CIMI asks for Urgent-Mail Action to Belo Monte
Der Indigena Missionsrat begrüßt die Entscheidung des CIMI Bundesrichters Ronald Desterro, die für das Kraftwerk Belo Monte geplanten Bautätigkeiten zu stoppen.
Da werden muss befürchtet, dass die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft (AGU) eine Verfügung mit dieser Aufhebung allen Mitteln versuchen wird, eine Bitteti a CIMI UGent-Mail-Action Bundesrichter an Olindo Menezes , President of the Federal Court of the 1st Region in Brasília. According to Agência Brasil AGU today (1.3.) already raised objections, but their arguments are not explicitly known.
PlattformBeloMonte brings proposed by CIMI in translation and asked for participation in the campaign:
Dear Dr. Olindo Menezes,
federal judge and president of the Federal Court of the 1st Region in Brasilia!
federal judge Ronald Desterro by the Federal Court has held in Belém in the public civil process No. 968-19.2011.4.01.3900 the effectiveness of the installation license number 770/2011 and by IBAMA suspend clearance issued license number 501/2011, and to prohibit transfers of the National Development Bank (BNDES) to the operating consortium Energia Norte SA.
We welcome this wise decision, because once more the fault of the government during the approval process for Belo Monte dam will be obvious.
We turn to you and ask you to defend this decision and to confirm.
Hochachungsvoll - NAME
Please insert the following text copy in the mail and send it to federal judges Dr. Olindo Menezes:
Ao Senhor
Desembargador Federal Olindo Menezes
MD Chairman of the Federal Regional Court of First Region
We note the decision of the Honourable Federal Judge Ronald Desterro, the 9th. Federal Court in Bethlehem under the Public Civil Action 968-19.2011.4.01.3900, which suspended the effectiveness of the installation license 770/2011 and allowing removal of vegetation 501/2011, IBAMA, as well as BNDES decided to refrain from transferring funds to North Energy.
We understand that this decision was wise because it demonstrates once more the errors committed by the administration pública no processo de licenciamento da Usina Hidroelétrica de Belo Monte. Por isso
, VIMOS solicitar a manutenção de tal decisão até o julgamento Thurs mérito da referida ACP.
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