08.08.08 - Adama through Kata and Kyra Namu
painting with permission from Ursel dried http://www.urseldoerr.de/assets/images/UD_Kosmos_blau_kl.JPG
LemurianischerBrief No. 1 - 29 July 2008
German translation. Evelyn Kuemmerle
greetings to you all. This is my diary that her from time to time you can read all - on issues that unfold in my life and remind me of what a wonderful plan for us all participants. Yes, our tours can be quite be different, but one thing is certain, that we are heading that is all together towards the same goal - our long-forgotten divinity to remind us to combine itself with our God self again and to experience the gifts from the higher dimensions - through our soon held climb.
We all know that these are extraordinary times. How can it feel so much on our own skin. Our life is an adventure. If we look around, everything seems increasingly dangerous to chaos are. When we enter forches but inwardly, we are fully aware that everything in perfect harmony with the Divine Plan is. Our awareness is the key to active participants and co-creators of our joint presence and by that be in our future. I arrived just a few days ago from Europe to Los Angeles. The difference in energy between the two continents for me in the first days is always a challenge to figure it out. Now there is something else "cope" to. The strongest earthquake in a decade hit just the city. There was no major damage, but a very strong perception of coming by warning that this is the "introduction" of many other events that are to come. So be better prepared - and not just on a Ebenel It was possible to feel Gaia - for a few "serious" seconds. It feels better now, but there will be a few other major signs for their precious cleaning process. This part of the world is only one in which this process is signifikannte characters left. We should all be willing to see them in the eye. Of course not "to help and to act" on a basis of fear, but on a very deliberate basis, in readiness - for the others around us and for our beloved Gaia. How can relieve her fever and her fierce energy, if we send our light and our love to them and to our loved ones - and if we then, when the time has come - act accordingly. You should be prepared -
that was the message of this earthquake, more will soon come to fruition.
Well, it seems that the lively energy of these weeks will not only affect us but also our beloved earth. It is of course not at all surprising - especially when we consider that this unique time - will bring her the same gift of all, we long for the - - after a few more years of preparation for Ascension.
The message below came to me yesterday - by Adama and Kyra Namu. It is no surprise to read that from their point of the assistance for our journey takes the same importance, as the assistance for Gaia. To heal ourselves, we should concentrate our efforts to heal our planet. Its importance has not changed during the thousands of years in which we were separated from our APPARENTLY Lemurian wisdom. As you can see from many different sources, has an energetically 08:08:08 very important role. To be prepared is the most we can do at this time. This is the main message - and we have just an earthquake "get" in order to emphasize the full legal.
greetings to the master, this is Adama.
I have the honor me here with a member of to give a big diamond sisterhood - with Kyra Namu. The Sisterhood of the ancient Lemurian times represents the resurrected Divine Feminine, which - like all of you - is fully aware that they have the same significance - as regards the attainment of your final status of Divine Balance - as well as the Divine Masculine in billion of its manifestations is the case. We've been together here to speak to your heart. Our words to read is one, their energy of our ancient wisdom of your cells is involved in another. The Tema for today is connected with the energies of this very intense period of time, especially with the portal, the result of your linear system called 8-8-8.
We are here to help you in your preparation for all that will befall our beloved planet together very, very soon. The intense Energiemanifestierung which I have already described earlier can be adequately managed, if you prepare yourself according to your highest wisdom. The new reality is in front of your door - as I have already told you. I am proposing here is that you let her sisterhood with
help your preparations. The wonder of that which represents 888 may be the closest harmony with your awakening divinity again, if you contributes to the fact that these waves reach your very core.
KyraNamu is here to talk now.
your beloved, as an ambassador for a sisterhood that does not mean automatically that I only talk to the ladies. Rather, almost the opposite, because for finding your long-forgotten divine balance it needs its reconnection with the feminine aspects and this is for everyone so true - regardless of their gender.
How do you all are aware of many different communications have recently started coming in the universal energies have considerable transformative power. This is inside and outside of your wonderful "teaching field" - that you call your previous lifetime - a lot of changes bring. This is the time at which the curtain can be blown away literally. If you meet certain preparations, then the continued positive impact on your recent reality have. 888 is in the imagination be considered a huge vibrating powerful portal that you can walk through in your highest consciousness, to find out what does your new reality that will manifest our New Earth. It can be for many a "preview", but if it allows your preparation, then it may be the greatest achievement in this your lifetime, which may be of perpetual duration. You are so very close to it that everything is taken away from you, what you have been imposed by the limitations of your current dimensions. We are here to remind you that your order is-honored, you move about these limitations. Please take the help of the incoming specific energy and learn with your senses and with your divine heart of what we are her sprechen.Wie all know so well are the seven chakras present your greatest tools to your to experience true being, including your limitations . The Seven Holy rays were since the ancient times, the tools to help if you wanted to see inside and wanted to extend the view beyond the limits. Seven magical days are you in this specific time frame of August expect before you enter into the 888th Used these seven days according to the wisdom of your inner guidance. Our recommendation is to call each one of the holy rays, and to work every day. Used your intuition and your reawakened ability to connect you to this holy rays in order to learn from them simply divine unity.
Friday - the white beam of the rise
Saturday - the Violet Ray of Transformation
Sunday - the golden ray of enlightenment and wisdom
Monday - the Blue Ray of Divine Will
Tuesday - the Pink Ray of Divine Love
Wednesday - the Green Ray Healing
Thursday - The golden rays of the Resurrection
Please take note that the call forth the flames, radiation is not mandatory - for in this way is handled in the higher realms nothing. It is a kind of recommendation from our side, they apply, as we see the larger framing of the Divine Cup, which for you in this very own moment is available for you. This message is not intended, to deal with the details of this wonderful formations of the Holy rays. We know as well that - if you feel the resonance in your heart - to manifest in your life the right help is immediately. Turn your guidance and wisdom as always your enlightened journey. We are here to assist you on your request at each step.
At the end a gentle reminder. The Great Diamond sisterhood is back here to help you on your personal journey, as well as our beloved Holy Gaia on their same path. If you feel that you should work hard with these sacred flames in the coming days, it always asks for the beneficial effect of certain non-flame only for your personal use but also for the well-being of our beloved planet. The golden yellow, the violet, the emerald grounds and all the other beams can be of the highest value and service for you and simultaneously from planetary reasons for all of humanity.
The intensity of the upcoming events you can be full of your service. This is the gift of the universe for all who are ready for it, accept it. We are so close with our help, just call for our assistance if you feel you afterwards. Please have enjoy all the wonders of this wonderful period of our journey together.
It is always a privilege to speak with you. We
you are at your service,
blessings on all who
KyraNamu & Adama
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