opens the midst of chaos, your heart
midst of chaos opens your heart
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, 21.01.2010, www.eraofpeace. org
translation: Shana,
The Beings of Light in the Realms of the illuminating truth refer to 2010 as the year of manifestation I know that things external symptoms appear confusing and even compelling, but day. by day we are moving forward in the light. please take a few deep breaths and feel your consciousness expansion, to bring in the bigger picture. Happened in the midst of the chaos miracle.
The Beings of Light have revealed to us over the years that very evolved souls have volunteered on Earth to incarnate in areas that reflect the most pain and suffering. The hope was that these souls would have a better chance to wake up quickly. This would create an upward flow of consciousness that is the focus of the human race would raise awareness and to help us awaken to this fact and to resume with the rich content of the illuminating truth.
The painful experiences, which are pushed around the earth to the surface, relate survival times of hatred and violence with one. These distorted patterns are perpetuated by our fear-based human egos over eons of time. Since we are all, every particle of life is brought into mutual relationship, interconnected and interdependent. There is no separation. What affects one aspect of life, has an impact on all life. What does this mean in very practical terms is that the accumulation of negative thoughts of humanity, feelings, words and actions brought to the surface and back need to be transformed into light, if anyone will be ready by us, the shift in the realms of 5D-light to . Make
energy can not be destroyed. It can only be transformed. We can not just say "delete, delete" to free life-time validity of the abuse of power of our egos. We need our past transgressions of the law of Divine love, honoring the life and unity be aware so that we cause the light of God and that serious changes can convert back to its original perfection.
Humanity has caused any human error abominable creation. We did this through the misuse of the precious atom and subatomic particles and waves of energy of our Father-Mother God made us as our life force was given. Through these voluntary elections we had our gift of life and then falsified those harmonic energy in all types of pain and suffering by the abuse of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. To help us in the 5th move dimension with the rest of our solar system, there is now no alternative but that we know the outcome of our failure creations, so we can turn back into light.
The urgency of the moment knowing, issued our Father-Mother God a cosmic decree, which was highly evolved souls permission in the cleansing and healing of the false creations of the engage humanity in an unprecedented way. For the first time ever this selfless sons and daughters of God was given permission to the earth, to incorporate and combine their efforts with the efforts of the children of the earth. They were allowed some of the mass consciousness and the collective karmic obligation of humanity to accept what was wrong created over millions of years. This means that these evolved souls incarnate in areas where the most dense spectrum of pain and suffering in the life of humanity are brought to an end.
These powerful embodied souls willingly in every corner of the world. Many of them brought the victims of the incarnation in the frequencies of the most oppressive darkness on the planet. They knew that the areas in which the human ego inflicted atrocities of humanity today, in the light of God exposed and brought to the surface would, to be healed. Our Father-Mother God and the nature of light believed that these highly evolved souls may go easy on the pain as the children of the earth thousands of years in the pits of despair over these painful situations had been beaten.
If we look at the history of the horrific experiences during the last 100 years, by which mankind has gone, we get a look at the sacrifice of our Sisters and brothers, they have placed in our interest. They supported the children of the earth and took our human error creations to the surface, by voluntarily offering to devastating wars, religious persecution, plague, natural disasters, poverty, hunger, hatred, greed, corruption, violence and rampant abuse of our human ego . learn Through their lives and often their deaths, brought these precious souls of mankind's attention to the rampant false creations that our human ego inflicted this planet.
Some of these selfless souls awakened to realize in time to remember why they are such a painful experience went, but many of them did not. However, they were victorious by the divinely experience for which they volunteered to heal them. Their sacrifice adjusted a lot of collective negativity of humanity and catapulted the children of the earth forward into the light.
The events that take place in Haiti, are a necessary part of the cleanup process. This catastrophic event occurred in Divine time. On 31 December 2009, we experienced one of the most powerful full moon eclipses that we have ever had. The flow of light through this darkness blessed the planet with powerful frequencies of healing and transformation.
We were told by the beings of light, that this light every day and every hour until the new moon solar eclipse on 14-15. January 2010 would be increased. The influx of light from the darkness would authorize all the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and this planet forward into the light Catapult and pave the way for the physical manifestation of the New Earth.
On 12 January 2010 Haiti had one of the worst earthquake they had ever experienced. This tragedy immediately attracted the attention of the world to the most oppressed and needy people in the Western Hemisphere. In the midst of this chaos opened the hearts of mankind and handed out to our sisters and brothers. Our differences were irrelevant, and the oneness of life began in the hearts and minds of the masses of humanity to log in deep ways. The love and compassion that we developed, as we witnessed the grief, and touched the suffering of our brothers and sisters, our hearts, allowing more love and healing light of God to flow into the earth.
The collective consciousness of humanity, the more extensive love and compassion for our less fortunate sisters and brothers, created a chalice of light that nourishes the earth and all her life now. This cup of the collective consciousness of mankind has created an open door that no one can close. The Light of God flowing in. Now, through and around each particle of life on this earth to love. The human race is raised to unprecedented ways in energy, vibration and consciousness.
During the powerful solar eclipse on 14-15. January 2010 took place allowed, open our hearts and deep feelings of love of humanity and compassion a greater influx of love and healing of God when the earth was ever able to receive. The precious soul embodied in Haiti, and those who were there to support this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan to be blessed for the extreme sacrifice in the name of the whole Brought humanity.
The people who left the physical plane, were accompanied in the heavenly kingdom of legions of angels. Those who were left behind, have a long way to go, but the beloved mother Mary shrouded in a cloak any divine comfort and love. Angel of her Royal Court will remain with any person in Haiti to help them with their healing and transformation. Haiti will never be forgotten and the abandoned land that it was in the past. The masses of humanity have been lifted up by this experience, and the oneness of all life is encoded in the consciousness of every man, woman and child in unknown ways. We move
us forward into the light in wave speed. Now is the time that YOU are the power of divine light, which have provided it to be. Is concentrated in the light. Your time is at hand!
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