Pastoral Land reported on the Xingu over land dispute in Anapu
The Pastoral Land on Xingu (Xingu-CPT) takes on the 6th Anniversary of the assassination of Sister Dorothy Stang as a reason to be stated in a press release on injustices and land conflicts in Anapu . PlattformBeloMonte brings extracts.
Statement of Pastoral Land Xingu
are particularly serious, the illegal timber felling unauthorized logging companies in the settlement projects on Sustainable Development (PDS) "Esperança" in Anapu. attempted with the support
The Rural Workers' Union (STTR) from Anapu, FETAGRI of Altamira and the mayor of Anapu in recent years that the Sister Dorothy Stang Launched national housing project for Sustainable Development (PDS) in the settlement of "Esperança" to bring down. A total of 20 settlers to the PDS project were introduced, which were not complying with the rules and allowed the land allocated to them the Holzplünderungen. As the protests and complaints of the settlers had remained unheard, they locked on 10 January 2011, the access road from PDS Esperança. PlattformBeloMonte reported it:
with roadblocks against illegal timber trade in Anapu
On 18 January came, finally, the Superintendent of INCRA settlement authority, Cleide Souza, in the PDS Esperança, in order to inform on-site. Cleide saw not only the settlers who were living illegally in the project, but full and illegal clear-cutting and trucks with logs.
agreed Given these conditions it required a public hearing by the settlers with the Competent Authority of the National Peasant. After negotiations with the local INCRA authority were inconclusive and the settlers feared that the mastermind behind the wood plunder their act would continue with impunity: Luiz Sena, former president of the STTR and current Chairman of the Municipal Council, Manoel, president of STTR, Ms Jacqueline Secretary (except legal) Cooperative within the PDS; Josildo, Vice President of STTR and a member of another club within the PDS - all with the full support of the mayor of Anapu and president of the Municipal Association of Belo Monte, Francisco de Assis, known as "Chiquinho the PT.
The settlers demanded by the public hearing was held on 25 January 2011 in the "Cultural Dorothy Stang" of the Catholic Church in Anapu in the presence of the National Agricultural Ombudsman judge Gercino (OAN), instead of representatives of the Special Secretariat of the Republic for Human Rights, the settlement agency INCRA, federal prosecutors, federal police and state security forces.
All participants heard how at the beginning of the meeting Josildo Luis Sena and their supporters insentivierten - call "Father and sisters out!". It recalled the trial of Jesus, the Romans asked the people: Who do you want to have free, Jesus or Barabbas?
Joselino Luis Sena and accused Pe. Amaro and the Pastoral Land worst again because they had uncovered the illegal timber trade. "A priest is not to interfere in such matters. He has no right to bring lawsuits, "said Luis Sena.
Mayor Francisco de Assis, formerly an advocate of sustainable development in the region has, by reason of his political funding changed the timber merchant in the pages and see the small farmers now restrictions on the economy. He was at the request of the timber merchant, the dismissal of the regional IBAMA representative who was trying to fiscalization of the timber trade and had seized seven truck loads of illegal timber. Their owner was the deputy mayor and landlords Delio Fernandez, who had met in 2005 in the murder of Dorothy Stang involved backers Tato and Bida and grant them shelter in his plantation.
It is gratifying that machinations of this group to Josildo, Luis Sena, Manoel Francisco de Assis and the mayor revealed at the hearing and the Pastoral Land sowie den Siedlern of Recht und ihre zugesprochen Forderungen erfüllt würden. 20 Die Siedler eingeschleusten würden und entlang der unverzüglich abgeholt Zufahrtsstraße würden Kontrollposten errichtet.
"Gott hört den Schrei seines Volkes im Kampf un dist gegenwärtig Arbeiter der Gerechtigkeit a" (vgl. Ex 3.7)
Kommission der Landpastoral Xingu / Anapu
Movement Xingu Forever Alive
Commission for Justice and Peace CNBB II North Regional
Prelature of Xingu, Motion Women
Bewegung von der Staudämmen betroffenen MAB
Via Campesina, MPA, Conlutas
Amerika21, 14/02/2011
Landkonflikte in Amazonien verschärfen sich
Auch die Nationalkoordination der eine Stellungnahme ab gab CPT: CPT-
02/11/2011 PUBLIC NOTE - Six years after the murder of Sister Dorothy Stang conflicts continue
Courier Brazil, 21.1 .2011
presence of police and government officials reduces the tension in Pará Anapu
A heavy police presence and the news that representatives of the federal government, including the national agricultural ombudsman, Gercino da Silva Filho, visit the town of Anapu ( PA) next Tuesday (25), eased the tension between rural workers settled in the Project Hope of Sustainable Development, loggers and a group of workers against what classified as a hardship environment.
YouTube-Videos auf Englisch über die Versammlung in Anapu am 01.25.2011
Fight Against Illegal Logging in Anapu - report
- Sister Jane
- Fabio
- Promoter
- Gercino
- Chiquinho
- Father Amaro
- Cleide
- Manoel
- Materia Report Edi
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