Friday, February 13, 2009

Tiffany Towers Movie Texas Towers



is striking, of course, to the outsider that is confessed in Orthodox churches often. This is rooted in the tradition. In contrast, sits in the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.

already The apostle Paul wrote: "Well, brethren, stand fast and keep to the traditions which ye have received orally or by letter from us." (2 Thessalonians 15).

When the equipment began in rows of chairs can probably say no one exactly, but it is clear from old pictures, that in the churches of the first millennium were no rows of chairs, like the still in the majority of the Orthodox churches of the case.
for the sick, weak, old people, pregnant women and small children are in every church, but also provide chairs or benches.

Basically you stand before God in prayer (by this posture Confession of the truth of faith, an expression of reverence for the Master, the Creator, the Almighty) that, as the exclamation points in the Divine Liturgy: ! "Rise up" sits
You just during the readings, also, for what as in the Psalm readings of the term "Kathisma" (that is something where you sit) indicates.

the biblical understanding is now standing in the prayer of the physical expression of the awe of the creature in front of the Blessed majesty of his Creator, before which even the angels are. For the Lower
faces the Higher! Thus Abraham stands before God, during these talks to him, knowing that he is but dust and ashes.
The outer attitude brings not only the inner attitude of bodily expression, but it also affects them directly back. is thus clear that the prayer gestures are very useful to the body makes representational see what is going on in the mind,

E s Regulations is also constantly touching this topic:
as the canon of the first Ecumenical Council:

20th Since there are always people on the Lord's Day and during the days between Passover Pentecost and offer their prayers, kneeling, we want unity in all the churches, we prescribe that the prayers are offered by all STANDING . (C. XC of the 6th;. C.XV of Peter)

Thus one finds in the New Testament some passages relating to it, but also in the OT.
Our Lord himself calls his disciples to stand in prayer .

Lk 22, 46 - " is on and pray" (or "standing on pray")

Mk 11, 25 - "And when it is and pray (or if you there in prayer is "or" Standing pray "according to the translation)

Jer. 26.2 " alternate up in the atrium of the House of Yahweh".

Luke 1.19 "The angel replied," I am Gabriel, who stands before God , and I was sent to talk with you and to bring you this good news.

Ps 133:1 "Behold, now bless the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, their is in the house of the Lord, in the courtyards of the house of our God.

Ps 23.3 "Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord, and who can stand in his holy place?"

Gen 18.27 "Abraham answered and said, I've now done once, to speak to my Lord, I who am dust and ashes.
Gen 18.22: "The men turned away from there and went on to Sodom. But Abraham was still before the Lord.

but warns against, as in Mt 6.5 as its hypocrites, "they pray like it when they stand in the synagogues and street corners to which they shine before men (or" so that people notice ") .

but also found in the patriarchs (eg Abba Arsenios) is evidence of the practice of prayer to be .

1.Ökumenischen The council decided in canon 20 very clearly that on the day of the Lord "the prayers before the Lord standing to do " are ("decrees of the ecumenical councils' edited by Josef Wohlmuth," Conciliorum Oecumenicorum decreta ", edited by Giuseppe Alberigo Others," Volume 1 - Councils.. of the first millennium "; 2.durchgesehene edition 1998, Ferdinand Schöningh).


is basically not kneel on Sundays because this is the day of resurrection (ie from Saturday night Sunday night). It has been the first Ecumenical Council (325 in Nicea) was decided. The Western (Roman Catholic.) Practice deviates from them, as so often before, from. On Sunday, the "Day of the Lord" we look forward to His resurrection, while the knees (as in the orthodox practice * * you just never taken on his knees, but we fall down before God - with the face down) expression of repentance is.

But if I feel the need to fall down before the Lord, I will therefore send out but no one Smile
is at home but it also allows on Sunday.

But these canons are based on conditions other than those of today. The Christians of earlier times were no "Sunday Visitors", but lived the faith under This week in the churches. For her penance was announced during the week as the day of resurrection was a feast every time. We "a once-a-week-Christian" (if it comes up) happen to live in another time and another world. For us, the whole church life often takes compressed on Sundays and public holidays (eg, some communities can only celebrate a liturgy once a month) - including the confession. In addition, yes, the liturgy fails to be a non-repentance character. The Christian always does fine, even in the moment of greatest spiritual joy he thinks of his unworthiness.


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