Lemurian reactivation meditation
why I asked you to me to receive feedback regarding your participation to make the coming 11/11/11 meditation is very easy for me to the wonderful Network, which was created by our simple intention and love, and Gaia is mounted, it can also look at the physical level.
Thank you very much for all the replies that poured in from all over the world.
the link below you can find the detailed meditation, which will take place at this very special day. The energy reaching our planet will be very intense. This universal love wave with the pure healing power of creation can be a tremendous help. Us may be most helpful, what we are all willing to obtain. Imagine that what you will manifest in your personal life, as well as on a planetary scale and you will get all the help in order to bring it closer to your new reality. This intense love of universal power is even doubled when your heart with one of the most sacred energy centers of the earth, in our case, the great pyramid connects. Our meditation there will influence the direction of the incoming energy in beautiful high degree. Connect The more hearts with this love-filled flow, the more confident they can move around the entire planet.
The awakening of long dormant Lemurian vibration, bringing back the holy flames to the physical, healing, transforming, loving force: these are some of the divine Goals we will achieve together today. These ancient tools can be very helpful in this process to win back his own personal mastery and Gaia to assist in their advancement. We are creating the next level of our Lemurian light network around our planet. The rainbow-crystalline sphere gets her next level, to support our work as humanity. Thank you so much for so much openness, wisdom and love-filled intention.
From bottom of my heart all love
Lemurian Meditation reactivation
Great Pyramid, Egypt - 11 / 11 / 09
German translation: Lucia
Many thanks to all who have felt about your heart with the next lemurainischen reactivation ceremony to connect remotely. All who unite with us in this meditation to create a network. There is no need to physically be on site to complete the task, the activation of this long dormant Lemurian vibration to conduct. The execution will be the same after the summer solstice. The ceremony will begin on this special day on 11 November at 7:00 clock. If you feel you have to be with us, then it is best, as you connect with us at 7.00 clock of your local time. This will strengthen the foundation of the rainbow crystal plane, a special network of Lemurian light to the entire planet.
A huge amount of light will reach our atmosphere that day. The divine effect "can be doubled, if we prepare ourselves and our planet in this wave. Again, any personal (own) method can enhance this process.
The method of this coming reactivation will be simple and strong. The key words are divine Balance and equilibrium. We will work with the seven sacred rays, which are now in their retreat centers intended for them and the sacred center of the Divine Feminine in the 5th Are dimensionless. We will continue all these flames, female aspects to activate in our dimension. These flames are created in the near future, the Lemurian power line, a rainbow-crystal-plane around our beloved planet. The end of "spheres of work" with the end of the world's Lemurian reactivation ceremonies, forceful methods, the healed divine feminine to bring back to the surface and thus the long-awaited divine balance.
Egypt will be the place where we focus directly on the bright white flame of the ascension. With our active participation, the power of this beam reactivated a wonderful bright white net, 2 as the Level of our rainbow sphere stretch around the planet. (The first level is the emerald green healing flame enabled in Montserrat during the summer solstice 2009.) The White Flame is one of the most powerful tools that prepared us for the dimensional shift. All Seven Sacred Flames have a special vibration wisdom to help us get closer to our divine purpose on a personal and planetary level.
This reactivation is the cleaning process intensify and accelerate the necessary arrangements in our own areas, as well as the planetary events. Significant changes are at the gate of our consciousness. This worldwide ceremony could be a big boost to our new standby. All of this will unfold just by the intention of the participants (physical presence as well as remote connection through the heart) to reactivate and help certain Lemurian Erinnerungskodes for each individual and the planet itself.
Lemuria is much more than a vanished long ago period of human history. She is living proof in our own cells, are encoded in our DNA, as we were and how we will be able to live on this planet in divine unity with ALL, with love and light. From level to level, step by step help all the Lemurian reactivation ceremonies could discover our own divinity and to connect us and the planet by our resurgence of ancient / future consciousness with the heart of the universe again. The reactivation of the white flame adds the next level to the next level this Erinnerungskodes and add to our soon completed rainbow-crystal-sphere Gaia.
Here are the details of meditation: As we practiced in Teotihuacan and Montserrat, we connect with our hearts with the Great Central Sun crystal, below, in the center of the earth, by slow, conscious breathing. If this connection through breathing and sending our love is made, we send our light and our love of the great central sun. These conscious reconnects you are going to be in a position to where ever you wanted to be. You are invited to the Sacred Center of the Divine Feminine in the 5th Dimension to come. Connects you and feel the unique energy of this place. It is a sacred fire in the very center. There is a rainbow fire. All Seven Sacred Flames can is seen and felt be. Connects your heart with the sacred flame through conscious breathing and send all your love. Feels like their special vibrations with your hearts begin to dance. Feel her joy and ease. Invite the unique, empowering energies of these flames in your hearts. Very deep but smooth breathing is advisable. If your heart is full, you can return to the center of your body. And now begins the next stage of meditation. You brought a lot of these special power from the Holy Center in your heart. While we activate the powerful emanations of the Seven Holy Falmmen to the surface, appears a huge flame of the Seven Rays.
Our love and willingness to bring to the surface and they are starting in the heart of the Great Pyramid to shine. You see the flames feels it, while their female forces now precious stream in the Great Pyramid. Send your love and light to those huge flames in the near future that takes the size of the entire pyramid. Visualize the same rainbow flame that you saw in the holy city center and is now located on the surface. Look at her, sending her your love and visualized as it is increasingly through your intention. This is the most powerful visualization to the Great Pyramid itself to this long-dormant flames and female the Holy Center of the Divine Feminine from the 5th connecting dimension.
Finally, escape with your intention and love, from this huge rainbow flame of a special continuous symbol. See like this rainbow symbol deeply in one direction moved into the heart of Gaia and the other way up into the heart of the Great Crystal Sun. This sacred movement, this holy infinite power is growing through your heart and connects your body with your divine self. Your heart is the center of this vast ancient formation. Feel the sensation in your heart, as this sacred power to you simultaneously with the heart of the planet and the heart of the Great Crystal Sun connects. You can perceive the pulsation in your hearts. The Divine Feminine Element is awakened by the invocation of this holy symbol. The rainbow flame, restored by the Divine Feminine Divine balance now represents reactivated. Feel the power of this holy invocation. Feel the infinite tranformierenden, empowering effect in your own heart. Feels this same invocations in the heart of Gaia.
There is one last step in the reactivation ceremony. This is the place and time, the cleaning power of a particular flame to reactivate completely - the rise of the bright white light. In the center of this holy There is a flame, the white to be fully activated to grow in the middle against the sky, to connect the heart of the planet with the heart of the universe. Feel the healing power of this Free Call Stuff. See with your own eyes, through your heart, as this Sacred White flame stretched toward the sky and is geared to the Great Central Sun. This huge flame forms a corridor, enabling that can happen on this special day an enormous amount of universal light in our atmosphere.
This universal energy reaching our planet from certain sacred areas. One is the Great Pyramid. At this stage, we are the ones that are allowed, the movements of the energies that arrive here to influence. First, we draw the fiber to form a huge bright white sphere, the next Lemurian plane around the planet. When this sphere is completed, we can bring his energy and light in our own hearts. Our hearts are connected to this vast, cleansing white sphere that for every single living being on this planet, the planet was created and even beyond. It is for the entire universe is a powerful, vibrant place.
Breathe deeply. Brings these holy, cleansing, preparatory energy in your own body, while sends you the same breath your love and help them to increase associated with the powerful intention and love energy of all those who participate with you in this planetary event as best as possible and to make visible. If the sphere is completed, the flame may at any time and any re-connected to. The reactivation of this particular flame, and therefore the ceremony is over.
With a few deep breaths at the end, you go back to your body. Open your eyes and feel the sensation in your heart of everything we have just created together. Keep this vibration throughout the day in your hearts. Sends the entire Day your love to the bright white flame of ascent.
The Great Pyramid is a very special place for meetings. His unique divine vibration can double or triple the effect of all our intentions and. The incoming special-purpose light has the same unique quality. Special vibration patterns are arriving m the heart of the pyramid. Our pure intention can be the greatest support to guide them through the Lemurian vibration power line to our entire planet, to all hearts, and areas that need it most. This flame can be combined with the effect of the incoming 11:11 energies universal support you in great way manifest on a physical level, anything that brings you closer to your long-awaited personal mastery.
Let us on 11 November meeting in our hearts. Those that have the feeling it in your own meditation or distributed in groups around the world to do, have the same important roles as those who are physically present:
authorizing this energy
very important Wiederverbingung and opening up. We will participate together in the same Lemurainischen reactivation ceremony. Each heart counts. Your enthusiasm and light is very much appreciated and thanked.
During this very important Lemurian Event, we all meet in our hearts.
heartfelt thanks and sincere love for all our UNIT
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