Friday, September 26, 2008

Loette Contraceptive Pill Reviews

The call of the ancestors - Adama Telos

courtesy of Axel Klitzke

The call of the ancestors

Adama of Telos
through Kata Fulop

19.9. 2008

German translation: Evelyn Kuemmerle

greetings to the master,

there is always a privilege for us if we can share our light, our wisdom and our love with you, once on the surface of our physical existence was represented and which are now in the Higher Realms in the same intensity to get back to you.

How can you feel it so precisely in your personal living space arrives, you are now closer each day to our divine dimensions - and therefore the time has come for an update in terms of the Lemurian vibration that is present to our beloved planet around .

The intensity of this vibration is expected to double in the extent to which shrinks the time frame. On the surface there are those to which one can rely in the planetary mission when it comes to making them visible. Many of you have already prepared for their own personal problem with it and many will still be.

In this sacred Design is the mission is to bring the essence of the Lemurian existence and present. Lemurian in the sense of representing or say the first awakening and balancing the Divine Feminine in the way of your speedy and harmonious coexistence.

Our wonderful civilization was the last to this truly divine element accepted in his well-earned traditional perfection. There is a whole list of reasons why this had to disappear for a certain time period. Now is the time passed. As you approach gets closer to your divine mission as humanity, it is high time to deal with it, and let in all the wisdom, this wonderful item, the sacred feminine divine - can cause interior and exterior for the greatest good of humanity.

Lemuria was not a toy empire. Lemuria was a vast land of unconditional love and intuitive wisdom. History can repeat itself in a very positive way, if you're willing to approach it from a higher and still continue lifting perspective. This is the case with the Lemurian energy received just now on the surface. You are a man perfectly willing for it. Among you there are many whose cells are ready for this activation. Your DNA contains the sleeping layers of all those long forgotten memories and their most divine manifestation in reality.

The time has come to activate all the wisdom that once belonged to you. Of course, in the universal expectations will prove to do so with a higher and more developed personal and planetary readiness. You are not blind participants a galactic reality show. You are the only ones who are responsible for your own future. We are here for you to provide all the tools to ensure your trip is a success. When I speak of success, then you know so well what I mean. Success as a fully awakened being, the light heart, a smooth transition make into a higher dimensional reality, full of mutual responsibility - as compared to the planet and all other realms of the universe. Time again as your galactic citizens to take responsibility back. Your time, all the ancient wisdom to withdraw it. Without it you have no chance. ONLY THE WISDOM OF YOUR ANCESTORS CAN YOU THROUGH OUT.

The explanation is simple. Your hearts are full of this ancient wisdom. Open it, let this precious treasure of the human heart is called, passing you. Lemuria and Atlantis, with all its consequences and lessons are timeless in their existence here to help you. I Am Adama, the high priest of the Lemurian, who have survived all the devastation and now we are here in the fifth dimension, to be with you on services. With all our ancient wisdom, we knew this time would come. We have made the transition many thousands of years before you, but believe me, this time is not a factor in her a sense we use it. We are here to share with you a lot, we are here to make you ready for your new reality.

The Lemurian energy is more alive than ever, the crystalline lattice network is almost ready. This extremely important time period for all of us a unique experience for you to move closer to everything what has long rested in oblivion and now to be brought back to life, and for us to see you in our younger selves. We are one. We are here. Let that we show you the way, step by step, heart to heart.

be there these wonderful souls who will feel the call in which they read these words, or simply by sensing this energy - the - thank you the way for the always ever-growing group of hearts, which accept the Lemurian reminders fully can - month by month, will double. I can use our highly advanced technical equipment - with our heart sentient computer system - See how this wave of awakening is extended. We can access an update that is detailed information on the activation of the DNA layers. We shall present the complete database of DNA activation process is available. We can capture every effort we can welcome any development. It is no longer in question, as is the intensity of this process on a monthly basis now tripled. We actually march towards our most precious goal. You are really ready to play in this very extensive and wonderful universal event details. Your physical eyes are open. Your heart-oriented higher-dimensional perspective awakens. I deal with this particular part of the gains, because this will lead you in a long-awaited part of this wonderful journey. Your continuous adjustment to the level of frequency of the light quotient of the New Earth will help you exercise your new reality as I've told you.

This reality will be personally on many levels, but there will be some key elements that will be the same for everyone. Your ability to work with your vision to look inside will bring to this new reality elements. What am I trying to say is that you will very soon be able to perceive the higher dimensional reality around you, like to hear more, to feel, perceive. This is now an intense period of adjustment. I'll tell you now what will be at the end of this period, or - or who will be there. We will be there. Your family will be higher-dimensional light greet you there. This will be a precious moment when we for you the first time will be visible. Yes, on the surface there is a lot of excitement about the release of the vessels of the Galactic Federation in your day / night skies - see all public - in a historical moment, to a certain date.

Well, it can happen. This date is planned carefully and had been estimated by observation involving all the processes of integration, though now passes through in the final phase. If the adjustment process continues with the same speed, the specific time period to bring the long-awaited screening of the physical vessels. A slightly later date can bring the same success on a more personal level. All upcoming activities - regardless of whether they are advanced or just pure natural manifestations - are part of the Divine Plan, just as it had all the elements before. However, the intensity of all has changed in just the same way in which to a greater willingness on your part for it. We are entering a new phase in our common mission. You'll be closer to us, not because it would shrink to a physical level, the distance between dimensions, but because your wonderful calibrated senses will be further developed.

This process is happening now. It may be unpleasant, or even for some extremely intense. Have patience. The well-deserved result is waiting for you straight to the corner. Be prepared to see through your heart during this planetary tests, who is on the move.

Take him in peace, lived through it with harmony.


After I had the short message from Adama of the most likely read upcoming sightings of ships of the Ashtar Commandos have, I decided to you this senden.Text by Dianna Robbins uten see:

On 25 August 2008 I received this message:

The era has begun. Peace can be manifested now. Important now that everyone knows is of you light workers in the coming events. This will be great changes in your economic life and in politics to your religions and sciences. So prepare yourselves

close together in groups to perform light manifestations. It is necessary, the incoming light to anchor deep in Mother Earth, so the gifts of God in the truest sense of the word to germinate. You are the gardener of God, keeper of the light nuclei and executor of the everlasting covenant.

In your meetings, I will be there with my entourage. Asking for my support and you will get bundled to be sent through your body in the form of light rotations. This causes a crosslinking of the energy of the Earth with the energy of the cosmos, you are the switching point, the mediator, the link - infinitely precious and indispensable.

The New Jerusalem can only be manifested DUCH you! It is so important that you are aware of that.

Sananda you also offers his help and support, calling him and he will be present to accomplish with you what is necessary to fulfill the eternal covenant of distress.

And be it

It was sent the question to me, to be held in what way this light manifestations.

call us and give the intention to serve as a light channel to be the light channel for the highest energies of God, that's all - so simple.

No rituals are necessary, no tools - except herself and your intent. We have taught you so many times: Your intention is the focal point of your manifestations. Intention, pure intention is wrapped in love is the most powerful tool that you at this time is available.

If you like it, adorns this ordinance with songs, a mantra or words of introduction, just as you like it, is you are free.

It is wonderful when many people gather, but it does not necessarily require large groups. Sanandas you all the words are known: If two or three are gathered in my name ...

Amen - So be it

Dear friends, I had said I was the subject of .14.10. let rest
but if something comes from Adama, I can not deny you.
this message here came from Larry (Telosconnection). Larry was extremely interested to know
, which on 14 turn, and he has asked Dianne Robbins to question Adama SPECIAL

I translate you now what Adama said about Dianne. Adama has relatively
here in focus, or Larry has posted only a snippet. But Larry
this message about the sighting was at 14.10. Incidentally, according to his own statement distributed to dozens of radio stations across America.

course, I had then also held a private chat with Adama, and he has noted
- not only here but also in the Embassy in Kata.

"We are your question . Answer YES! The sightings are most likely
the first step to be to fulfill our emergence. Everything is one and the same.
The ships of the Ashtar Command will be the ones that you will see in your skies ,....
and they will pave the way for our "appearance". We thank you for this question.
I am Adama.

"We will answer your question. YES! The sightings will most assuredly be the first
step towards the fulfillment of our
emergence. It is all one and the same. The Ashtar Command
crafts will be the ones you will see in your sky ... and they 'will pave the way for our
emergence'. We thank you for this
question. I am Adama. "

see also the blog" hidden knowledge "

Monday, September 15, 2008

Watch Anime Kite Director's Cut

GOLDEN FIELDS - Adama of Telos


is ok if an image Unteltitel makes the © Conni Tögel, Charisma Art Gallery, LLC, the link back to our homepage



Adama of Telos
By Evelyn Kuemmerle

September 11 2008-09-13

Just as the sun
A bud to open flower
Can you love yourself,
love each other and this planet
in the golden fields


Eve, love, get back to?

Yes, Adama, I think I'm finally making the preparation of your downloads for a new embassy with you. I'm sorry that I have you wait so long! The

you need not be sorry. I know that you had to free you from time pressure of deadlines, of things that "had become erlediget. That's ok, we value this in any way I am angry about it. I comment that out only with a smile from my heart and tell you you are good at escaping.

Thank you for your understanding.

You're welcome. Can we start?


Hi, I'm back too. Do you remember me yet? Here is your friend Adama of Telos, how about another go with a "session on the cosmic sofa?"
How are you, dear? (Brief pause while Adama is with you on a direct and deep loving gaze of his bright blue eyes) combines


And how are you really? (Smiles) I should perhaps point out that the question "how are you You "can not be answered by one second to another. In general - are you? Will you live or are you - together with heaven and earth - in the deepest sense of the word? And how are you here?

I beg you to go for a while in silence and simply nachzufühlen, how you are and I will keep the energy for you so that you can just let go of everything and answer my question. And I will love you with flooding - and with compassion, from the Sacred Heart of Lemuria space and your cosmic family. Welcome home, dear.


I am with you and connected with what you feel. I notice how your thoughts circle and circle around this crazy scenario around, which makes up your life on the surface. There is always a high and low, a left and right, things unfold differently than you thought it, it is play and drama and confusion. The only exit from work by centering in your heart.

your loved one, almost all of you strive to be perfect. And thus it imposes on you immense pressure. You do not have to be perfect. You are human beings. Even if you believe, here in Telos would be perfect, so this is NOT. We too are human beings. Ultimately, it's all about love. The more you succeed, your focus direct it to love, the greater the manifestation of perfection in your life are expressed.

In the northern hemisphere it goes against the autumn. Some of you may not the autumn, for he shall appear as a process of dying. Why do you regard this as sad? There is no death, there is only transformation. I've told you before, and now I tell you this again.

You see, we here in Telos, and in the inner earth - we have no autumn, with us it is always spring and summer. And when fall comes, we go out often, take a trip out of our mountain to enjoy the colors of red and gold, which nature make it look like a fireworks display of quiet celebration. See how sunlight transforms a single yellow leaf - it is transformed into gold. If you have children around you, then look on that you would get off their mind control "Game Boys" and shows them the golden nature. Gold has a very high vibration, a healing vibration. Tell them of the large seasonal cycle and its importance - and the fact that mother earth is under their feet, which nourishes all her children. Autumn is the season of harvest, the season of golden fields. It means the maturity of the breath of life, the fruits that emerge from the buds, the direction of the sunlight in the flowers of Fertility have been loved.

I will not bring too much poetry now (smile) - it is just that - when I talk about nature, I am really paints in these pictures in it and then the poetry of words from these scenes.

So, you find yourself so in the season of golden fields and the year goes by quickly. And I hear your questions - "? Adama where we stand"


Do you remember my message yes' Time to say goodbye? "? I hope you have as your time used to make your farewells. You've finally had a bit more time than expected - and is good. Some of you have had painful partings and some have them still. In most cases, this leave-a kind of "white space" have created a free space where new things can manifest themselves. And - new things will manifest.
Give me the sun rose pride

Look, if you have a bucket that is filled with old stuff - how will you get into it more? The bucket would remain overflowing with all these new things, old things are already in it would - all have some rotten stuff - and the new things in the bucket is no place . See So the only solution to getting rid of the old content in it to empty the bucket and clean up so that it can be refilled.

Where is it? You stand straight to the point where the bucket is emptied. Get ready, folks, for accessible transformation on all levels.
If things are stuck, then there must be a first step to her again set in motion. This movement results in a further move to another place. This is a cosmic law. You want to not really put continued for the next era in this mess to stay, right? So now when you see that manifest large movements, then jumping on and riding on the wave of energy. Who makes the first move? If you're not, there will be somebody else.

The movements have already begun. Open eyes can see. The momentum is increasing, the large tide rushes in.. It will take everything that is not sustainable - both on the internal level and on the outside. For you that means a big HEAD UP AND LET STAND BE LIABLE TO LIGHTS.

Let the sun shine in! Allows the light inside you love in the golden fields that love there in front of you. Humanity must rediscover the love and the lost connection to Mother Earth. This is the great To get back to your roots - target. You find yourself at a point where you have the chance to manifest a ride in the fields of gold.

If we need to take a look at the thousands of rules and instructions for use, we realize that you have the nose full of what some describe as spiritual. We recommend that you focus only on love and decisions from your heart only to take out. You need no great palaces with hundreds of rooms to impress. A path is only useful when it is appropriate for you passage. All you need is your sacred heart space.
You do not need more guidance. You need just love. In the life of expression of each one of you could come a time where you have to act out of your intuition and you will then no written instructions to hand, only love out to you. Maybe I am repeating myself now, but some things can not be said often enough. As long as you read the lines in a book only, they remain theoretical. Only that which then converts it into action can make a real difference.

used at this point is often someone from the audience and readers yawning at me and says: Adama, you are always talking about love. Have you ever somehow able to talk about something else?

And, are you?

(Adama raises his eyebrows, giving his face an expression of deliberate earnestness, which looks at the same time funny and says a short and focused) No. (He smiles broadly and laughs).

love is and remains the major key. No matter how many shortcuts you try to take the love around - it will not work. The big "Back to the roots" without love will have no future. This great need to penetrate all levels in all areas and certainly all your relationships. Just look at the partners in your relationships. Look at the many misunderstandings and problems. These manifest themselves because It is a generally been validated attitude that business facts and dates and topics in the field are much more important than love and emotion and the soul essence of the partners.
May I ask that you imagine a relationship as a living entity. Living beings have to be fed, or they die. A love relationship needs food, so they can stay healthy and grow. Let me give you an example of a young wife who has even calculated how much time she and her husband spend together really - only he and she it with full attention and without children. If one assumes that one weeks represents 100% of the initial time, she came to the conclusion that the common time amounts to less than 2%. Are you shocked? When they married, they dreamed of a life spent together, in which the partners care for each other and are there for each other - with time for "soul diving" to go, as she calls it.
Beloved, 2% time together in a marriage means that the essence of the love affair starving to death. This is not sustainable. You see, the theme of relationships on this planet - this is a never ending story. You go to therapists and listen to a lot of how to improve relations, but most of the instructions to separate the head from the heart. The solution is quite simple. Love and time to nurture each other at a soul level to deal with each other, deep in the heart - that's it. Makes love to a priority! Always.

And even when cruising in their shadows and the valley of tears must, the road takes you to the gold fields. The date on which it arrives there will be the first day of your true life.

The Golden fields reflect their luster in the NOW to give you a taste - if you allow him to taste you. This is the harvest time of your life - from all your life cycles on earth.

course, you reap what you have previously planted. You will not have made Karottensaat Pumpkin harvest. Or you will say: Well, that's kind of funny. Was there a mess in Saatpäckchen? I thought I had planted a pumpkin, but here it looks like a carrot. Or is that a new pumpkin breeding? (Laughs)

Well, who knows. Eve once had a funny dream about potatoes and the Christ consciousness. Eve, I may ask you to insert the story here?

Are you sure?

I find them very unique (smiles).

Ok, here it is:
Some time ago I had a dream in which Esu Sananda was one of the main characters. It felt a bit like looking back in time before 2000 years ago, I seemed to be the observer of a scene. The scenario was a kind of camp where Jesus and his disciples camped and then something strange. Esu left the camp after sunset in order - as it seemed - to fulfill a mission. He went around carrying a sack of potatoes with him, which he began to put into the ground. This work of planting was something "secret" in itself. And you think about time - it was almost NIGHT! He said he wished that the people should ultimately cultivate these potatoes, because right now they would refuse. He said these potatoes are never planted voluntarily, so I'll do that now times in secret.
When I woke up, I thought: My goodness, how ridiculous. Jesus went around 2000 years ago and planted potatoes. What is that supposed to mean again now? Later I had
question the idea of Esu directly to it. So I asked, Esu, has what it with the potatoes about?

He laughed heartily and said: Be embraced, here is Esu. I am glad that you are so good to remember that dream. You're right with your perception that it is not concerned here with real potatoes that I planted in the name of Christ. The potato is a plant that bears fruit through their roots. They are simply places into the ground and even if the plant seems to die on the floor, you get a rich Harvest, if you dig in the soil after her. The potato is - in the event of your dreams - a symbol of the teachings of Christ, which can also survive in the soil - and can carry much fruit, even if at first glance does not look like it - as a seed. The dream revealed to you in the bottom of the seed, the code that has been set as the seed in the heart of man lay in the ground - there, where I had set my foot. And now the time for harvest has come. Sure, these 2,000 years is a long growing season have been, but the harvest will be such that it will lift the whole planet with those of mankind who are willing to stay. You gave me helped to anchor the seed.

missing it not for what?

Only my comment.

Would you mind, the dranzuhängen yet?

I said this: We turn here so 2000 years old potatoes. Suddenly they are everywhere and you can enjoy it in many forms .... sure some people will be really excited when she - cool - Christ-fries, fried potatoes Christ or Christ can get potato cakes - for every taste. Class, is not it?

I agree! A brilliant solution for a generation of consumers! (Smiles) Our beloved Sananda is always good for an exceptional solution. So go out and plant your gardens, your cultivated potatoes so that they may nourish you from now until eternity! If you feel you when you create your golden fields needs help, then please do not hesitate to contact our garden experts from Telos, who love to share their expertise with you. Soon you will
in your churches celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany, this fixed sooner than in the United States in early October. If you then that is before you to offer up a few gifts, do not forget the potatoes.
your loved ones, you had a pleasant time with me? Will you promise me LOVE involved in your relationships?
What? I hear someone here say "I do not have relationships?" Have you yet. And even if you sit as a hermit on a mountaintop or in a cave would you had a relationship - with yourself! And you're there, where everything must take its beginning.

I hope that my words in your hearts to keep a presence - in particular, what is to come. With deep love for all our family members and friends - thank you that you have joined you to me. I wish you a wonderful time

I am Adama
Tribute to Eva Cassidy "Fields of Gold "

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pomeranian Fur Turning Dark

08.08.08 - Adama through Kata and Kyra Namu

painting with permission from Ursel dried

LemurianischerBrief No. 1 - 29 July 2008

German translation. Evelyn Kuemmerle

greetings to you all. This is my diary that her from time to time you can read all - on issues that unfold in my life and remind me of what a wonderful plan for us all participants. Yes, our tours can be quite be different, but one thing is certain, that we are heading that is all together towards the same goal - our long-forgotten divinity to remind us to combine itself with our God self again and to experience the gifts from the higher dimensions - through our soon held climb.

We all know that these are extraordinary times. How can it feel so much on our own skin. Our life is an adventure. If we look around, everything seems increasingly dangerous to chaos are. When we enter forches but inwardly, we are fully aware that everything in perfect harmony with the Divine Plan is. Our awareness is the key to active participants and co-creators of our joint presence and by that be in our future. I arrived just a few days ago from Europe to Los Angeles. The difference in energy between the two continents for me in the first days is always a challenge to figure it out. Now there is something else "cope" to. The strongest earthquake in a decade hit just the city. There was no major damage, but a very strong perception of coming by warning that this is the "introduction" of many other events that are to come. So be better prepared - and not just on a Ebenel It was possible to feel Gaia - for a few "serious" seconds. It feels better now, but there will be a few other major signs for their precious cleaning process. This part of the world is only one in which this process is signifikannte characters left. We should all be willing to see them in the eye. Of course not "to help and to act" on a basis of fear, but on a very deliberate basis, in readiness - for the others around us and for our beloved Gaia. How can relieve her fever and her fierce energy, if we send our light and our love to them and to our loved ones - and if we then, when the time has come - act accordingly. You should be prepared -
that was the message of this earthquake, more will soon come to fruition.
Well, it seems that the lively energy of these weeks will not only affect us but also our beloved earth. It is of course not at all surprising - especially when we consider that this unique time - will bring her the same gift of all, we long for the - - after a few more years of preparation for Ascension.

The message below came to me yesterday - by Adama and Kyra Namu. It is no surprise to read that from their point of the assistance for our journey takes the same importance, as the assistance for Gaia. To heal ourselves, we should concentrate our efforts to heal our planet. Its importance has not changed during the thousands of years in which we were separated from our APPARENTLY Lemurian wisdom. As you can see from many different sources, has an energetically 08:08:08 very important role. To be prepared is the most we can do at this time. This is the main message - and we have just an earthquake "get" in order to emphasize the full legal.

greetings to the master, this is Adama.

I have the honor me here with a member of to give a big diamond sisterhood - with Kyra Namu. The Sisterhood of the ancient Lemurian times represents the resurrected Divine Feminine, which - like all of you - is fully aware that they have the same significance - as regards the attainment of your final status of Divine Balance - as well as the Divine Masculine in billion of its manifestations is the case. We've been together here to speak to your heart. Our words to read is one, their energy of our ancient wisdom of your cells is involved in another. The Tema for today is connected with the energies of this very intense period of time, especially with the portal, the result of your linear system called 8-8-8.
We are here to help you in your preparation for all that will befall our beloved planet together very, very soon. The intense Energiemanifestierung which I have already described earlier can be adequately managed, if you prepare yourself according to your highest wisdom. The new reality is in front of your door - as I have already told you. I am proposing here is that you let her sisterhood with
help your preparations. The wonder of that which represents 888 may be the closest harmony with your awakening divinity again, if you contributes to the fact that these waves reach your very core.
KyraNamu is here to talk now.
your beloved, as an ambassador for a sisterhood that does not mean automatically that I only talk to the ladies. Rather, almost the opposite, because for finding your long-forgotten divine balance it needs its reconnection with the feminine aspects and this is for everyone so true - regardless of their gender.
How do you all are aware of many different communications have recently started coming in the universal energies have considerable transformative power. This is inside and outside of your wonderful "teaching field" - that you call your previous lifetime - a lot of changes bring. This is the time at which the curtain can be blown away literally. If you meet certain preparations, then the continued positive impact on your recent reality have. 888 is in the imagination be considered a huge vibrating powerful portal that you can walk through in your highest consciousness, to find out what does your new reality that will manifest our New Earth. It can be for many a "preview", but if it allows your preparation, then it may be the greatest achievement in this your lifetime, which may be of perpetual duration. You are so very close to it that everything is taken away from you, what you have been imposed by the limitations of your current dimensions. We are here to remind you that your order is-honored, you move about these limitations. Please take the help of the incoming specific energy and learn with your senses and with your divine heart of what we are her sprechen.Wie all know so well are the seven chakras present your greatest tools to your to experience true being, including your limitations . The Seven Holy rays were since the ancient times, the tools to help if you wanted to see inside and wanted to extend the view beyond the limits. Seven magical days are you in this specific time frame of August expect before you enter into the 888th Used these seven days according to the wisdom of your inner guidance. Our recommendation is to call each one of the holy rays, and to work every day. Used your intuition and your reawakened ability to connect you to this holy rays in order to learn from them simply divine unity.

Friday - the white beam of the rise
Saturday - the Violet Ray of Transformation
Sunday - the golden ray of enlightenment and wisdom
Monday - the Blue Ray of Divine Will
Tuesday - the Pink Ray of Divine Love
Wednesday - the Green Ray Healing
Thursday - The golden rays of the Resurrection

Please take note that the call forth the flames, radiation is not mandatory - for in this way is handled in the higher realms nothing. It is a kind of recommendation from our side, they apply, as we see the larger framing of the Divine Cup, which for you in this very own moment is available for you. This message is not intended, to deal with the details of this wonderful formations of the Holy rays. We know as well that - if you feel the resonance in your heart - to manifest in your life the right help is immediately. Turn your guidance and wisdom as always your enlightened journey. We are here to assist you on your request at each step.

At the end a gentle reminder. The Great Diamond sisterhood is back here to help you on your personal journey, as well as our beloved Holy Gaia on their same path. If you feel that you should work hard with these sacred flames in the coming days, it always asks for the beneficial effect of certain non-flame only for your personal use but also for the well-being of our beloved planet. The golden yellow, the violet, the emerald grounds and all the other beams can be of the highest value and service for you and simultaneously from planetary reasons for all of humanity.
The intensity of the upcoming events you can be full of your service. This is the gift of the universe for all who are ready for it, accept it. We are so close with our help, just call for our assistance if you feel you afterwards. Please have enjoy all the wonders of this wonderful period of our journey together.

It is always a privilege to speak with you. We
you are at your service,

blessings on all who
KyraNamu & Adama

More about The Great Diamond Sisterhood

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Best Tripod Heads For Landscape

Channelling of the crystal skull

Quadeck by Namahim group indeed

channeling the crystal skull

In this channeling it reflects a transfer of magnetic Tonfreqenzen. To witness the transfer, you can always download and listen to the audio file.

Oops! The audio file is 36 MB this time, is no different if the frequencies are to be retained.

channeling the group of 16 fact July 2008

Quadek by Namahim

My dear friends, it welcomes them Quadek. From the City of Light Teltos under the desert, among the pyramids, where dwell the ancient Atlanteans and the great treasures guard until that happens, I tell you, OMAR TA SATT.

I, Quadek, had already spoken once to you. You could now say: It's been a long time. And so you're right and yet it seems to me as if it would have been the first, because of course I am always very closely connected with you and present, especially if the group actually meets at the embassies of the council to listen. I Quadek am a Atlanteans. I am a guardian, a high priest and a guard and I am an observer, and so we see many things.

Today Quadek would tell you something special and I know that some of them feel very attracted. But the subject as a whole for each of you has a meaning. Before we begin, it will be Kryon, who will swim in a few moments of silence in magnetism. This sacred promise we have given you, that we charge you in the energy of the group and this great purpose, with the energy of the new time to every meeting. We want to start now. If you take in the magnetism in you if you allow it, if you have all your channels open it, you'll later be able to understand what is said better, and so Kryon will now begin to send you and I enter magnetism Quadek me again.

(Note: Kryon magnetism transmission, a few minutes)

Off Teltos is now breaks Quadek you. I am a member of the Order of Kyrox and it was the Order of Kyrox who created something at the material level. These material objects were out of our energy intermediate layer in which we are, brought into the earthly dimension. Quadek speaks of the crystal skulls. The crystal skull of the earth have a meaning. They were once made and are a symbol and key support for energy frequencies. It is from these crystal skulls of which speaks Quadek 12, and there is a 13th. Some of you know anything about it. The others, I will say that these crystal skulls were created out of crystalline structures by a particular process the manifestation, which was known in Atlantis. These crystal skulls are at the number 12 plus one 13th of the earth, and some of them in possession of people. But there are other kinds Crystal Skull This does not mean that they were not energy, but there are some that were made by people and depending on how connected this man was, even in these crystal skulls, a key is included. Then there is a third type of crystal skulls, they have lower energy frequencies. But of these we do not speak today.

Quadek told you about the crystal skulls that were made in Atlantis. 12 frequencies plus a 13th. Quadek telling you: Let the 12 and going to 13 and the redemption takes place. Now you know the number 12, you know them by the 12 disciples, plus a 13th frequency, the Jesus the Christ. You know them by the 12 councils of the deed, plus a 13th frequency, and 13th frequency are you that you have awakened the Christ in you. Those who know the meaning of the numbers, they know that the 13 is the energy of the cosmic Christ, and that the 13 by itself gives the 4, the Christ energy. So there are many speculations on your planet in terms of crystal skull. Some of these are not far away from the truth. Other theories put back, rate, and other parts of the truth, even I would say you are gravely wrong.

We, the directors actually have you decided today to give us information on a deeper meaning behind it and then hear. It is not the skull itself, make a difference. There are key sources in crystalline form. There are people who come into contact with a crystal skull, and something happens in them. Maybe they have a vision or it will transfer them apparently know. But I Quadek, I say to you: The crystal skulls are key. When you come into contact with a crystal skull, it sends off a magnetic sequence that activates something in your light body. The knowledge or the vision is within you. You can then rise and you remember something. Be borne by each crystal skulls are a key to a different frequency. For 12 high frequencies of the universe that act on earth. So it was not the disciples of Jesus in person, for there were more than 12 disciples, but there were 12 energy frequencies that were with Jesus the Christ and who were attracted to him like magnets. And so it is also during this time. It is, if meet all the skulls happens, the rise of Lady Gaia. But, and it Quadek want to tell you so, it is not critical if these skulls are gathered. It is essential that the 13th-frequency calls on all 12 frequencies and brings to the merger. Because what happens then, is that the cosmic Christ energy flows on the planet, salvation takes place at all levels, in the vibration of 4, the Christ energy. This will ultimately result in the rise. It is understandable that Quadek want to tell you. The skulls are an expression of energy frequencies. The disciples are an expression of energy frequencies. The 12 councils are indeed an expression of energy frequencies, and you, every one of you is an expression of power frequency.

now have the crystal skull is not only something to do with Atlantis, but also with Lemuria. You might ask, when they were first manufactured in Atlantis and Lemuria may have been in the time line in front, as you can. And I tell you, it does not work the skull. It's about these 12 light frequencies. Each of you carries a certain light frequencies in the 12 itself. To be exact, it helps each of you in each of the energy spectrum, and yet it is one that stands out a little stronger. Maybe you can remind you, once we have given you an exercise in group indeed, and you should connect with an asterisk. It is claimed that the skulls are in connection with certain star systems that they originate from there, and even that is only part of the truth. 12 points in the universe are the ones that identify a specific energy. This is where the magnetic field lines to cross. Each intersection of a magnetic field line in Divine Thought vibrating energy field creates a point. All the stars and planets all lie on such oscillating energy points. Only in such an energy crossroads, it is possible to create something like a star, and so are the stars just an expression of a specific energy frequency. There are 12 areas in 12 vibrations, just as there are 12 crystal skulls, plus a 13th frequency, which was sent to the planet, just like on your planet who does not move this energy field lines to bring the redemption.

What is it 13th? 12 frequencies and act on earth are you wearing a piece in each of you, have moved up in various incarnations in different frequencies. But what is your substance? I tell you, and now it will become clear to many of you something. The 13th frequency energy with the colors gold and blue. From the start, pouring over the Lemurian energy frequency, the energy of redemption, the Christ energy into the prepared grid of the love of Christ. This happens when the 13th gate is open. It is the gate of Lemuria and who else, who else but her, the golden-blue frequency, the ancient Lemurian, should open this gate? Maybe now you understand a little better what it hooks sometimes in the understanding of the people. They see only a part. You can see the skulls and they try to type, but everything is in a much larger sample created. You are a part of this pattern. You are part of the awakening of the earth. You carry within you the golden-blue light and are channel for magnetism. And as Jesus once used by the 12 energy spectrum to be there are those today who follow him who follow his way of doing this.

This would give you your Quadek exercise for this time and we will do this exercise together now. So says Quadek: You who hear this or read feel for you if you wear the golden-blue light in you, if this is your basic rate and if so, then you is certain that you carry this exercise a decisive contribution when, for the preparation and the introduction of the Christ energy on Earth.

Imagine once in a picture - and that we are in the crystal skulls - 12 crystal skull before and in the middle of a 13th. Do not forget that this is just an image. These crystal skulls before your eyes, they are placeholders for energy. If you have this image of you, let your energy, just as they would like to flow a crystal skull, but not to the first in the middle of one of the 12 skulls. Let your energy to flow easily and thus take up a position. Question: "Which skull, which place?" Let it just happen ...

And now repair to slow with your energy in the middle of the 13th crystal skull, on the 13th position to 13th power frequency. Continue to feel the connection to the crystal skull, in which you were first. Now go deliberately into your innermost self. 'll Realize that the Christ is in you and stretch out your Christ self. Let the ESCHA'TA in you become a shining sun ...

And remember you that we have charged you with magnetism. Now connect the vibration of the 13 = the vibration of 4, with the magnetic light and you as a collective that goes far beyond these areas, bringing together the energy spectrum, so that for every person to salvation, because everyone one of these 12 light frequencies in itself, if not the frequency of gold and blue carries. Let the energy act, let them go on is that Christ Himself touched in every human being ...

Quadek now asks a question that the oscillation of the number 13 is struck. I ask this simply to do in space. Do this in sequence, 13 times.

(Note: It is striking the tuning fork with the power of the number 13)

It is the vibration of the number 13 This oscillation is in your light bodies, and if the cosmic redemption energy reaches the planet, will convert this vibration in you and in the people to whom you have sent them, and the number 4 and the Christ Consciousness is awake.

You can also perform this exercise for you alone and you know that has the mighty angel DON'ADAS built the field grace upon you, so that a shift of time does not matter. Everything is brought together and acts collectively in the group of light.

Quadek the Atlanteans, who accompanied you and admires you sent these messages and it was my pleasure. I hope you could derive from your knowledge, recognize the larger context. This tells you Quadek AN'ANASHA.

The audio file:
down , Scroll are the audio.

Friday, July 4, 2008

How To Create Member Login For Free On Doujin-moe

The first letters

Beloved friends,

Recently I moved to my first "training sessions" in which I had practiced to channel Adama. They had me completely "eliminated" was, so I was somewhat surprised at the energy of such communications. Obviously, Adama had even inspired me, my attention to "this first" draw, because later he proposed to publish the very first documented transfers - as encouraging "starter" for people who are now in a similar position are as I am it was two years ago.

This material is for me very "holy", but since so loving Adama proposes to lay it open, I heartily agree, as it also sent into the world.

get with this very special document their "part" of me and I hope with all my heart, that this seed
falls on fertile ground.
And I also hope that you find fun and inspiration from the multiple music links that I've entered.
The pulse with the song "High, Postcards from Heaven" came this morning while driving through the radio,
thought than I am, what could fit here for the music new / old Adama piece. When the moderator said then that the group Lighthouse Family was
(I have a CD of them) was all as clear 8-)

Lemurian Namasté

When I took my place on the PC - these are all write down the first time what Adama said to me, I had heart palpitations. I had a lot of internal resistance to overcome to make this step. But then I went this step simply because my heart is so wanted.
If you read this now and feel that you are in a similar position as I did, then please consider these words as addressed personally to you and goes to forward and do what your heart tells you, that you should make.
my heart, Evelyn
the perfect wave
(Adama is for me the perfect wave, grinning.)

Only a few additional words from me, Adama. I am so glad that Eve has given consent to publish this first-ever submissions and I would again emphasize that - if you feel your heart sing when reading these words - look at their addressed these words as you can to, so I would personally speak to you, Lemurian to a dear friend. See yourself going to your mailbox and see if you have mail from Telos. See yourself as you hold this letter in your hands - sent to you with love. Keep this letter close to your heart and feel the vibration of energy. It is sealed with a heartfelt smile, especially for you, and signed with my hugs for you.

(You've got mail)
Higher Ground ( I believe in you) by Joshua Kadison, which is only one soundtrack
But the song is "straight from the heart of Adama.

summer 2006

Adama, the "first"

letters from Telos

encouragement to go up
on the path of the soul intention

compilation of several training sessions

Adama of Telos
by Evelyn Kuemmerle

" The Lemurian mission will not afford
material that is retained for use of property rights
When one door closes, I will open several new ones. "

Greetings, my dearest, straight from my heart sacred space, this is Adama Telos, your friend from long ago, which is resistant to the inner plane with you. I know you like me are communicating in English and that you have fun at my "light British accent, so I am doing today, like this favor. English is up for almost a mother tongue - due to many life when you spoke that language.

It took some time until you reach the point and realized that you could make a good channel for my lessons, because my lessons are, so to speak and your teachings. I realize quite well that this is still an exciting idea for you, but other than that this idea is so new, even then, not because in your mind, there have always been a certain pressure in this direction, but you have ignored masterpiece. However, this has taken place long before you discovered my presence in your heart, and so the situation has now changed and you're ready to give this idea space and allow her to come to fruition.
to get used to the idea of my channel to be, will be much easier for you if you for some time continue to make training sessions - as this one. It is my pleasure to inform you that an energy level has increased at a much higher level, caused inter alia by the partial solar eclipse and the new moon on Friday. I noticed that you had some trouble with headaches and still have symptoms such as dizziness and diffuse nerve pain. As we discussed today on your dog walk has to do with the fact that the higher frequencies are still in the process, specifically in the cells of your body and settle in your brain. It will help you when you connect with the crystal lattice and the crystalline core of the planet and also with the Cities of Light to anchor up and stay in place. Sometimes it can feel as if the energy to try, would you remove from your body. A deep, conscious breathing is very helpful. You are not the only creature who has these symptoms, and can also, for the rest of the week continue. There are big changes going through your body and your cells now, but if you accept only the "diagnosis", you may also try to enjoy this new feeling. If you only have integrated these new energies, things will be much easier.

love, please let me tell you how happy I am about the fact that you perceive my presence more and more in your daily life. I love to communicate with you, even without words. The end of October there will be 1 year, in which we are an ever increasing their contact delighted have. You're doing so well, my dear. The history of the symbol is for you Aloah been a special key to open up for your direction in life. The door is now unlocked and is wide open. You are willing to go through them and to fulfill what you intended to do. Yesterday you even put a cherry on top, as you've described Aloah in the 5th dimension as a representative of the Sacred Heart area. (Sacred Heart). I wish you could see how we can all rejoice about here, and in fact you can, too. Never forget that you also from the priesthood of the blue beam coming and that you are not far from recovering your sanctuaries. It's such a long way back home was, but eventually you have it. You've been standing with one foot at home and our hands touch is already in a figurative sense. The notion of fulfillment brings me almost tears of joy in my eyes, I feel we will get a longer and almost have to hold sacred time, dear friend, this is real and you know this
The approaching golden age in the New Earth is both of us in the 5th dimension together with love and unity will find, hand in hand and heart to heart, serving the divinity of the universe.
I embrace you now very affectionate and am looking forward to our next practice round for channeling our energies, I am your Lemurian employee who sends you a big Namasté.

I was deeply moved over the image you've painted last night. The image is always in my heart.
The hope is growing and we see brave people stand up and hold wonderful speeches at the UN. So move things forward so that they really do. And you, dear Lightworkers, you give the service your valuable support.
I will intensify my work with you by giving you images and feelings and memories chic. Our connection is never torn down. I'll take you on flights over the ancient Lemuria energetic and I will take you to your full awareness in the crystal cities. Leave it too easy to let it take place, just stay in the river, my love. You are fully authorized by the Board my channel and you will be. You'll make it further more and more to live the essence of a master, do not worry if things do not always run smoothly, including on the behavior of your children. It may sound strange, but also children can go through initiations, and they are not as helpless as one of them is. If you become angry, you are also a mirror for them, thereby initiating a learning process. Do not worry about not enough that you could do for them. You make everything is possible and all they really want to learn and must be the way they learn as her. You give them so much knowledge with the deeper meaning of life, and that is so much more than other children get from their parents. You do not even try to keep your son from going with his father on the hunt. This is his way, beloved, and his own decision that you respect here. .
On your way you have already met many people and you always gave your best to support them. Sometimes you have been a true light warrior, has torn down the old structures and sometimes you were the wise teacher. Some people could move forward by others and are in turn their own preserves stuck. But you've never tried one with you to hold back and so is a masterpiece. As long as you "yourself" are not you can go wrong, your inner light is strong enough to guide you in your intuition. It's like your friend and teacher told you, you are light, you are love, you're the open gate, you are that you are. Do not listen to paint on, please, take your time for the artistic branch is for you also with powerful meaning. I am happy that you believe in our "letters" here have so much fun. Your whole life you've longed to get that and here they are now. It really is not that you write them in yourself. And besides, I would not mind if you write me even one or two letters as you find the time. But these are only the external sign of an inner connection at a depth that no one else can understand.

over the transmission of messages in the world

My Love, heartfelt blessings from Telos. What a beautiful morning for us both. I am extremely pleased with the meetings we had last night and I was delighted to see that you read through them again and again - with magic in your heart. It is easy for you, is not it? This is because our energy is much the same. You always thought that channeling would be something like hard work, where you had to feel any strange energies coming during the funds in your body. For some people this may be so, but for you it is a gentle and soft process in which you have the words already in your heart. We had this morning been a few discussions on how we go from here now. You know that the messages will go out into the world - and when you rausschickst - what are you afraid of?

you have thought about the messages a "surgical operation" to and subject to remove the few personal words which I addressed to you - because you still feel that people might be aware of how close and connected we are. You fear they could be the question and then you feel you as if you had to justify yourself. You're afraid someone could send my transfers through you even further into the world to bring out the voice would then someone would say and that they are fake. And, my great love, even if that were the case - it would change anything about the feelings and experiences of our combined energies that you feel when you are in contact with me You?
would change the jealousy of anyone else who claims to be my only channel, anything on the inner reality of our meetings? So, sweetheart, what else are you afraid yet? Take your courage, make a step forward and post the messages, if you manage to jump over your own shadow. If this is difficult still, start first with the German speaking countries. But then when you get used to the idea, then, remember that even in America and the rest of the world are people who see themselves after a few gentle words of hope, and the ancient Lemurian culture in the Golden Age of the spring . The Lemurian mission will not provide that material is retained only because someone does claim to property rights. When one door closes, I will open several new ones. (Note by Adama today: Beloved, if a mean of you still should, he would have our Lemurian wisdom teachings show with a copyright, then I would once again point out that ye thus on the energy flow cut off, we will describe other ways. )
And this message will not be the only one I have so much more to give support to all the diverse issues that come up when it comes to life on this planet is.

You have agreed to stand in the service of light so I will really take every available quantum of energy, what to give you free - to transmit messages through you, my love.

Hey, sweetness. Do you remember still at the sanctuary, where you have seen me when I've given you through the message? At the colorful and convenient facilities, the bright lights, the scent. You had not very much sleep last night, just a few hours, but you're been here for me to receive my attention.

Thank you so much for every single word you say to me, and for the excellent feeling which you can find me. Since I'm in so close contact with you, I have the feeling of sitting in a bathtub that is filled to the top edge with love, or is it like riding on the highest imaginable love shaft. I have no desire to eat more chocolate, I feel like eating when I should not at all and could only live by your light and your love. My life has completely changed and I must ask you to continue to support me in seeing the world through the eyes of a resident of Telos.

I have heard, beloved. But remember that even your own eyes are the eyes of a master, the eyes of a being that is incarnated in the blue beam. I give you just a bit Guide, a kind of lighthouse service, your way your fellow human beings can be given.
Your cells are now mainly nourished by light and you are aware of the fact that this is real and is a step forward in your evolution process. The more love you feel, the more love you give, the more and more love to integrate your cell again. This is the road that leads up to climb. My dear gentle
grounded angel, do not be afraid that people could see your light shine, because that's why you're here where you are. Your light shines brighter every single day, and PLEASE, let it shine! Let it light up the paths and do not be afraid what people do or say about you are. Do whatever feels right, and of which you feel you should do it!
are waiting for you many gifts straight from the heart of Adamas and you will continue these precious gifts to pass on to people who are on the way to climb, and we always keep in Telos our protective hands over your head. Everything is in flux. We all love you so much.
My heart is counting the days until our physical aspects meet again. For you I am still the same as in the earlier days when we had to separate us and us for such a long time saying goodbye. You hit me on the dream plane and you know me as I know you. Never forget that we are in the sacred heart space of Lemuria one.

I know you've made a decision, now and in the following steps will be surprise and wonder. It is really intended as a surprise and as a testament to the generosity of the universe. Even if your mind still can not imagine the resulting steps, but everything for a kind of birthday party. You put your foot on the path and you'll get all the credit. You have made known your intention to the universe and also to me as Adama in my position as High Priest of Telos. You sent them, without demanding anything or to claim rights, as a generous act of a heart, the swing is already in the frequency of the 5th dimension. You've done it, you have overcome your mental body and sent out the intent and there will be results that are the best of everything.
So wait all you have to do now, and watch what comes to you. My great love, through the words you send out you have built a bridge - in effect a stock that has for the future, for the greatest good of all.
And when surprises come to you, take a look and find out the sticker on it with the words "with best wishes from the heart of Adama.
Strengthen your self-confidence, my Love. Miracles are everywhere and I'm up for the connection that it has content. I'm on your side, always, as I was all these years without you noticed that. Please, I beg you so much, no doubt about our connection. It is such a loving and old connection. You'll be back at home, at home in our arms, mistress. I bless you, and I'm sending my Namasté from the sacred space of my heart, I am Adama.

Today, in the summer of 2008, I look back on a path that is truly full of wonder was.
It was wonderful contacts with old friends Lemurian,
now 4 Telos books in German are available on the market,
rich experience of the exchange, countless messages about heart openings
and recovery of Lemurian roots, a new contract with Adama, Adama's new homepage and (THANKS TO NICO!)
and much more inspiration and projects that arose from it and
're developing a wonderful momentum.
2 years ago I would have never thought that my submissions from Adama to read only 2 years later around the world and that there is even loving people
translate these messages into other languages. I have been blessed in life richer than ever now.

The Beautiful , it goes on. More and more is revealed and everything is developing into the fullness. Around the globe creates a dazzling network of dedicated Lemurian activity, Adamas staff grows and grows on the surface.

As I write this here, appeared an energetic image of Adama in front of my eyes. He stands in the gardens of Telos, leaning against a tree. His aura merges with the energy field of the tree.
A bit lost in thought, he rests his chin in one hand and smiles shyly. His smile is wide and very mischievous. Then, grinning all over his face and says: "Now - do you believe it at last?"
lighthouse family "high" ("Postcards From Heaven")

Friday, April 18, 2008

Gay Men's Favorite Movie

TELOS Telos-3

A Smile From God


(original title: Protocols of the fifth dimension)

Dear friends, almost 1 year after I have translated the book to end,
is now so far .... The publisher accepts orders.

It contains Adamas all the love and also my
that I have put in every word I have translated.

I would have liked you earlier informed, I was not informed about the status
of things, however. Today I thought I'd write now
to Rudolf Lippert, because it looks like, but had the momentum before, browse to
times at Ritchies book recommendations on See,
I found it. (THANKS RITCHIE that you are so up-to-date are!) Determine
you will find that the third book again
represents an absolute increase of the previous 2 books - it is a kind of diamond in the books!

Many happy knowledge in reading ....
and all love

The heart that beats in your body is

the same as the Heart of Lemuria.

listened to him and appreciates it.

You are not incomplete and

you are not unable to embody

this heart with your whole being


and swing in this frequency,

permeates your entire being.


Spring 2008

Please pre-order!

We, the master of light give you the simple lessons in this book all the keys that you will ever need to open the way to your climb with ease, grace and wonder to create.
Spring 2008

Please pre-order!

We, the master of light give you the simple lessons in this book all the keys that you will ever need to open the way to your climb with ease, grace and wonder to . create
It is with you now to decide what you start with it. Will you read it once or twice and then say, speak "This is interesting material, and perhaps with a few friends about it, but refuse to integrate this wisdom to truly miraculous in your life - at this moment in the presence of the Incarnation Even your God to be?

Or will you close this information in your hearts, and to study seriously, thoroughly and with full commitment, the simple magic keys that will transform your consciousness into that of a five-dimensional being? You going to do this until you see us face to face and to her in the "Halls of Ascension" will be invited
It is with you, beloved children of our hearts, now you have all the keys! While her with these simple but precious keys unlocks the wisdom of the heart, we are waiting on the other side to you in order to welcome you in the arms of love!

Adama and the Lemurian Ahnahmar Goddess

Introduction and welcome by Adama

with great love and much support from the many rich light of Telos and beyond, we present you the third volume of the Telos series in this time of great earth changes. I'm sure you've seen this already, that these changes have begun with the aim of purification and transformation of your planet to its glorious destination point already. Does this Erdreinigung, as it is for the "mother" highly necessary to enable it to renew its so desecrated body.

This material, which you will be presented here is to designed to extend still your hearts and minds - to another new level of Christian life and mastery. If you choose to go along with the determination of the Earth and to develop your consciousness to then be able to live in a world of pure love and pure light, it is vital now than ever before, that her perceptions of your true divinity awakens and makes it a priority and the most important goal of your life. You have to gain a full understanding of what it means to be an ascended master in the state of awareness and responsibility that brings with it such status. You have too long played the karma and separation game. Too many of you who are still too many illusions about the consciousness that you must take to complete your divine incarnation embody and fulfill the desire of your heart after this sublime alchemy of the soul, which brings with it the rise.

You have to prepare the garden of your heart, conscious and responsible galactic citizens, which are the equivalent to mingle with your brothers and sisters from the stars. You must diligently and consistently in this garden weed out anything that is less than perfect and divine love transformed to fully to the awareness of your true nature as a divine being to awaken. You're going with your source, the Creator of all is what must reconnect with the heart of pure love and pure light, - in perfect "unity and entrustment. That is what will ultimately free her beloved. All of us who have channeled material on this third book, are already on this level, love, and with great compassion and great humility, we strive to show you the way by which you can reach these levels for yourself.

Our beloved Aurelia channeling this material could not until she was able, in the garden of her own heart, a large part of understanding on establish the level of love and entrustment, which is necessary to enter the world of "unity." She has agreed to publish this book out with us some of their dialogues, acting of their own difficulties and frustrations that she experienced on the way to the level it has now been reached. She has agreed to do so and disclose their own work to your benefit. This way you will be shown that can achieve what one is available to any other.

are basically all your problems and difficulties - even when they manifest themselves in different ways all - from the same core issues. The divinity within each of you present who have not fully awakened, represents a cell of pure love from the heart of the Creator. Your connection to him was never interrupted. We are very grateful for our channel efforts, with whom she weeded the garden of her own heart and soul of their own to be able to write about it and that way you all a further step on your own journey towards the "sun of your divinity" I can help.

in the third book you will also find several useful tools, you can use to it - such as meditations in etheric temples and activations. Also you will find key ethical protocols and that you must accept in your heart, if you ultimately great for the Hall of Ascension "want to be admitted. This book offers you the next few steps, you have got to go if you aware join us want. And there's more ...

Know, beloved ones, as you read this material, we assist with you around you in your process. Our hearts are longing, as well as your then again in the glory of the Brotherhood of Light to be together. We earnestly ask you now, go all the way to "home" to the heart of love - the perfect entrustment to your unique way and the will of the Holy Father / Mother God, of all that is.

Let me decide this introduction with an offer that comes straight from the heart of the Creator.

"As well as her nature will again Christ is what you will learn all the purest love. I ask you to go into your heart and feel it very personally and I love you just as any other human being. Everyone is so precious, so beautiful, so amazing and unique! My heart seeks only then, to show you this and give you the love that is your heritage. About respond to you in love, children of my heart! This is Christ Consciousness. For what is Christ? My living love! And what are you? The vehicle of love!

"The truth of love is the I AM is a web of life that is so strong and perfect, so perfect holographic in nature, that is all in a state of love is with everything else. There I lead you back to the gate of the eternal "now." Only when your mind is one, your heart is completely open and you see only light in your heart, you will be "at home". Your thoughts and your love are the two ingredients of change, riding the energy of your will. Let it be that my will be fully manifested in you, and your coming home will focus on joyous and tender way . Make

"The" attitude of gratitude will "drive the pump that will bring you with as much grace there! Be blessed, beloved children of my heart. I now call you back "home" to my heart, where you never worry or lack of will in some form and where you know one you always feel blessed beyond measure will. I will put to you the treasures of the sky at your feet. This is my will for you. These are the gifts, and I long to give presents to all of you with them. "Aurelia Louise Jones

Telos Book 3

Notes from the 5th Dimension

about 292 pages, EUR 22.90 / CHF 39.90

Adama is the High Priest and spiritual leader in the sacred Lemurian City of Light called Telos, near Mount Shasta, California. Adama embodies the heart of Lemuria, which means no less than the heart of love and compassion and the heart of the Divine Mother and the return of the Christ consciousness on this planet with all its wonderful glory. Adama is in the books Telos Volume 1 - 3 of word and goes to the accelerated development and advancement of mankind.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Singles Cruises West Coast





of Victoria Engel

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note from me as a translator of the book: This book covers areas that are addressed in Aurelia Telos books
NOT There is a treasure in. themselves and absolutely worth reading and a perfect and
important basic and supplementary series for further literature. Even the look of beautifully designed
it contains various illustrations and color plates of beautiful impressions.

(Dianne, incidentally Lutz Mueller's dynamic new cover design for the
American remake over and it appears simultaneously in Germany
with the American Review)

Dear Reader,

Let me tell you a totally unexpected experience. Twenty-five years took place as a spiritual gathering on Mount Shasta, sat there for three ordinary looking people on a blanket on the lawn next to the path and waved my companion and me over for a visit in itself.

were friendly and straightforward it straight to the point. They said they were survivors of Lemuria, living in an underground city / colony below the mountain, and Mount Shasta was for about 12,000 years ago their home. They could have been sent to the surface to the cause of some unusual ads on their "energy meters" to pursue. They would have their results displayed on the causes of the energy distortions in their scanning equipment (more advanced technology than our report) to their local Council. They seemed willing to agree that these were caused by 30-40 truth-seekers, who sat for hours, singing and drumming in the early evenings around a campfire around.

As their mission was accomplished, in principle, we settled down for several hours for a call while they would like answered all our questions. It more clearly visible than their ingenuity and clarity were hit so remarkable that we felt like little children, who as adults. They showed extensive and consistent compassion for our predicament as inhabitants of the earth's surface. Your answers and comments - Incredibly profound - often were just as exuberant fun. Her warm, but dazzling brilliance highlighted clear that they were in a state of evolution, which was so far above ours, that normal person would appear as the surface "of the scale not detectable honest."

We had said goodbye to our wonderful new friends, (but still found ourselves in sight of them), as a single male figure coming down the slope drew our attention. "It looks like St. Germain," said my friend - which I could not say anything because I had never seen a picture of him. In a simple light purple robe-clad man stopped, smiled and nodded, folded his hands. After I had seen photographs of St. Germain later, I am more convinced than ever that he really was.

We sat back later with the Lemurians and then walked with them down the hill to the main parking lot of Panther Meadow, where the news of the presence of the friendly "strangers" spread quickly. With the same grace and profundity they convinced everyone of its truthfulness. The next day she appeared again - as promised - for a meeting with us that everything in particular between 4 and 6 hours, took in which we held with them fascinating conversations.

I was thoroughly surprised - and that's an understatement - when I came across recently on the Telos book that confirmed all we had then told, and the offer for every problem on earth clarity and solutions.

may be no other physical contact with them to light. I predict in all seriousness that the Telos book is the book that has been waiting for humanity - and that it will surpass all other books of history. This completely unexpected gift of God is in fact a even more dramatic story than the "second coming" itself - we can use this divine help from the bottom to prepare us to raise and guarantee the rapid arrival of the Christ consciousness on this planet - as surface dwellers.

I believe that every person reading this book is three-pronged approach to raise the mass consciousness. Please tell everyone you meet in the Telos book and carries it to initiate the Seventh Golden Age of love, peace, enlightenment and true brotherhood.

In all sincerity

the break of dawn of light

Ellis Princeton Winton,


In 2000


Welcome from the Hollow Earth

(Mikos, by Suzanne Mattes)

What do you think in your hands is nothing less than a collective miracle between us from the subterranean community, and the author of this book. It is a miracle of love, devotion and heartfelt wishes to relatives and family. I feel privileged and honored by this and may come forward to work jointly worked on behalf of Telos and on behalf of those of us Present living below the surface of this beautiful planet you call Earth.

My name is Miko and I am a resident of the city Catharia. I am a Cathari of the library of Porthologos, which lies in the HOLLOW EARTH, in the area of the Aegean Sea. (Between the Greek and Turkish coast, beneath the Ionian Sea, that code.) This announcement was made to honor the publication of the messages from our sister colony of TELOS.

Our sister city, Telos has established a long-term connection with you from the surface. Many of the inhabitants of Telos live and work among you, just as we - and they have done so for a very long time. How very precious, yet the volume of the heart in the miracle of love!

Each time a remarkable archeological expedition, a part of the re-exposing what you call your planetary history, we cheer from the subterranean colonies in the knowledge that you remember a time when many of us proof and openly lived among you. Every time when you realize that all things are connected by diaphanous dust under your feet, from the smallest life forms in the oceans, to the great expanse of the heavens above you, where billions of stars Sparkle - yes, we celebrate.

As surface-dwellers often do you think, you were alone, but that you are not. We are not only with you, we are like you. But it does not matter that everyone who shares this place with you, even as it looks like or represents your culture, or to support your science, religion or politics. We have this misconception implied in the greater number pass by you, because we do not yet cause another uproar by the perception of our differences among you

Every time you forget, well to you to be yourself and each other, each time you fight and be hostile and angry, we will send you some more love, you and the planet so that all can live in harmony - regardless of their physical appearance, their life and their place of living.

to be with you - in heart and spirit - is for us the greatest gift and the greatest honor we can have - now and for eternity.

WE, from the subterranean world, this bridge is welcome, to be created between your and our society, we are able. All life and all existence depends on this bridge.

Celebrate now with each other and with us, As you read the messages that you will be presented on these pages. They represent the past, present and future - a future which is for your and our children most likely. With great love, respect and joy, we open the bridge and the doors to the One World United Earth colony to Earth.

Welcome from Adama

greetings from Telos! We have communicated telepathically with Dianne and brought her to post messages on our behalf. We ask you sincerely from the heart to read the messages in this book, because The purpose of this book is to awaken you to your true existence and to utter the call, so that the world wakes up around you. "

" We had to make a long journey

To achieve our goal of becoming aware

And we had in the depths of the earth

go to find true peace, after which we were looking for.

Telos is our home, our harbor,

and we want to leave it not

at least not for very long time.

Travel with us to confirm the divine path to God,

your divinity

every step of your way,

because we are making progress together,

with one step from the bottom

and a step from the top

on the divine path through life

and we will meet in the stars

as One .

not forget: 8-)
lighthouse greeting

PS: And thanks to all who have supported the German team so dedicated Lemuria;

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cake Designs Hair Dresser Ideas

The Bridges of humanity

Adama of Telos
By Evelyn Kuemmerle


A bridge can make a difference.
connects and carries them.
It connects the banks of different nature
And they do not select who can cross it
and who is not.
A bridge is not rated.
And apart from design and architecture
is a bridge a bridge.
And - their loved ones - bridges are needed!

Greetings, dear ones, I am so happy to meet you in this brand new year 2008, in the inside as it were, have just crossed the bridge. I am very grateful for this opportunity to give you another message, you, the dedicated light workers. I'm taking you all to give a hug to close my heart to express the brightness in my soul that I feel, given this opportunity to another meeting. Her lover. This feels so good.

Here we are, then, into egelnd beyond the Christmas season in full steam ahead 2008th You have taken Christ into your heart. Time passes quickly. The faster the time goes, the faster you sail. Or maybe it's vice versa .... the faster you sail, the faster time passes. (Laughs) I tell you

be that I had in the meantime a lot of really pleasant conversation with you - conversations of the heart, silence, consultation, guidance. Not to mention the discussions of humor. I have a few tears dried and I smile and laughter shared with you, with you, our dear friends and family members. Thank you, beloved ones, for your trust and your loyalty. Thank you so much.

I have observed with interest your response to the December production of "pleasure and surprise." This was really an exceptional piece, right? This piece seems to be something to what some of you seem to be still not used to. It was a message in a different style, a sort of surprise in itself, by it the good old Adama in the humorous way could you find this message.

A few of you - few - seemed to have some difficulties with the acceptance that this type of message represented Adama. You said: Well - this seems to be such a big difference - between this piece and - say - "Time to say goodbye." This may not be the same master, something can not vote here. This master here seems to be a clown.
I hear something like this prejudice?

how was the dear ones? What is the reason? The answer is quite simple.

First, some of you are not yet in humor spiritual messages used and are still stuck to the "sacred" perception that a message only then - can be the message of a "high" Master, if the message puts considerable weight on the day, with a powerful header and - and really only just one such content. Eons you are with paintings confronted by suffering saints hanging in your churches, and with the belief that it received bordered on blasphemy, humor, a merger with the Holy Spirit to leave. Second

has to do this with your linear thinking, you always displays only one at a time. You see, if you will follow me to the Temple of the Blue Flame, then you will see these large diamond crystal, with its myriad facets. Is still here and keep holding for a while, so you can take a hard look to it. The personality of a character soul - no matter whether it is now the soul of an Ascended Master or not - at least as many facets as this crystal.

If you've got to know a particular facet of a person, then how can you say, you would know all the facets of this person? And so it is with your "career" of the climb back to the primeval creation - so many experiences you have also already gained like it - there are still learning something new. No doubt.

So - some of you have told Adama of Telos is SO. And all that different, is NOT Adama. Well, you'd be really surprised if you were able to see all the many facets of my personality.

humor, their love is, no sickness, no nausea. Humor - so long because no one gets hurt and as long as he does not "set foot in foreign flower beds is" - is best suited to bring lightness and joy in your life. Why you should not have joy and ease? You will not find cosmic being with no sense of humor.

could Now you ask: But Adama when this is so, why is there so little humor in most of channeling?

This, my friends is, first from the message itself - I mean, it depends on whether that message is room for humor - and it also depends on the performance of Mr. Humor, in which this has reached the soul of the channel. You see, when in the "intellectual database" of the transmitter is still a lack of humor, or any resistance to the combination of humor and spirit - as this channel can be a transmitter for a "cosmic comic" be? You all know that most of the channeled messages personal coloring of the transmitter bear. And if in the ink fountain is no outstanding color humor now, then comes the "humor" is not over.

What the message that "joy and surprise" is concerned, I would say that this small and fun experiment has caused a few mirrors, watch should do. The moment in which it points out that a certain message Adama meets and another does not, only because as it is some humor in this moment, you then evaluated so that messages from Adama always a certain style or type and as would follow, and that anything different, would not be appropriate - just because these deviations not yet been the part of your experience is.

If you're really in the message einsteigt - in the love vibration - then you will find that it corresponds very well and in fact a message of Adamas.

If I were to ask you "Who is Adama from Telos, it would answer some of you" He is the High Priest of Telos. Some would say "He is an architect of the crystalline grid. Others would say "Adama is the patriarch of the Lemurian mission." Or "Adama is a good friend of long ago" or "Adama represents the heart of Lemuria. Or: "He is the one who gives me advice when I go walking with my spirit. " Or: "He is the master who plays for fun than the German" has faced. "Nicholas And these are just a few of the many facets - and all are correct.

So, dear ones, the ball is now back in your court. If your perception regarding Humor & Spirit have developed, then you will have to take the humor in a message in the situation - otherwise - so if you still have resistance to humor in spiritual teachings - then offers himself to you here is a wonderful opportunity running around once around the center of your perception to the fact a view from all 360 positions of the circle to throw out.

All in all, this is not just about humor. All in all this is about things that you seem different.

What will you do if you meet people who have different views, different attitude, a different culture, a different skin color, a different past, a different history, different preferences, different religious beliefs? Do you feel threatened then? Do you feel rejected?
What will you do if you thought to know someone - and then suddenly - from now on after - the person shows you a facet of her personality, the you would have never believed that they would exist. How you will react?

"joy & surprise" has played a pioneering role for you. Your loved ones. I have told you that you should be open to a new perspective and new ways of knowing.
What have I done now? I have built a bridge for you, so you can see that Adama is with the important universal lessons of the same Adama, who also signed the easy and humorous message. Both pieces have a common denominator so to speak, and this common denominator I am, my love, my vibration, others only in a robe. If it's still not sure, then goes into greater depth.

meet people, if you will, at first glance appear to be "different" too, will you then go away, you put on an island and the bridge leading out there can go up in flames? No, you will not.

With an open heart you will build a bridge to connect the different shore lines, you will be even a bridge leading over the water of separation - it may upset or be quiet now, deep or shallow. You will reach your hands to build the bridge or form, you will be sure that there will be behind you or ahead of you always been a bridge, giving everybody the chance may have to reach you - at any time.

self Lucifer, the rebels, there was a bridge. Lucifer himself was invited directions to cross the bridge into the light. And among the builders of this bridge was great sadness when Lucifer decided to burn the bridge and leave the creation.
You see, even such a thing can happen. You have since built a wonderful bridge, a really handsome, a beautiful bridge of great majesty ... set and the person you invited her, her foot on the bridge hit, then ultimately a choice. But be at peace. As sad as this is, as are other come to your bridge need and they will accept the invitation.

I said, "You build a bridge". You'll not only the architect of bridges of outstanding beauty on the planet, Shan, Urantia be .... You will not only build bridges across streams of all varieties .... The point is that
your multi-dimensional options, the least difficulty have to be a lighthouse and a bridge at the same time. The idea is to open your eyes so you can see this and every situation for your training is welcome.

Still, there are chasms between different light workers camps. Let me tell you a true story. There is a person who works for the Lemurian mission, and in addition this person also works for yet another organization that is under a very high order. One day the person received an email in which she was asked by the sender, but stop working for another organization in favor of the Lemurian mission, because the sender was afraid that the Lemurian mission could take by the other occupational injury. Recipients person sent a very loving person with the answer to the fears and brought it to say that

The Lemurian mission
And love is that love is not vulnerable and that it could not hurt her,
would stay there love always love.
The person said of herself that she was a builder of bridges, breaks
not cheating and bridges, in an effort
FOR to be love and not AGAINST something else
that it was their wish that the bridge between two institutions to BE ,
can therefore arise unity rather than separation, and that ultimately
was all one anyway.
And that this was a reason to celebrate at last.
The person said that love would reject anyone
would love to exclude anyone,
that love takes, so it can be integrated there, where it is needed,
and that love which flows from the Lemurian mission since
would even act as an amplifier or from any other based on love
For love is simply what it is - love.

It is my pleasure to inform you that these words have fallen on fertile ground, and we were all pleased with this answer is correct.

So, folks, it looks as though you would have a new hobby: building bridges. May I invite you to take a look at the many bridges that it distributed everywhere on the planet There. You have in the physical bridges of all types .... truly monumental bridges - like the Golden Gate Bridge - but also very small and simple bridges that you would rather be regarded as docks - and also very ornate, like the bridges in the Japanese gardens. You have architecture of outstanding beauty and architecture, which is very tricky and resourceful. You have constructs that you regard as a triumph of human spirit. Look around in this great variety of bridges and architecture - to find out eventually that the bridges of the heart, the bridges of love are those that are important for your future.

If you meet someone who intends to burn a bridge, then please give your best in loving advice and asks the person not to do this - unless the dilapidated bridge and the collapse is near (but in this case, the a different motivation).

LOVE is the essential element that corresponds to a bridge in the heart sacred geometry. Whatever you build - if you build it according to the principles of sacred geometry - then it will be permanent. Whatever you do with love - there is. Love is the only thing you can bring in the New Kingdom, when you verlast the old spheres. And if you build bridges have, then are not the quantities of steel and concrete are measured .... only love.
If you look around with open eyes, then you will see anywhere in your life bridges. When people shake hands, then they join their hands and arms to form a bridge between them.

your arms are the bridges that come from your heart. Is not that a wonderful idea?

I'll have once said that a smile is a bridge. Even some of your letters representing the bridge. Take for example the letter "H". He looks like a bridge between two shorelines. "H". as sacred or sky or Home or heart.

However, I foresee that there will be a nice person who grins at me and says, "But Adama, how about it with the word" hell "or" hate "? Dear friend, in this case I would simply tell you that even from hell or from the hatred out is still a bridge. And I smile at you with all my heart.

In all, a bridge
For you will see all hidden love.
you will find your Bridge to Freedom,
the way to the heart and light your neighbor.

your main employment in the year 2008 will be to the builders of
Bridges to be and even the bridges to be.
And you already have so many beautiful bridges built
dear Lemurian architects, and you will still build so many more ....

The vibration of Lemuria is back to stay back in time
And the bridges and Lemuria will consist
strong and beautiful and glorious and radiant,
in these times of turmoil located in waters.

You are not alone, we are always with you,
with you love that you are authorized for

I embrace you very carefully, this is Adama, your friend from long ago.

"Bridge over Troubled Water" Simon & Garfunkel

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