International protests against Belo Monte worry Brazilian
German wave, 19.02.2011
Repercussão internacional de Belo Monte preocupa governo brasileiro
prosecutor points out the irregularities and questioned the feasibility of hydroelectric power, which is viewed with suspicion abroad. Since the Brazilian government maintains that the work has to come out and say that the local community supports the project.
Staatsanwaltschaft Die auf und zeigt Unregelmäßigkeiten bezweifelt die des Rentabilität Wasserkraftwerks Belo Monte, worüber berichtet wird auch im Ausland. Dagegen behauptet Brasilianische die Regierung, dass muss kommen of Kraftwerk und Unterstützung durch die auf verweist Lokale Bevölkerung.
Die Regierung ist Brasilianische über die zu internationalen Solidaritätsbekundungen besorgt Belo Monte. Angesichts der Kritik am Staudamm of lud Energy Research Company (EPE), a division of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, foreign media representatives to a press conference to inform about the power plant project.
currently run ten Gerichtsverfahrung against Belo Monte, with the government of irregularities in the awarding of the environmental license and disregard for the rights of traditional and indigenous communities provided throw. Moreover, viability of the project is called into question both the cost of construction and the energy efficiency considerations.
answered then addressed Mauricio Tolmasquim, president of EPE, the Deutsche Welle: "Belo Monte is the result of participation by local civil society" and refers to a series of meetings, workshops, forums, meeting with indigenous groups, local families and public hearings. "Brazil is a democratic country where the discussion is important. But it also faces a decision can be made. After consultation with all stakeholders, the project was amended accordingly and now corresponds to the will of the people," said Tolmasquim.
But the movement "Xingu Vivo para Sempre" contradicts this view. "This is just another attempt by the government to make the people to believe that this is about a participatory, democratic and transparent project is about. In reality it is an attempt to brainwash those people who do not fully understand and do not follow the debate about Belo Monte. But the effects are catastrophic, "countered Renata Pinheiro Soares, one of the coordinators of the movement.
also former environment secretary of São Paulo , Jose Goldemberg, provides the current contradiction between environmental protection and large development projects." Acted in Belo Monte, the Government to 'hell-bent' to allow more power plants in the Amazon. On the other hand, the environmental movement is ready for compromise and insists on their 'no' to Belo Monte. "The fact is that the government plans to another five power plants in protected areas Rio Tapajós are already very advanced. There is a total area of 1,980 square kilometers are flooded to win 10,500 MW electricity.
"Xingu Vivo" brings together over 250 organizations and social movements and environmentalists in the region, the Rio Xingu proposed hydroelectric Belo Monte catastrophic decline because of its environmental and social impacts.
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