Monday, September 15, 2008

Watch Anime Kite Director's Cut

GOLDEN FIELDS - Adama of Telos


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Adama of Telos
By Evelyn Kuemmerle

September 11 2008-09-13

Just as the sun
A bud to open flower
Can you love yourself,
love each other and this planet
in the golden fields


Eve, love, get back to?

Yes, Adama, I think I'm finally making the preparation of your downloads for a new embassy with you. I'm sorry that I have you wait so long! The

you need not be sorry. I know that you had to free you from time pressure of deadlines, of things that "had become erlediget. That's ok, we value this in any way I am angry about it. I comment that out only with a smile from my heart and tell you you are good at escaping.

Thank you for your understanding.

You're welcome. Can we start?


Hi, I'm back too. Do you remember me yet? Here is your friend Adama of Telos, how about another go with a "session on the cosmic sofa?"
How are you, dear? (Brief pause while Adama is with you on a direct and deep loving gaze of his bright blue eyes) combines


And how are you really? (Smiles) I should perhaps point out that the question "how are you You "can not be answered by one second to another. In general - are you? Will you live or are you - together with heaven and earth - in the deepest sense of the word? And how are you here?

I beg you to go for a while in silence and simply nachzufühlen, how you are and I will keep the energy for you so that you can just let go of everything and answer my question. And I will love you with flooding - and with compassion, from the Sacred Heart of Lemuria space and your cosmic family. Welcome home, dear.


I am with you and connected with what you feel. I notice how your thoughts circle and circle around this crazy scenario around, which makes up your life on the surface. There is always a high and low, a left and right, things unfold differently than you thought it, it is play and drama and confusion. The only exit from work by centering in your heart.

your loved one, almost all of you strive to be perfect. And thus it imposes on you immense pressure. You do not have to be perfect. You are human beings. Even if you believe, here in Telos would be perfect, so this is NOT. We too are human beings. Ultimately, it's all about love. The more you succeed, your focus direct it to love, the greater the manifestation of perfection in your life are expressed.

In the northern hemisphere it goes against the autumn. Some of you may not the autumn, for he shall appear as a process of dying. Why do you regard this as sad? There is no death, there is only transformation. I've told you before, and now I tell you this again.

You see, we here in Telos, and in the inner earth - we have no autumn, with us it is always spring and summer. And when fall comes, we go out often, take a trip out of our mountain to enjoy the colors of red and gold, which nature make it look like a fireworks display of quiet celebration. See how sunlight transforms a single yellow leaf - it is transformed into gold. If you have children around you, then look on that you would get off their mind control "Game Boys" and shows them the golden nature. Gold has a very high vibration, a healing vibration. Tell them of the large seasonal cycle and its importance - and the fact that mother earth is under their feet, which nourishes all her children. Autumn is the season of harvest, the season of golden fields. It means the maturity of the breath of life, the fruits that emerge from the buds, the direction of the sunlight in the flowers of Fertility have been loved.

I will not bring too much poetry now (smile) - it is just that - when I talk about nature, I am really paints in these pictures in it and then the poetry of words from these scenes.

So, you find yourself so in the season of golden fields and the year goes by quickly. And I hear your questions - "? Adama where we stand"


Do you remember my message yes' Time to say goodbye? "? I hope you have as your time used to make your farewells. You've finally had a bit more time than expected - and is good. Some of you have had painful partings and some have them still. In most cases, this leave-a kind of "white space" have created a free space where new things can manifest themselves. And - new things will manifest.
Give me the sun rose pride

Look, if you have a bucket that is filled with old stuff - how will you get into it more? The bucket would remain overflowing with all these new things, old things are already in it would - all have some rotten stuff - and the new things in the bucket is no place . See So the only solution to getting rid of the old content in it to empty the bucket and clean up so that it can be refilled.

Where is it? You stand straight to the point where the bucket is emptied. Get ready, folks, for accessible transformation on all levels.
If things are stuck, then there must be a first step to her again set in motion. This movement results in a further move to another place. This is a cosmic law. You want to not really put continued for the next era in this mess to stay, right? So now when you see that manifest large movements, then jumping on and riding on the wave of energy. Who makes the first move? If you're not, there will be somebody else.

The movements have already begun. Open eyes can see. The momentum is increasing, the large tide rushes in.. It will take everything that is not sustainable - both on the internal level and on the outside. For you that means a big HEAD UP AND LET STAND BE LIABLE TO LIGHTS.

Let the sun shine in! Allows the light inside you love in the golden fields that love there in front of you. Humanity must rediscover the love and the lost connection to Mother Earth. This is the great To get back to your roots - target. You find yourself at a point where you have the chance to manifest a ride in the fields of gold.

If we need to take a look at the thousands of rules and instructions for use, we realize that you have the nose full of what some describe as spiritual. We recommend that you focus only on love and decisions from your heart only to take out. You need no great palaces with hundreds of rooms to impress. A path is only useful when it is appropriate for you passage. All you need is your sacred heart space.
You do not need more guidance. You need just love. In the life of expression of each one of you could come a time where you have to act out of your intuition and you will then no written instructions to hand, only love out to you. Maybe I am repeating myself now, but some things can not be said often enough. As long as you read the lines in a book only, they remain theoretical. Only that which then converts it into action can make a real difference.

used at this point is often someone from the audience and readers yawning at me and says: Adama, you are always talking about love. Have you ever somehow able to talk about something else?

And, are you?

(Adama raises his eyebrows, giving his face an expression of deliberate earnestness, which looks at the same time funny and says a short and focused) No. (He smiles broadly and laughs).

love is and remains the major key. No matter how many shortcuts you try to take the love around - it will not work. The big "Back to the roots" without love will have no future. This great need to penetrate all levels in all areas and certainly all your relationships. Just look at the partners in your relationships. Look at the many misunderstandings and problems. These manifest themselves because It is a generally been validated attitude that business facts and dates and topics in the field are much more important than love and emotion and the soul essence of the partners.
May I ask that you imagine a relationship as a living entity. Living beings have to be fed, or they die. A love relationship needs food, so they can stay healthy and grow. Let me give you an example of a young wife who has even calculated how much time she and her husband spend together really - only he and she it with full attention and without children. If one assumes that one weeks represents 100% of the initial time, she came to the conclusion that the common time amounts to less than 2%. Are you shocked? When they married, they dreamed of a life spent together, in which the partners care for each other and are there for each other - with time for "soul diving" to go, as she calls it.
Beloved, 2% time together in a marriage means that the essence of the love affair starving to death. This is not sustainable. You see, the theme of relationships on this planet - this is a never ending story. You go to therapists and listen to a lot of how to improve relations, but most of the instructions to separate the head from the heart. The solution is quite simple. Love and time to nurture each other at a soul level to deal with each other, deep in the heart - that's it. Makes love to a priority! Always.

And even when cruising in their shadows and the valley of tears must, the road takes you to the gold fields. The date on which it arrives there will be the first day of your true life.

The Golden fields reflect their luster in the NOW to give you a taste - if you allow him to taste you. This is the harvest time of your life - from all your life cycles on earth.

course, you reap what you have previously planted. You will not have made Karottensaat Pumpkin harvest. Or you will say: Well, that's kind of funny. Was there a mess in Saatpäckchen? I thought I had planted a pumpkin, but here it looks like a carrot. Or is that a new pumpkin breeding? (Laughs)

Well, who knows. Eve once had a funny dream about potatoes and the Christ consciousness. Eve, I may ask you to insert the story here?

Are you sure?

I find them very unique (smiles).

Ok, here it is:
Some time ago I had a dream in which Esu Sananda was one of the main characters. It felt a bit like looking back in time before 2000 years ago, I seemed to be the observer of a scene. The scenario was a kind of camp where Jesus and his disciples camped and then something strange. Esu left the camp after sunset in order - as it seemed - to fulfill a mission. He went around carrying a sack of potatoes with him, which he began to put into the ground. This work of planting was something "secret" in itself. And you think about time - it was almost NIGHT! He said he wished that the people should ultimately cultivate these potatoes, because right now they would refuse. He said these potatoes are never planted voluntarily, so I'll do that now times in secret.
When I woke up, I thought: My goodness, how ridiculous. Jesus went around 2000 years ago and planted potatoes. What is that supposed to mean again now? Later I had
question the idea of Esu directly to it. So I asked, Esu, has what it with the potatoes about?

He laughed heartily and said: Be embraced, here is Esu. I am glad that you are so good to remember that dream. You're right with your perception that it is not concerned here with real potatoes that I planted in the name of Christ. The potato is a plant that bears fruit through their roots. They are simply places into the ground and even if the plant seems to die on the floor, you get a rich Harvest, if you dig in the soil after her. The potato is - in the event of your dreams - a symbol of the teachings of Christ, which can also survive in the soil - and can carry much fruit, even if at first glance does not look like it - as a seed. The dream revealed to you in the bottom of the seed, the code that has been set as the seed in the heart of man lay in the ground - there, where I had set my foot. And now the time for harvest has come. Sure, these 2,000 years is a long growing season have been, but the harvest will be such that it will lift the whole planet with those of mankind who are willing to stay. You gave me helped to anchor the seed.

missing it not for what?

Only my comment.

Would you mind, the dranzuhängen yet?

I said this: We turn here so 2000 years old potatoes. Suddenly they are everywhere and you can enjoy it in many forms .... sure some people will be really excited when she - cool - Christ-fries, fried potatoes Christ or Christ can get potato cakes - for every taste. Class, is not it?

I agree! A brilliant solution for a generation of consumers! (Smiles) Our beloved Sananda is always good for an exceptional solution. So go out and plant your gardens, your cultivated potatoes so that they may nourish you from now until eternity! If you feel you when you create your golden fields needs help, then please do not hesitate to contact our garden experts from Telos, who love to share their expertise with you. Soon you will
in your churches celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany, this fixed sooner than in the United States in early October. If you then that is before you to offer up a few gifts, do not forget the potatoes.
your loved ones, you had a pleasant time with me? Will you promise me LOVE involved in your relationships?
What? I hear someone here say "I do not have relationships?" Have you yet. And even if you sit as a hermit on a mountaintop or in a cave would you had a relationship - with yourself! And you're there, where everything must take its beginning.

I hope that my words in your hearts to keep a presence - in particular, what is to come. With deep love for all our family members and friends - thank you that you have joined you to me. I wish you a wonderful time

I am Adama
Tribute to Eva Cassidy "Fields of Gold "

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