About Fasting
Anyone with the love of Christ in his heart wants closer with every heart beat to Mr connect. Everyone who sees Christ as the real truth and the only way to the Father would be different as a step from the Lord.
We are committed to Christ and believe that He suffered for us and gave His life for us so that we can be saved from hell and find peace with the Father and with us can own. We remember the day of His birth and resurrection ... We His sacrifice with gratitude. But ask anyone today really, what can I do for my Savior today?
St. John of Kronstadt wrote over fasting:
"It is a precious gift of our Lord and Savior for us, even fasted forty days and nights, neither ate nor drank This is the most precious gift for anyone. Redemption for and own spiritual passions want to impede. with his words and his own example surviving the Lord of His followers. And with what love and what God's soothing powers serves the Lord all those who strive with all the soul really fast! He visits it cleans it, renew it strengthens and supports them in the fight against the passions ... teaches every virtue and leads up to perfection ... "
Lent tradition Created still in the early Christian church and is still kept alive mainly in the Orthodox tradition. Fasting is seen as the way to the major holidays, the way of repentance, helps in itself to look into their own spiritual life, to distance itself from the material world.
to celebrate according to the celebration, one must prepare for this. Fasting is not an obligation that is imposed on the faithful. This is a great dignity, a great treasure. But almost no mental Work is just a diet. Fasting means not only giving up certain foods. One lives a little differently this time and prepare yourself mentally before the upcoming holiday ...
Some people get very quickly fear of fasting, because they see it as limiting their freedoms or find it boring. We often forget in the hustle and bustle of modern life ...
addition to the practice of fasting has its meaning, its reasoning. If you fast only for themselves, for their own health, waived the meat, it is hardly different from a diet. It can be difficult to fast, so, because you have no reason to. One should fast for the glory of God and love, and if one of his pain Neighbor feels, because you are because of some dispute, because of their pride does not understand, has no peace. Man should fast with the thought of the other people who need our help, perhaps just have to suffer hardship or need our support. The means to fulfill that call fast cold and empty heart to compassion and soften with love, our passions and inhibit binding. Fasting is not only bound to specific Fast times a year. If you put in a dilemma or has other major problems, one should pray much and fast. For the Lord said that evil spirits can be sold only through prayer and fasting. It should not be noticeable to anyone that you are fasting, but the Lord (Mt 6, 16-18). Can grow so fast our love for the Lord and to the people. Such a fast can be comfortable and can save body and soul.
fast-food do not have to be terribly boring as you think. On the contrary, it can be very tasty and offer much variety.
"Before the start of the Great Lent, the Church reminds the faithful to the words of the Apostle:
" Brothers, we do not supply is the glory of God, neither we miss something if we do not eat, nor will we win something if we eat. But take care that you this freedom to the weak, not seduction served "(1 Cor 8.8 et seq.) Fasting is not to be understood therefore as a work that people could make righteous before God. unmissverstehbar make this clear with the meaning of the pre-Lenten, especially the Lord days from tax collectors and Pharisees ( to first Herrntag the pre-Lenten) and are sensitized by the court (third Herrntag the pre-Lenten, Sunday meat abstention). meaning of fasting, it is rather a holistic re-orientation to God and the real life needs, and thereby gaining the ability to fuller and deeper participate in the celebration of the mystery of salvation. This is also know through the word of the Lord, to the defense of the test after his forty days of fasting in the desert said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Mt 4:4).
therefore prepares the church before the great feasts of the liturgical year through Lent: Easter by a forty-day fast to the holy and high week, these are the so-called Great Lent, Nativity with theophanies also by a forty-day fast, the evening the memory of hl.Philippus begins and the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul and all the apostles by the Apostle fasting from Monday after All Saints until June 28 and finally the celebration of the Dormition of the Mother of God (koimesis) by a small Lent 1 - Aug 14 ...
... Only a few days of fasting means total abstinence from food and drink, so on Christmas and High Friday (Good Friday) ..
... Otherwise, fasting means giving up certain foods one hand, our other hand on satisfying amount of food. There are, what the nature of the permitted food is concerned, three groups of fast days, namely fasting days where only vegetarian food (no eggs and Milchprodikte) can be enjoyed without oil and wine, including all Wednesdays and Fridays of the year with a few exceptions, in the Great Lent, and from 1-Aug 14, except Saturday and Sunday, and the entire Holy week to High, High and with the Holy Sabbath, the eve of theophany, the feast of the beheading of John the Baptist, the feast of Exaltation of the Cross.
The second group includes hard days when vegetarian food, some molluscs (eg squid, mussels) of oil and wine are allowed. The third group consists of fast days when fish is also allowed.
This Fast Rules the Orthodox church are very old and refer to the Eßgewohnhweiten the Mediterranean countries. What foods of little value there are (zBTintenfisch, mussels) are our Western European inland residents treats. It goes without saying that we Fasting must adapt to our situation. So for us is one example, waiver of tobacco, to smoke and sweets, as well as on television for Lent.
also belongs to fasting has always been inextricably intensification of prayer and deliver the savings from the mouth to the needy. Since according to the strict command of the Lord and the tradition of the Orthodox Church, to do the fast in secret (Mt 6.16 to 1, it, unlike the medieval practice of the West will never be public law and remains the conscience of individual believers left to their own as they participate in the fasts of the church. In contrast to the monks is expected of the world Christians Priests and lay people, not that they are complying with the rules almost completely.
you should do what they can and can sense in their living situation. But it is important that they are not too easily to the joint fasting of the Church ignore, but check with her confessor on how to participate. For irgedein contain a deepening in prayer and take pains in the exercise of charity to every Christian is possible. Without it there is no growth in the process of theosis.
addition, the fasting in the understanding of the Orthodox Church has always been a sign of eschatological hope in the peace kingdom of God, in which the creatures are not kill and eat more each other and, after the words of the prophet Isaiah: "It is the wolf together graze with the lamb, and store the leopard with the goat, the calf, the bull and the lion will be common in the pasture, and a small child they will lead. ... " (Isaiah 11:6-9).
So for those who believe not eating meat, eggs and milk, a temporary self-restraint, which recalls that the man can be safe only when he learns his environment to live in peace. Fasting makes quite understood sensitive to the destructive exploitation, with the fallen ones, the value created themselves as a basis.
does not meet legal understood fasting simply misunderstood any ritualistic rules, but takes on a particular point, the Repentance as a complete reversal and tested them in the waiver.
dangerous than contempt of fasting is therefore within the Church of the legal-ritualistic abuse, which dulls awareness instead. Through him, the fast is easy hochm the pillow of the self-righteous or high-performance sports? Tiger bragging. That is why we sing on the first Vorfastensonntag the Luzernariumspsalmen:
> not led to Pharisäerart us pray, brothers!
Because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.
we lowering ourselves to God!
As the tax collector let us call in fasting:
Have mercy on us, O God, we are sinners!
The Pharisees, by vain glory: I bent
and the tax collector in repentance,
all occurred both before you, the only Lord;
that, as he told arrogant his actions,
was robbed of his goods;
this, of no words found
was appreciated your grace.
In my repentance strengthen me, O Christ God, the only people lover! <
Biblical Justification: 6.16 to 18 Mt, Mk 2.18 to 22, 7.1 to 23, Mk 9.29, 8.19 to 22 Rm, 1 Cor 8.1 to 13 "
. Source: (c), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Heitz / House Amann (eds.), Christ in you, hope of glory, 2 Edition, Göttingen 1994
"Let the mundane drive, give yourself to the clergy there ..."
are "On physical and emotional asceticism"
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