"The Dreckschleuder ': On the closure of wikileaks.de |
04/12/2009 02:24 PM |
\u0026lt;div class='snap_preview'> \u0026lt; , br /> Wed short email to the DENIC eG due to the blocking of wikileaks \u0026lt;br /> precursor automatically generated response to DENIC. blockquote \u0026lt;/ p> Very Dear Customer, \u0026lt;/ p> your e-mail with the subject: \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> wikileaks has been received and will be processed soon \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;. p> Your e-mail one of us has the ticket ID \u0026lt;br /> Direct Services #: 2009041 ******** get \u0026lt;br />. Please share this with any queries, always the subject of. \u0026lt;/ P> Your DENIC eG \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;/ blockquote> Mon The response of the DENIC-it-is because I am here also be published. \u0026lt;br /> Who also like to ask the questions DENIC to block wikileaks: \u0026lt;/ p> Direct Services \u0026lt;/ p> DENIC \u0026lt;br /> Kaiser 75-77 \u0026lt;br /> 60329 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;/ p> E-mail: info@denic.de \u0026lt;br /> Fon: +49 69 27235-275 \u0026lt;br /> Fax: +49 69 27235-238 \u0026lt;br /> http://www.denic.de \u0026lt;/ p> Posted in website, censorship Tagged: ir, blocking, censorship \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress. com/1.0/gocomments/4topas.wordpress.com/2605 / ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/4topas.wordpress.com / 2605 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godelicious/ 4topas.wordpress.com/2605 / 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress .com/1.0/delicious/4topas.wordpress.com/2605 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gostumble/4topas.wordpress.com/2605/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/stumble/4topas.wordpress.com/ 2605 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godigg/4topas .wordpress.com/2605 / 'target =' _blank ' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/digg/4topas.wordpress.com/2605/' alt = " , "border =" 0 "/> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/goreddit/4topas.wordpress.com/2605/ & # 39; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/reddit/4topas.wordpress .com/2605 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ A> \u0026lt;img src = '& http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=4topas.wordpress.com&blog=781674&post=2605&subd=4topas ; ref = & feed = 1 "alt =" "border =" 0 "/> \u0026lt;/ div> |
Oeffinger Freethinkers: Annotated Finds 12.04.2009, 13.53 clock |
04/12/2009 02:05 PM |
\u0026lt;div style="text-align: justify;"> In Eislingen - Baden-Württemberg, for those who do not know - there was a \u0026lt; , a href = 'http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0, 1518,618643,00 html.' target = '_blank' rel = ' nofollow '> multiple murder \u0026lt;/ a>. Perpetrators probably the 18 year old son who was a member of the gun club. You can bet they soon find out that his first-person shooter and had porn on the computer? And that the detail "gun club" disappears, that has been united all these criminals? \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;A href = 'http://feynsinn.org/?p = deals in 1084 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> Feynsinn \u0026lt;/ a> itself again with the Somali pirates. I can only agree with him. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> In the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wirtschaft/aktuell/1714130_OECD-Bericht risk-conquer-the-Jobs-welt.html ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> FR \u0026lt;/ a> found an article that deals with the increasing spread of risk jobs around the world. Worth reading background material \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.faz.net/s/RubCF3AEB154CE64960822FA5429A182360/Doc 7EE5F35B3003A4A4EF3A582F3044263273D%%% 7EATpl 7EEcommon 7EScontent.html% & # 39; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Weißgarnix \u0026lt;/ a> in the FAZ has a nice, detailed article on Social Market economy in the offer. ! Recommended \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> same source, only this time the blog: \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.weissgarnix.de/?p=1974 # more-1974 & # 39; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Weißgarnix \u0026lt;/ a> annoyed by the actions of the government regulatory madness \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br />. ; In the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.sueddeutsche.de/jobkarriere/841/463449/text/' target = '_blank' rel = ' nofollow '> SZ \u0026lt;/ a> is again a concern for the academic two-class society expressed. Oh well. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;/ Div> \u0026lt;span \u0026lt;img width = '1 'height = '1 'src =' http://res1.blogblog.com/tracker/29845304-6147554373415361563?l=oeffingerfreidenker.blogspot.com'/>\u0026lt;/ div> |
anouphagos: Happy Easter! |
04/12/2009 01:38 PM |
\u0026lt;p> gets Dear Readers, \u0026lt;/ p> over the Easter days off it. As I write anything that you have read it here. Tuesday's next \u0026lt;/ p> |
Radio Utopia: prosperity requires fry |
04/12/2009 01:33 PM |
\u0026lt;p> That the rain forest for the production of meatballs and charcoal to this plan, on it goes, thanks to diligent ; penetrated philosophe kolllektve work into consciousness. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.radio-utopie.de/2009/04/12/ wealth-bound # extended ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;read more / a> |
Radio Utopia: .. now the ground invasion, guys, now the ground invasion |
12/04/2009 01:33 PM |
\u0026lt;em> Somewhere \u0026lt;beyond Africa \u0026lt;/ em> br /> \u0026lt;br /> "Where's the damn script again? \u0026lt;strong> ÖHHHHEEEEJJJ \u0026lt;/ strong> - has anyone seen the Assistant Director? On April 20 the bums come out of the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.bundestag.de/parlament/plenargeschehen/sitzungskalender/bt2009.html' target = '_blank' , rel = 'nofollow'> Holiday \u0026lt;/ a>, there must be ALLL. And we are not even in the port are doomed. At least not officially, harhar. BKA? "\u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br />" Here "\u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> "What's going on?" \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.radio-utopie .de/2009/04/12/..jetzt-die-Bodeninvasion, guys, now-the-ground invasion # extended 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow ' ;> \u0026lt;read more / a> |
edythemighty: Sunday film 25 |
04/12/2009 01:25 PM |
class='snap_preview'> \u0026lt;div \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;a href = 'http : / / www.imdb.com/title/tt0826734/ 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow 'Heil Hitler, the pig is dead! - Under the Swastika Humor \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;span style='text-align:center;display:block;'> \u0026lt;object width='400' height='330' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=3236111786639581970'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='never' /><param name='movie' value='http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=3236111786639581970'/><param name='quality' value='best'/><param name='bgcolor' value='#ffffff' /><param name='scale' value='noScale' /><param name='wmode' value='window'/></object></span><br /> [<a href='http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3236111786639581970' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>direktlink</a>]</p> <p>[via \u0026lt;A href = 'http://blogs.hr-online.de/nightline/2009/04/04/doku-heil-hitler-das-schwein-ist-tot/' target = & # 39; _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> holgi \u0026lt;/ a>] \u0026lt;/ p> Tagged: Heil Hitler, the pig is dead - humor under the swastika, hitller, humor, national socialism, ns , parodie \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234/' target = '_blank' rel = & # 39; nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234/ ' alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godelicious/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234 / 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/delicious/ murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href =' http://feeds.wordpress.com / 1.0/gostumble/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234 / ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/stumble/murdeltas.wordpress.com / 3234 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godigg/ murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234 / 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress .com/1.0/digg/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/goreddit/murdeltas.wordpress.com/3234/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/reddit/murdeltas.wordpress.com/ 3234 / 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;img src =' http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host = blog = 5409885 & murdeltas.wordpress.com & post = 3234 & subd = murdeltas & ref = & feed = 1 ' alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ div> |
Lurusa Gross: And now we really live in China |
12/04/2009 01: 18:00 PM |
\u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;img src = '& http://www.lurusa-gross.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=292&g2_serialNumber=2 # 39; width = '436 'height = '600' /> \u0026lt;/ p> Internet censorship of our German jurisdiction, Article 5 of the Basic Law does not exist and \u0026lt;a href = & # 39; http://principiis-obsta.blogspot.com/2009/04/deutsche-wikileaks-domain-ohne.html 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow ' ;> Wikileaks.de \u0026lt;/ a> just as a thing of the past. So be not the case, there is at \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.radio-utopie.de/2009/04/11/Mahnwache-gegen-Internetsperre-am-17.-April-in Berlin ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> 17 April a vigil \u0026lt;/ a> in Berlin. Please bring your muzzle. ... \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://www.lurusa-gross.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId = 288 & g2_serialNumber = 1 'width = '588' height = '410 '/> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;img src =' http://www.lurusa-gross.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=326&g2_serialNumber=1 ' width = '445 'height = '607' /> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://www.lurusa-gross .com/gallery2/main.php? g2_view = core.DownloadItem & g2_itemId = 350 & g2_serialNumber = 2 'width = '416' height = '597 '/> \u0026lt; / p> In the gallery there are more pictures on democracy and freedom. All of the pirates and royalty-free use. And you should specify no Quelle, do not care. A warning as to the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.mein-parteibuch.com/blog/2009/04/11/domains-von-der-denic-nein-danke/ TrackBack / ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Photos from Wikipedia \u0026lt;/ a> that is not here. Art is for everyone, even if it is thrown out \u0026lt;/ p> |
BooCompany. Germany makes it to China and blocks the Wikileaks domain BOO |
4.12 / 2009 01:02 PM |
The German wikileaks domain was at 9.4. blocked by DENIC. After the publication of a list of Australian censorship wikileaks.de which revealed that in addition to sites containing child pornography and political websites were blocked, it was announced in March a house search at the domain owners. |
12/04/2009 12:37 PM |
\u0026lt;p> sing together now: \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;object width="510" height="344"> \u0026lt;param name = "movie" value = "http://www.youtube.com/v/nySMBojFkw0&hl=de&fs=1"> \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true" > \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;embed src = "http://www.youtube.com/v/nySMBojFkw0&hl=de&fs=1" type = " application / x-shockwave-flash "allowscriptaccess =" always "allowfullscreen =" true "width =" 510 "height =" 344 "> \u0026lt;/ embed> \u0026lt;/ object> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> \u0026lt;/ script> \u0026lt;br /> Send "src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> \u0026lt;/ script> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.pkforum.politischkorrekt.info/viewtopic.php?t=3951' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Comment \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p> |
Duck Home: The Mixa again |
04/12/2009 12:28 PM |
\u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.duckhome.de/tb / archives/1496-Wer-das-Spiel-nicht-spielt, well-to-the-finger-of-the-rules-lassen.html 'target =' _blank 'rel = & # 39; nofollow "> War of the Catholic Church Bishop Walter Mixa \u0026lt;/ a> told again \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.dernewsticker.de/news.php?id=103096' ; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> complete crap \u0026lt;/ a> and because he does it during the Easter Mass, he also mocked his God. At least he seems to be sure that the raises have not flash against the impudent liar. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;blockquote> \u0026lt;strong> Augsburg ddp-bay. The Augsburg Bishop Walter Mixa has warned in his Easter sermon to an increasingly aggressive atheism in Germany. "Where is God is denied or opposed, as soon the man and his dignity denied and ignored," said He verbreitetet on Sunday in the Augsburg Saint Mary's Cathedral, according to advance notice. He added: "A society without God is hell on earth." \u0026lt;/ Strong> \u0026lt;/ blockquote> \u0026lt;br /> A society in which Catholic priests and their bishops always abusing children is gentle smile look away, at least for the children to hell. A society in which the Catholic Church over their hard bishops in South America is working, that the poor remain poor and without hope, while the rich are getting richer, is hell for most people in South America. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> A society in which a religious community, a war is the bishop blesses the weapons again and represents a happy murders in foreign countries, has every reason to fight this damn religion. Especially if Mr Mixa points out that it was the atheism that led to the Nazi. No, that was not the atheism. It was the Catholic center that was screaming at first and yes it was the Pope in Rome, who approved the murder of Jews and Communists against the church tax. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> the diehards are like Mixa were then as now responsible for all the suffering. The only for the favor of the rich and have courted the powerful and the same is only one God, the God of Mammon. It's people like Ratzinger, who like to do back deep into the medieval mind to live out their lust for power more easily and have less fear of the truth of the Enlightenment to have. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> It is the duty of every reasonable-minded people is to combat such religions of spiritual darkness. It is therefore important to prevent in Berlin Pro Reli, ie consciously a "no" to pronounce. People akin Ratzinger Mixa or may not take the brains and hearts of our children and it may come to them or their henchmen no sexual abuse possible. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> If adults want to believe Ratzinger Mixas and nonsense, let them do that. Although from their mouth and have no truth is no wisdom. It's their free choice. But at least the children we must protect such people. \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> |
Konsumpf: Two eggs |
04/12/2009 12:06 PM |
\u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://konsumpf.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/young_rabbit.jpg' ; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://konsumpf.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/ young_rabbit.jpg 'width = '210' height = '280 '/> \u0026lt;/ a> Oh yes, Easter. A little too late, only after all the shops have closed, and any purchases have been done, I want to give you but two reading tips for Easter "fixed" with the road that ran straight to me on the way. First, the report \u0026lt;strong> taz \u0026lt; / over strong> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.taz.de/1/zukunft/umwelt/artikel/1/zum-hoppeln-ist-kein-platz/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> cruelty to rabbits: The hopping is no room \u0026lt;/ a> "which once again shows that humanity is evil their fellow creatures play along, especially in cases where they have commercialized here the consumption to be supplied to: \u0026lt;/ p> blockquote \u0026lt;p> joyful movement rodents need much space to hopping or jumping. Even in retreat areas, litter and rodent material deficiency, they should not. But in the industrialized breeding rabbits offer several tiers in stacked wire cages crammed to the number of animals hardly possible movements. Paws ulcers, joint problems and skeletal deformities and behavioral problems, according to animal rights activists are the consequences. \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;/ blockquote> \u0026lt;p> I refer to the place like to look at the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.greenpeace-magazin.de/index.php?id=5625' target = ' ; _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> significantly sharper and more advanced new animal protection laws of Switzerland \u0026lt;/ a>, to which must be kept as rabbit pairs. Is it when you just want the economic interests and is not about life. \u0026lt;/ P> Under the motto "\u0026lt;a href = 'http://reset.to/blog/frohe Easter is Easter-faire ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Happy Easter Easter is that fair \u0026lt;/ a> are the current dates \u0026lt;strong> reset.to \u0026lt;/ strong>, in where we get tips and advice on organic and fair Easter: \u0026lt;/ p> blockquote \u0026lt;p> Easter is fasting, holidays and family time, but also the first opportunity in the new year to pause and the good intentions in the new year to ponder. We are on RESET that only fair Easter are also happy Easter. sustainability principles and parties shall have an . Not exclude \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;/ blockquote> |
anouphagos: motivation to role-play |
12/04/2009 11:36 AM |
\u0026lt;p> Following to the spread of "memes" Example: a \u0026lt;a href = 'http://bradfield.mybrute.com' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Internet Mini "game" is called My Brute \u0026lt;/ a> at the \u0026lt;a href = ' ; http://bewusstseinsstroeme.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-brute-lehren-furs-rollenspiel.html 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> ; consciousness streams \u0026lt;/ a> about the value of motivation and reward for successful role-play philosophy. A pleasant change to master tips that refer most particularly to the whip than the carrot. \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;div style="text-align: \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.23hq.com/anouphagos/photo/4174970' target = ' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://www.23hq.com/23666/4174970_ccb5910fa319dbaf6619b309139ffe89_standard.jpg 'style = "border: 0px none; "alt =" "/> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.23hq.com/anouphagos/photo/4174970' target = ' ; _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;/ A> \u0026lt;/ div> Sat At My Brute is off the player or limited influence on the selection of opponents. The victories bring but in my opinion not so far more than mere participation - and the fights themselves are not essential: By advertising of players you get more XP than fights. Levelaufsteig and then again increases are completely random so dependent on the question of how powerful it is - Power Gaming and concept can forget \u0026lt;/ p> The parallels to the role play. In a world which is understood as a simulation, is It also by chance and by the possibilities of adventure - From the plot - based on what a character can learn and what he receives to objects. In role-playing game that is then offset by the opportunity to participate in making it Plotverlauf more or less, a self-referential process, but the principle is certainly applicable. What you learn as a master of it? The players get good rewards and share intimate and bind them so on a voluntary basis to the Plotspur. And as a player? The character of life to adapt and learn something that does not fit into the power gaming concept, but offers \u0026lt;/ p> PS. The reference to My brute is of course arbitrary, but I wish you all to \u0026lt;a href = 'http://bradfield.mybrute.com/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> the link \u0026lt;/ a> click \u0026lt;/ p> Update. However, victory makes sense. You get - at least at Level 3 - two EP for a win and one for a defeat \u0026lt;/ p> |
left newspaper: metal contract talks: accounts for 8% 0% hoax.! |
04/12/2009 11:34 AM |
The breaking of the rank and with their leadership. Now the tariff freeze for the IG Metall leadership have become a reality. At the same time the collective labor contract is dissolved. Even the title message for B is only in the mirror: Süddeutsche Zeitung could http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/197/464794/text/ workers in every other operation empty-handed. Many companies want to set the wage round - because the industry break away the jobs. When superficial reading understands to this as a refusal of employers, such as http://www.hartgeld.com/infos-DE.htm a reader for hard money "affected millions of employees: Because of the economic crisis, every second company the new metal refuse rate by year end. De colleagues will do so go to their heads and make it clear to demand wage increase and a further outraged that a refusal was not there. But she is just tired apprise, which is the government now views the content of their metal Tariff 2008th So far, according to the SZ already planned every other company for the pay freeze. By 1 May be that even more and it will be the of the Left newspaper index.php? option = com_content task = view id = 5677 Itemid = 296 connect estimated close to zero percent. On 1 May be even more massive scale works have antantzen their Voständen that will tell them over with a watery eye, how bad it go but the operation and after Tarifvereinbrung now have to agree to a pay freeze until December, or he must ausagern in the Bismarck Archipelago everything. |
left newspaper: Internet censorship: Denic switched from Wikileaks |
04/12/2009 11:34 AM |
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikileaks http://de.wikipedia .org / wiki / Wikileaks. Most recently, Wikileaks committed to the planned in most Western countries, Internet censorship and published a secret list of filters Australian Communications and Media Authority ACMA to prove to that of the alleged child pornography is not censorship, but also political websites and weblogs are affected private. In Germany, was searched at the initiative of the prosecutor in Dresden the night before the rubber stamp of the censor list the residence of the German wikileaks domain owner. Accusation: distribution of child pornographic material. According to the prosecution was the appointment but was purely accidental and it was not known that it places at wikileaks an internationally recognized press medium. |
squelching political splash: the world in three pictures |
04/12/2009 11:25 AM |
\u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;a href = "http://feedads.googleadservices.com/ ~ a/wGM2AILV0Hi3_HLD-K9diACEBTk/a 'target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = "http://feedads.googleadservices.com/ ~ a/wGM2AILV0Hi3_HLD-K9diACEBTk/i" border = " , 0 "ismap =" true "> \u0026lt;/ img> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;a href = 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjUGwLAV3Rprr9rtFzPvUy28GenKBpdmSjBtHOhhoKADe1i3WE78u4PzsWS5O4Q1IIePJ-lzL1FtZeh82pPCPBgICMVY-A4RES0bfFlerqNn4wX8zQ_zXdmmFChYsoGAZ8lUkvtUvv058w/s1600-h/die+welt+in+drei+bildern.jpg' target = ' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjUGwLAV3Rprr9rtFzPvUy28GenKBpdmSjBtHOhhoKADe1i3WE78u4PzsWS5O4Q1IIePJ-lzL1FtZeh82pPCPBgICMVY-A4RES0bfFlerqNn4wX8zQ_zXdmmFChYsoGAZ8lUkvtUvv058w/s400/die+welt + in + three + bildern.jpg 'style = "display: text-align:; 0px auto 10px: center; cursor: pointer block margin; cursor: hand; width: 400px; height: 162px;" border = "0" alt = "" id = "BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5323726008125261154" /> \u0026lt;/ A> Growing fears for our children, tough action of law against immorality and sin, and a top over it from icing football drama: the world at Easter 2009, distilled into three images from a native news page. In the former news magazine "Spiegel" imposed the "Thai government state of emergency in Bangkok", "Muentefering urges Merkel to state joining Opel" and in a so-called Easter sermon called Bishop Mixa, a guy who believes that baked man of clay was and named after his death, the prospect of a commitment as a harp player in a club "Beyond" has "mass murder as a result of atheism." Read \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> Schiller helps against: sparkle the pearls on the crown only, and certainly not the wounds was that they won. This sword wrote foreign peoples English law, ss flashed above the crucified and recorded before the seeds of faith in this world of bloody furrows, God taught in the sky, I on earth. \u0026lt;A href = 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgh_GL45yy103KqwKLflkq9gj-CIKGENx3uX-dKiPDYkYMPOM-RE4UDtTRgeT_0tn_xJHrWSuY-PNDZkkmAbgLiUEjUNrgJo-SsBB0Dz-vBXKjxVaXzd1UDBhnEeX5y68Cwny4wBS3_s-M/s1600-h/gott.jpg' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgh_GL45yy103KqwKLflkq9gj-CIKGENx3uX-dKiPDYkYMPOM-RE4UDtTRgeT_0tn_xJHrWSuY-PNDZkkmAbgLiUEjUNrgJo-SsBB0Dz-vBXKjxVaXzd1UDBhnEeX5y68Cwny4wBS3_s-M/s400/gott.jpg' style = "display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text- align: center; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; width: 400px; height: 300px; "border =" 0 "alt =" "id =" BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5323729104410401138 "/> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt; div class = "blogger-post-footer"> \u0026lt;img width = '1 'height = '1' src = 'http://res1.blogblog. com/tracker/7480346370972853353-479142686823733181? l = www.politplatschquatsch.com'/>\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;img src = "http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ ~ r / squelching political splash / uFSq / ~ 4/rwJaNgEPrxk" height = "1" width = "1" /> |
political splash rubbish: Who said it? |
04/12/2009 11:21 AM |
\u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;a href = "http://feedads.googleadservices.com/ ~ a/0xCaXS6oWWB6N8ZNMXqSb0lwpEY/a ' ; target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> \u0026lt;img src = "http://feedads.googleadservices.com/ ~ a/0xCaXS6oWWB6N8ZNMXqSb0lwpEY/i" border = " 0 "ismap =" true "> \u0026lt;/ img> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p>" The hatred as a factor in the struggle, the indomitable hatred of the enemy, the man driving on the natural boundaries, and turned him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers have to be so. "\u0026lt;div class="blogger-post-footer"> \u0026lt;img width = '1 'height = '1' src = '& # http://res1.blogblog.com/tracker/7480346370972853353-4231267959216460873?l=www.politplatschquatsch.com 39 ;/>\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;img src = "http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ ~ r / squelching political splash / uFSq / ~ 4/Y2HC5RHmwcw" height = "1" width = "1" ; /> |
shaman GLR: Obama, the Bilderbergers and the alleged New World Order Conspiracy |
04/12/2009 11:02 AM |
\u0026lt;p> First, one should the movie \u0026lt;a href = "http://www.youtube.com/watch ? CvPSpH6P5e8 v = 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> The Obama Deception \u0026lt;/ a> - or at least parts of it, for some is quite exaggerated and diffuse - Watch as possible, because it turns the common view of the current Events completely around and revealed her back, so to speak, their blueprint. I have it but from my \u0026lt;a href = '# http://www.radio-reschke.de/krisenvorsorge/ videos' target =' _blank 'rel =' ; removed nofollow '> Video recommendations on the economic crisis \u0026lt;/ a> again. The main reason behind the excitement surrounding Obama's campaign pledge not taken so far to the presumed intentions behind the FED-inflation policy and the annual meeting of the \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.flegel-g.de/index -bilderberger.html 'target =' _blank ' rel = 'nofollow'> Bilderberg \u0026lt;/ a> puts a classic power projection, as I http://www.schamanenschule already in my review of conspiracy in the \u0026lt;a href = '. have discussed de/glr_buch5.htm 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> idea Magazine \u0026lt;/ a>. The clandestine and secretive cliques such as the Bilderbergers occur, the more steering force is projected into it. That each of these people, just like us, not once has the "power", his thoughts for more than 10 seconds plan ahead, and that the running events are shaped by everything else because of human foresight and intelligence, but rather that man is a weak, in constant self-deception about his abilities prejudiced, small, limited and erring creatures, must, however monstrous banal and completely sound ridiculous . But secondly is the truth, and the whole idea of "world order" and secret "plans" to prove to anyone who has looked into more closely with self-knowledge for which, however much more courage than the great theory, as naive and extremely selbstentlarvend. \u0026lt;/ p> is \u0026lt;p> The most interesting part of the information provided in the film, the assumption / assertion that the Fed's policy has shown a prepared long strategy to bring about the coming crisis of the total economic and social system specifically and for the benefit of a certain clique Rothschild, Rockefeller, \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.mein-parteibuch.com/wiki/Bilderberg' target = '_blank' rel = & # 39; nofollow '> Bilderberg \u0026lt;/ a>, \u0026lt;a href =' http://www.mein-parteibuch.com/wiki/Trilaterale_Kommission ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Trilateral Commission \u0026lt;/ a>, \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.heise.de/tp/ r4/artikel/28/28513/1.html 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> Council on Foreign Relations \u0026lt;/ a>, all members of the upper nobility money etc. should be utilized. Who is closer to dealing with monetary theory, can the possibility of the collapse of a \u0026lt;a href = 'http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat-Money' target = '_blank & # 39; rel = 'nofollow'> Fiat Money \u0026lt;/ a>-based money system to perfectly time with some foresight, have not by the hand. At the same time makes an effort to gain by such a system-wide control of the company organized in such a system, is also impossible. Now but should be understood that all this is not really "control" in the sense of greater understanding, but that it basically only on a very low even for animals nor embarrassed under-developed instinct level expires. All such efforts always lead to their own collapse, even if the a collapse, money and social collapse was planned, would be the collapse of their own mental constructs, only the next, not preventable step. \u0026lt;/ p> The other interesting point concerns the person of President Obama as a puppet hidden forces. Again, this approach has a lot of its own. Most Americans, like most Germans think so still that he simply needed more "time" and that turning back the current policy, despite the best intentions would be wrong not to accomplish from today to tomorrow. I tend more to the point of view here of the film: to A distinction between Obama's pleasing exterior character and behavior with regard to the interests of Wall Street cliques. His complete surrender \u0026lt;a href='2009/03/24/die-kapitulation-obamas/' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'> \u0026lt; , / a> compared to the dominant structures, such as the Fed and his backers from the private banking sector seems to be perpetuated and to undo. Although this now also as a conspiracy theory may sound, I'm pretty sure that he, he would venture here again a reversal and to remember back in the campaign to the fore perceived importance of grassroots movement that would have every reason to acute fear for his life. \u0026lt;/ p> The fatalistic, negative perspective of the film is absolutely unacceptable. It is directly related to the mood of neurotic power projection. Man indulges in dark fears and innuendo, has to offer nothing but themselves. Particularly indicative of this dismal helplessness I find the scene in which protesters before a meeting of the Bilderbergers are and go with megaphones, "We are not afraid of you!" The fixation on the alleged Relevant and powerful is infantile and selbstentwürdigend. This includes making himself a victim of the systemic crisis, and everything just to see run as an inescapable evil. In truth, namely, is the exact opposite is true: Only by the crisis of an on lies, greed and self-deception-based system, the reference to real values to be restored - and he is thereby also in a very natural way, almost \u0026lt;strong> by itself \u0026lt;/ strong> ago. The last thing happened by design of "secret groups" and mega-rich. The crisis is not only necessary and inevitable, it is wholesome and full of new opportunities. \u0026lt;/ P> Of course, politicians \u0026lt;p> are just puppets, and mega-rich or subscribers of secret conferences are exactly the same. It is important to find out what distinguishes one of these. Then once and for all with the accusatory and accusatory behavior. \u0026lt;/ P> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://twitter.com/home/?status=Obama% 2C + the + Bilderberg + and + the + alleged + New World Order conspiracy-% C3% B6rung + http://is.gd/s0yp 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow ' > \u0026lt;img src = 'http://www.radio-reschke.de/wp-content/plugins/tweet-this/icons/tt-twitter.png' class = "nothumb" alt = "[Post to Twitter]" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://twitter.com/home/ ? status = Obama% 2C + the + pictures Berger + and + the + alleged + New World Order conspiracy-% C3% B6rung + http://is.gd/s0yp 'target =' _blank 'rel = 'nofollow'> Tweet This Post \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p> |
redblog: Whether it's storming or snowing: CDU BW open right |
04/12/2009 10:41 AM |
\u0026lt;object width="440" height="270"> \u0026lt; param name = "movie" value = "http://www.youtube.com/v/5zeCmDhFSTE&hl=de&fs=1"> \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true"> \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> \u0026lt;/ param> \u0026lt;embed src = "http://www.youtube.com/v/5zeCmDhFSTE&hl=de&fs=1" type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess = "always" allowfullscreen = "true" width = "440" height = "270"> \u0026lt;/ embed> \u0026lt;/ object> |
Germany debate: citizens - want your freedom, do you want real democracy? |
04/12/2009 10:38 AM |
\u0026lt;p> "We invite all citizens to rally with a f & # silent march 252; r our freedom \u0026lt;/ p> Yes to the Constitution! NO to EU Reform Treaty of Lisbon! Our freedom is in danger, "writes \u0026lt;a href='http://www.news4press.com/zur-Meldung_445653.html' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'> News4Press .. com \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p> As the source is given to call: \u0026lt;/ p> "PBC - Party Bible-believing Christians \u0026lt;br /> Bundesgeschä Head Office PO Box 410 810 \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> 76 208 Karlsruhe Phone: 0721-495596 \u0026lt;br /> Fax: 0721-494125 \u0026lt;br /> E-mail: info@pbc.de "\u0026lt;/ p> DD is now received a mail with the following poster: \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;img src = 'http : / / www.deutschland-debatte.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/untitled-746x1024.jpg 'width = '746' height = '1024 '/ > \u0026lt;/ p> This demonstration supports DD likes to face the potential of the EU dictatorship anything at align. In the 50s and 60s was often asked the question "why Your parents have not done it, "If this question must be made in 40 or 50 years later \u0026lt;/ p>" Under the slogan "Yes to the Constitution - No the EU Reform Treaty of Lisbon - Our freedom is in danger, "the party calls Bible-believing Christians all citizens for a rally followed by a silent march through the center of Karlsruhe, the Federal Constitutional Court on 18 April 2009. The Party Bible-believing Christians rejected the EU reform treaty and calls for a referendum, "\u0026lt;a href = '% http://www.freiewelt.net/nachricht-705/schweigemarsch-f FCr -our-freiheit.html ' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> THE FREE WORLD \u0026lt;/ a>. \u0026lt;/ p> citizens, we are much more want to make as many believe! The prevention of the Lisbon dictatorship concerns everyone. Preventing the installation of an EU superpower is a question of sustainability for our children. The prevention of the division of the world after the interests of high finance is to be fought: "*** Who controls the oil controls the country, who controls the food controls the people who controls the media controls the mind, who controls the money controls the world *** "DD motto. Preventing we control, we prevent the regulation, we prevent the loss of freedom \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;h2> To all true democrats. Schandvertrag we must prevent this, the Lisbon dictatorship, makes clear to the politicians \u0026lt;/ p> here is struggling not just a minority, this is a clear majority of the people: \u0026lt;/ p> NO - to the Lisbon dictatorship \u0026lt;/ h2>! Nobody ! The politician should be able to justify, as can result from an undemocratic ratification process, a better democracy \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;h2> why: \u0026lt;/ h2> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://www.deutschland-debatte.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/untitled-746x1024.jpg' width = '746 'height = '1024 '/> \u0026lt;/ p> |
Ware lie, price is variable: modern times |
12/04/2009 10:19 AM |
class='snap_preview'> \u0026lt;div \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt; p> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/133/464731/text/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow & # 39;> One has to go \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;em> \u0026lt;strong> In titled "Someone's Gotta Go" One has to go to the employees of a small business to decide who should be fired from them. Every week is a different crisis-ridden company with 15 to 20 employees from the series. \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ em> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;em> \u0026lt;strong> see the makers of the format it as an opportunity for employees to help shape the future of their company active: "The program allows employees to make decisions instead of the bosses, "said the head of Fox Reality, Mike Darnell, on Wednesday against "\u0026lt;A href = 'http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118002236.html?categoryid=14&cs=1' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow'> Variety \u0026lt;/ a >".\u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ em> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;em> \u0026lt;strong> It is also part of the concept that the employees against each other in the face could say what they fit together is not so Darnell. \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ em> \u0026lt;/ p> wow! how modern! \u0026lt;/ p> The on it because before that no one has come ... \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;em> \u0026lt;strong> \u0026lt;a href = 'http : / / wareluege.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/gladiator.jpg 'target =' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src = & # 39; http://wareluege.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/gladiator.jpg?w=391&h=381 'width = '391' height = ' 381 '/> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ strong> \u0026lt;/ em> \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;A href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' target = '_blank' rel = ' ; nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/ 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godelicious/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' target = & # 39; _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/delicious/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gostumble/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' target = '_blank' rel = & # 39; nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/stumble/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/ 'alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/godigg/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' target = '_blank' rel = 'nofollow & # 39;> \u0026lt;img src = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/digg/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' alt = "" border = "0" , /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;a href = 'http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/goreddit/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/' target = ' _blank 'rel =' nofollow '> \u0026lt;img src =' http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/reddit/wareluege.wordpress.com/790/ ' ; alt = "" border = "0" /> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;img src = '& http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=wareluege.wordpress.com ; blog = 5338169 & post = 790 & subd = wareluege & ref = & feed = 1 "alt =" "border =" 0 "/> \u0026lt;/ div> |
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