Adama and Arcturians
The Arcturians, October 2009
Mt Fuji and the Inner Earth
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The concept of the development of Mt Fuji and the Inner Earth is actually there with the energies of the 12th Crystal RELATED. The reloading of the 12th Ethereal crystal will be completed in November 2009 in Sierra Bocaina in the rain forest of Brazil. With the completion this work there will be a new holographic earth energy. We call this new energy is a dialectical energy field.
A dialectical energy field in our definition of Arcturian spiritual technology is an energy field that is caused by interactions of the sacred patterns that are similar to what you have seen as the tree of life in the ancient mystical Kabbalah. This is a sacred energy patterns that causes an energy field, which transcends all individual corridors, which themselves are the same. Actually, this is what they do to cause this dialectical field of energy that is greater than the whole and across borders. You have this in your teaching in other intellectual matters is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Take each item and adds them together. The sum and the sum of the energy is great as all that is added up. It is a gathering of all this energy that causes the dialectical energy.
How this relates dialectical energy of Mt Fuji? First, we want the effect of downloading of the 12th Ethereal crystal explain. A Dialectical energy field will be created after the 12th Crystal has been downloaded. This will occur when the Earth, it helps to step into a powerful new direction with the Stargate. This means that There will be a major energy-down charge and a very large star-gate alignment.
This has an effect on the Mt Fuji, because it has a key role. The Fuji holds one of the ethereal crystals. This means that you now have the ability to code in the inner earth in the Mt Fuji with downloading this 12th unlock crystal and the dialectical energy field strength, which is caused interactively.
What can I tell you on this earth in the interior of Mt Fuji? First, it is very well protected, it is extremely protected and there are many ceremonies and rituals, many of which would be necessary if those who treat these essential Hold energy, would allow people to enter it. Now, as the orientation with the stargate and the dialectical energy field of the 12 essential crystals, a new energy field is created by light. This new light is an energy field of spiritual energy that can open the entrance way to the inner cities in the interior of Earth in the Mt Fuji. On the other hand, the Ancients have been waiting for this time on energy. To There are many ancient cities in the interior of the Earth, which interact with each other and the earth and need. They want to interact with the Earth, because they give so much of the earth. Their understanding and their wish to work with their energy in a sense means that they received their calling. You received them and they will vote with their energy and also with the need, the energies of the old leaders and teachers bring forth the inner Earth at Mt Fuji.
There is the inner earth in Mt Shasta and of course there are the inner earth in Mt Fuji. This inner world in Mt Fuji is a truly ancient inner earth that awaits the energy of the stars and star seeds. It expects the energy of the dialectical energy field from Arcturian tree of life, which is activated on Earth.
The entrance and the corridor of Mt Fuji interdimensional is an ancient corridor. The Ancients want to come out of its inner city and share with you their light, their ideas, their energy and their healing abilities. You have a great knowledge of earth-healing. You have great knowledge about how to work with the biosphere. You have great knowledge of how to work with the earth patterns and earth energies, especially now that it seems that the Earth's energy comes from the control, while we enter into 2010. This earth-shifts will appear as if they were out of control as we enter 2010th The shifts will force a new entity on the planet. The shifts demonstrate polarizations, because the human race now lack the ability to address the blockages in the meridians of the earth . Deal The inner Earth civilization, especially in the Mt Fuji, has great ancient power and ancient knowledge to work by the meridians of the earth around it.
The greatest power for the access to bio-relativity and core-correlation of the energy field of the Earth with the Central Sun is located in the inner earth.
find what you are when you go to Mt Fuji, is that you meet the most ancient spiritual, as they come out of their corridor. They are still protected and that protection of their being, they will not invite you into their realm at first. There are specially protected places for the Inner-Earth spirituality in the Mt Fuji area. This away from the general public and away from the tourists. You'd have a little hiking to get to that higher realm. They are known as the Land of MU. They are truly galactic interdimensional beings. I would stress. People think of the Inner Earth beings who make just worry about the inner earth world. Inner Earth beings, especially those who are in Mt Fuji and Mt Shasta higher intergalactic beings. They bring together interdimensionality with the core of the Earth and other planetary central nuclei. The Inner Earth Beings on Mt Fuji are called the people of MU. Their leader is YOKO. That's the name he will use when it comes to you.
ADAMA is the great teacher in inner-earth in Mt Shasta. Adama also visited the land of MU. You should understand that Adama is in communication with the land of MU in the Mt Fuji area. This inner earth civilizations are interactive with each other.
China is in the same position in that there are some significant interior earth centers. Just like the Inner Earth Beings on Mt Fuji, have the Chinese Inner Earth Beings great fear that their access will be broken. You still are precautionary. There will be openings in the Chinese territories. Access to those areas has been guarded by the Taoist priests. The Taoist priest who studied with the masters of the galactic inner Earth. Many of the famous moves and famous Taoist exercises that you did on TV as Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung exercises were seen in these inner-earth galactic masters in China. These exercises were brought interdimensional, because these exercises and these types of movements essential movements. To enable essential energy of the 3rd Dimension beyond. Even if you do it on the 3rd Dimension is to combine the energies of the movements with the five-dimensional energy fields.
I believe you will find large openings in China. Many inner-earth sites in China have been abandoned temple sites. They know that there are special Times, as these appear in the interior of Ancient civilization.
I would also say that there are female Inner-Earth-masters in the Mt Fuji. It is not just men. I said, Yoko, the male leaders in the inner earth on Mt Fuji. There is also a great female champion, known as Athena, in the land of MU. It is Arcturian origin and she has great Arcturian compounds. Our Arcturian starship is also known as Athena. Athena is a powerful teacher and leader. You must teach a lot. It represents a feminine energy of master-ship (rulership). New energy sources are necessary for the earth and the biosphere to bring into alignment. New mental techniques are necessary to bring the feedback loop in alignment to create a continuous and consistent Biossphäre. These energies and orientations must be introduced and presented by the female light. She has taken the name Athena, because it is their connection to Arcturian Starseed.
Correction: I have rulership in "lord-ship"
~ However does reign
The inner cities of the light in Mt Shasta and now in the Mt Fuji, their doors for the dialectical energy field open, which by the downloading of the 12th Ethereal crystal is caused. This will send an electrical charge through the Earth and Inner Earth, so that there be a unity of consciousness between the inner earth, the earth itself, the 5D Earth and the Central Sun.
This is the time in which the inner-Earth people must be welcomed. This is the time when their knowledge and technology should be appreciated, because they understand the world in ways that you now begin to understand. You have the mental techniques that are now coming to earth. The people on the earth will be ready to shoot, to finally understand that the interior and the exterior must come into line.
May the light and the blessing of the land of Mu, the Inner Earth and Mt Fuji fill your energy field with light. These areas combine already telepathically. They are happy to share telepathic, especially the powerful women of the Inner Earth and Mt Fuji, Athena. Actually, Atena, instead of Athena. In the Inner Earth, they say the "h" is not enough. Atena would be the correct pronunciation. It is yet another sound, you can use to her. AAAATEEENNaaaaaaaa
What now is the greatest gift of the Inner Earth? It is to amplify the energy of the female presence as a master and the teachings of the earth. The Earth is a female spirit. It is Mother Earth. Therefore needs there is a mother to understand. It also needs a woman's mind as Atena. We will work with all the star seeds, as we move into this increased the transition period.
This is Juliano. Good day!
Greetings, I AM ADAMA, keeper of the light from the inner Earth at the portal of Mt Shasta. I've known many people on this planet, and I am now very close to the portal and the ethereal crystal at Mount Shasta. We who inhabit the interior of Earth, we realize that we live in a nice inter-dimensional realm. We understand the connections between the inter-dimensional realms with the 3rd Dimension. It is like when you to your dream world thinks, and that their existence in the 4th Reich Dimension in the dream world you. The dream world is a 4th Dimension. This four-dimensional fantasy world based on the 3D world where you live. This means that the buildings, the sky, people, plants and the animals and birds, the 3rd on the Dimension, are also on the 4th Dimension appear in the dream world. The dream world is connected to your reality.
interdimensional The Inner Earth is like the Shangri-La of the planet. The planet Earth was once the Garden of Eden. The planet Earth once had a beautiful five-dimensional planetary City of Light, which was described metaphorically as the Garden of Eden. In this garden there was always light-5D. It were many who lived in the garden, not only Adam and Eve. There were many people.
ADAMA My name comes from the core name of ADAM, who lived in the Garden of Eden. Because of the duality and polarization, and also because of the interference of other beings, the energy of the Garden of Eden from the surface of the earth was removed. You have to understand that energy is not removed from the earth, but it was removed from the surface of the earth. That energy of the Garden of Eden is still held in the inner earth, and in the Mt Fuji in the inner earth on Mt Shasta. That energy of the Garden of Eden is now in the inner world. The interior of Earth has experienced tremendous growth. If you read about the Garden of Eden, could you think of a very primitive place ~ ~ beautiful but primitive. Can you imagine the development that has taken place in the inner earth? The Garden of Eden has gone into high spiritual and scientific technology. We can get higher beings from all the major civilizations of the Inner Earth. In Mt Fuji, there have been many ancient masters who have gone down mentally in our beautiful city.
I have visited the inner city of MU, the land of MU in the Mt Fuji. It is a beautiful city. It is a city that has huge communications with Galactic cities in the universe. The Planetary cities of light begin communication with the sister-cities in the galaxy. The inner cities and the planetary interior cities such as Mt Fuji, are already in communication with other like-minded like inner cities in our galaxy. You see that there is a big connection between the Stargate and the inner cities of Mt Fuji. These inner cities to receive higher technical knowledge that is available when you can communicate anywhere in the galaxy.
You'll find it really, if it of the essence in the Mt Fuji is working with great love for the earth. You will find that are Atena Yoko and other true planetary healers that they love the earth and have the true desire their healing light and her healing knowledge to share with you.
It can be said that the country is the inner MU as Shangri-La. It is an advanced garden of Eden. It is so wonderful that people recognize that the energy from the Garden of Eden is still kept intact at the Mt Fuji.
I AM ADAMA. Blessings!
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