general, all-encompassing.
You should perhaps, the terms Catholic and Orthodox Church did not write separately ... Finally, is not necessarily Catholic Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Catholic Church (kat `holon-general, universal). They inspect themselves to our faith.
"The term" Catholic "for the Church of Christ in the Creed relates, first, that people include all times and places (There is no longer Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, Babar, Scythian, slave or free but all in all Christ, Col 3:11) and second, the fullness of faith, ie the completeness of the doctrine and spirituality, which unfolds conciliar. The concept of catholicity of the church so it is making in its original sense only to the Orthodox Church, but not to the Roman Catholic Church which, while preserving the name, but removed in the doctrine, structure, and in it's spirituality of the once common basis has "
for the method of baptism, one should consider the following:
"The Greek word for" I baptism "(baptizo) means:" I dive in, or under ". It's etymologically with the word "sinking, some immersed in a liquid" (Báptein) used, and never means pouring or sprinkling.
L canon of the Holy Apostles and Canon VII of the Second Ecumenical Council shall determine the three-time immersion.
The method of perfusion was allowed in cases of extreme emergency when the baptized person was seriously ill or in danger of death "
." The Greek word for "I baptize" (baptizo) Means: "I dive in, or under". It's etymologically with the word "sinking, some immersed in a liquid" (báptein) used and never means pouring or sprinkling.
the issue of long hair with God-ordained:
Many errors made in its argument to the long hair and beards of the priest: it is culturally and long hair were not at all suitable for a man-nonsense
We know that the Holy Apsotel Paul had long hair (it is reported of hair bands, often wrongly translated as handkerchiefs). The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark had had his hair cut ever (as a sign that he is God has ordained) of St John the forerunner had long hair, the prophets and the prophets, Christ had long hair ...
When Paul writes it is not seemly for a man to have long hair, he said, "styled" hair - hair .... and not long hair as a sign of the God-ordained his "Altgtriechischen There are two different words for hair: one means more hair hairstyle hair .. .. the only other
as he could, where but our Lord God also had long hair ..
And so it is an old tradition of the Church (Apostolic) that the devotees of the Lord can not cut their hair.
was announced as the year 451, the Christological dogma at the Council of Chalcedon, it was decided mainly on the definition in which from the Redeemer as God-man in two natures was present.
In contrast, a minority known (from which later the so-called "traditional oriental") formed to a divine-human existence of Jesus Christ that is formed from two natures .
hung In principle, the question of orthodoxy at the time of a single letter, we can say truly, that here was about subtleties of definition - although there were just at that epoch a real struggle for the right formulation of a religious truth.
(see I. and the letter of St Leo, Pope of Rome to the Patriarch, Synaxarion Volume 1, p. 738)
from the decision of faith of the Synod of Chalcedon in 451:
"... contrary from the congregation of the priests all who venture the statement that the deity of Einzigeborenen was capable of suffering, goes against all those who respect conceive of the two natures of Christ, a blending or mixing, bans all who claim verrücktrweise, the servant, he received from us adopted has is divine or of any other entity, and covered all the talk but of two natures of the Lord prior to unification, invent but after agreeing a single, with the anathema "
out. decrees of the ecumenical councils, Publisher Ferdinand Schöningh 1973 +
What is an ecumenical council?
.. "a literally" ecumenical "(= here" the whole inhabited world concerning ") council can be implemented in accordance with canonical interpretation and in accordance with church tradition, only with a return of the Roman See to Orthodoxy be. This is the reason that the already is planned for over four decades Orthodox Church Assembly, the term "Great and Holy Council" and not take "Ecumenical Council". From the story is well known that the Council of Constantinople in 381 initially - because of the absence of legacies of the Roman Patriarchate - not the title "ecumenical" was, only when the West on various synodal assemblies (including Aquileia, on which St. Ambrose chaired) the decisions ratified, this Council has been awarded the special title .. "
result is also very clear that there has been no further ecumenical councils and to the restoration of church unity and can not give.
Some Thoughts on Tradition:
We always have to explore "What was from the beginning" (1 Joh1, 1). This is always necessary to see, what the Holy Apostles and other fathers submission to us. The hl. Always depends on the tradition from the beginning was what 1 John 1.1 to 4. We must always ask whether our actions are right or wrong, whether the action conforms in Übereintimmg with the original and apostolic tradition, when we experience "at the beginning was not so," we have done something wrong. St. Basil relies always return to the witness of the tradition.
Small examples will help us determine whether we hl. Living tradition:
reading: Math 6.6
Bar 4.36
Ps LXX 118.164
Rev 16.15
Acts 14:23
Luk 22.46
PsLXX 140.2 122.1
Acts 9.40
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