Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cooper Atrvs Silent Armor

Kryon of Lemuria Lemuria

KRYON channeled through Lee Carroll in August / September 2007 Translated during the Mediterranean cruise
George Keppler [square brackets inserted by the translator], channeling the original in English is on the Kryon homepage www.kryon.com

you can print out the following free information distributed according to their wishes. However, to be sold in any form except for the publisher is prohibited by copyright.

The history of mankind

Over Lemuria, Atlantis, climate change and global warming

Greetings, my friends, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

I give my partner an insight into what I do ask him, and that makes him nervous. I showed him energetically, how important it is to be accurate, when we come to such things, to such new information. This is a unique situation because it just slips over the ocean, which is among you, cast over the earth. This is a kind of non related to the energy that you're normally used to, and this non-connection allows a larger, more reflective content of both the sender and the recipient. Therefore, these are the times in which we transmit to you like some information that we have never been seen before.

want in these moments and the following I will give you information on the history of Earth since the dawn of mankind. I will reveal the chronology of how this was achieved. We have for years details this information said, but it will be the first time that we combine them to create a survey such as this. For which we will give you more information that is metaphysical.

The basic plan of the earth is intuitive and inside each one of you. We have learned about it nearly 19 years. Whatever the case, we have never before revealed to the length of this earthly journey. How long people will be on the planet? What was the plan from the beginning? Where are you now in this time line? How did it start? How was it modified? What was the free choice of the people who have changed history? I will now discuss much of it. Dear

Human, although it may sound like history and geology, the angels sit in this room to you and give you great news about who you are. And if you have no interest in these things, then you're probably content to just sit here and let you wash my feet? Maybe. Would that be ok for you? We speak in the third language to you, regardless of the three-dimensional languages spoken here (English and English). We call the communication means a third language. Because the number three is a catalyst. Besides the 3D language other things provided to them and going directly to the heart. You go into the cellular structure. While in this energy can sit here to change things in you, when you give permission, and you open these things.

The history of humanity on planet Earth
The earth is very old, but humanity is not. There was a very long journey developing biological, and many have called it Evolution. True, the biology on the planet is developed in the sacred way in which God has chosen to develop. This is contrary to nothing except the limited mindset of many people who want that, do not they did.

I want you to, as I understand it and understand the rock there, a very early period the past with you. I want to give you an idea of the planet. I let my partner look at many things and give him many facts, and it may occur during breaks in implementing it there. For these things, of which I speak will be recorded and watched by thousands.

One hundred thousand years ago was the beginning of what you would call the enlightened man. That's all - only 100,000 years. Oh, it existed long before human development, but you might say the man had no spiritual systems within the DNS. It is all about biology. Your anthropologists will tell you the age of the people. You'll dig up many bones and you many stories to recount, how old could be the human race. They are [but] only biologically developed creatures, yet part of the scenario, in the angelic being a part of the DNS.

The story I will tell you, is one to which we have often pointed out. But let me first draw the image: It was at this point developed much biology. There were up to 20 kinds of people on the planet, and your anthropologists, many of them identified. They were very different, you know? Some had a different shaped skull, and some even had tails. Up to 20 types of people have existed side by side. This is a normal fact of biological evolution on the planet because if you look any mammals, there are great diversity. How the nature and it has worked well, even 100,000 years ago. Twenty types of people have developed. They evolved in some places faster than others, and your anthropologists they know. It did not start in one place on the planet. They lived in places that you would call western Europe or the Middle East, and another unusual place - the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I'll explain in a moment. The slow evolution has created many types of people, just as it makes the nature with all.

was then touched the planet from a plan - a holy plan.

With a holy plan on this planet has been visited quantum way of enlightened beings who were not angels. It is hard to describe how something would look like, but it happened. Listen, there is abundant life in the universe, and some of it is in learning steps as you and some do not. There are biological creatures that live on planets like your, with atmospheres like yours, but where there is no war. They live in a quantum state in which everyone agrees about what they are there. They represent companies that are twice as old as the Earth. Humanity and such enlightened group existed at that time and they [the group] exists to this day. You is light-years away from you, and yet they have you visited any problems. They came to this planet, to plant seeds of holiness in your DNA. They came with permission, planned, and under the agreement of all the angelic beings of the universe. It was no accident and it was not part of a plan of conquest. It was her loving task.

I speak of the Pleiadians, and much was said about them. For when we speak of these things, where one species of an entire planet being touched, then there are those who would say, "Well, it must be unreasonable, that must be evil, that must be wrong." It was not. There are many misconceptions about the Pleiadians. If you she could see now, I want to tell you, they look pretty much like her! And one day, you should come to a place that is reasonable, then they will meet you. They will call you brother and sister, and if you would examine a sample of their cellular structure, then they would very much like a look of you. Because they have the seed of enlightenment of the human race, they are wise and love the earth, and you are their seed.

It's hard to describe to you in a three-dimensional discussion of what they have given this planet. Because they own the means of grace, the quantum state with all that they gave the man on the planet two extra layers of DNA. And happened - in one go - only one of the 20 types of people, the kind that is there now. Only one species was ready to receive this gift. Ask your

anthropologists. Oh, she asks not to the Pleiadians! Ask them instead of what happened about 100,000 years ago with people. They will tell you that against all probability only a kind man on the planet [all] showed up. What happened to the other 19? They died slowly, unable to keep up with the others and their new DNS. This is counter-intuitive to nature and should be raising those eyebrows, dealing with natural selection. So this is something that should arouse interest, and evidence it delivers what I say.

It became the story of creation in many myths of the planet. Because it so quickly and so recently happened in the history of the earth, it suffers from the feeling that it would suddenly happen at once, without the necessary evolution. Therefore, many people think that evolution has not taken place, and that God created human beings in a moment. Do you understand? In all, there is a kernel of truth, but these are often forced into a 3D box in order to make explanations easier. A beautiful garden, which representing good and evil temptation - that is, in fact, close to the metaphysical view of things, as a Group of people welcomed the two new layers of consciousness of DNA. Because suddenly they began to act out the process of duality, the consciousness of light and darkness.

The extra layers have been set up to test the soil, which was the only planet of free choice this time. A layer containing the Akashic record, the records of all the angels, souls who come into the human body and go again. The human race began to be spiritual - not all at once, but very, very slowly over 50 000 more years. Engel started the process to come to the planet to use the human body as a vehicle to create the test of the earth. Only then were the People to what you see now. This means that the true enlightened humanity is only 50,000 years old - really young!

The earth was different. Therefore I would like to take you back about 40,000 years into the past. Since there is a great civilization on Earth that exists in its elemental form, more than 5,000 years. It was the greatest society that the planet had ever seen - not great in numbers but in consciousness. It was something that you would later emulate, because it was part of the body of humanity. This is the Lemurian civilization. I have never said how long they lasted, so I'll do it now. What would you think of a civilization that has given more than 20,000 years? They have lived in peace. It would put everything in the shadow of what ever reported in the history of this earth is done, or not? Nothing that you know is, since approached.

scientists say, "That's impossible. So long ago, there were no civilizations." In fact, there is no evidence, and that, my dear man, is very intention. Because the planet is a very good job in erasing the traces of humanity. Just look at that, what you do today explored, for you can not find much that is older than 4000 years! It was stirred mulched rubbed, washed away and lost forever. To make their removal more fully, the company was at that time on dry land in the middle of the Pacific. Now she is no longer there yourself.

The finish line: So the core of the Lemurian origins is about 50,000 years ago. It took 10,000 years, until they could call united, and another 5000 years to come to a society with a common locus of control together. The Lemurian 35,000 years ago were a fully developed, mature society, which lasted until 15,000 years ago. Remember that things have taken a very long time and in the early days of slowly evolving humanity were. What to do you now costs a year, time may have lasted hundreds of years. Language was a big issue, communication was new, travel was very slow, and sovereignty was never tried before. Whereas you might have two meetings per day, they had perhaps two per year, or even less frequently. Their sense of time was very different because they had a quantum consciousness, an almost timeless state of being.

I want to take you to Lemuria. I would like to describe to you the earth at this time because she was very different. There are those who would laugh, scoff and make these ridiculous statements would. The Pacific Ocean is big! "There was never a time when no water in it was that unless you go Millions of years back. "Not true. I did not tell the whole. I simply said, drawing the part that have inhabited the Lemurian. Let me for you the picture.

Planet Earth rotated at a 28 ° deviation axis. So much was tilted the axis, and this is not the current deviation. Moreover, the planet is geologically 40,000 years ago was very different. He was hanging on the end of the greatest ice age, you've ever experienced. The temperature of the planet depends on how much water is on him. The water cycle of the planet controlling the temperature and the wind. What you see now is a vision of a very different world.

At that time, was a third of the water Earth ice. Created the oceans, which were very much different than those you see today. I want to take you to the Lemurian civilization. It was a very much colder planet. Some of you know what a half degree difference means for life on Earth. If they would lower the average temperature of the planet by half a degree, that would be significant. I want to tell you how it looked back then, so you can make you an idea of the changes. The average temperature of the atmosphere was eight degrees lower than today - very important for the weather and very significant for the amount of water that was on the planet.

The average Elevation on the planet was 133 meters lower than it is today - that is 400 feet less. Can you imagine how your continents would look like from the air when the oceans were 133 meters lower than they are now? Mountain ranges were above water, which are currently under water. It would be quite different, right? The Lemurian have successfully completed more than 20,000 years living at the foot of the island you call Hawaii. This was and remains the highest mountain on the planet, when measured from base to tip.

They were aware that they lived in a basin, a valley that was lower than the mean sea level on Earth. But were the great oceans held back by some of the mountain ranges that are now lower due to plate tectonics. Sun will receive their relationships, a situation that is complex. In any case, they were dry land in some places that you call today the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They were also all the time aware that they face the water level of the planet, he should rise, were vulnerable. As long as it stayed cool, they were unthreatened. However, they also knew that in the shadow of the "hot spot" lived, what we now know as the great tectonic plate. And they knew that they would move, because she had previously done. The islands on which they worship celebrated, all of volcanic origin. They were from the energy of volcanism tightened.

I have a lot more what I want to tell you about the Lemurian. So let us go over to the spiritual part. There were 350 million Lemurian souls that were run during this 20 000 years of culture through the planet. This is not much, considering that there were 800 generations. I want to tell you why.

Well, this is different, my partner and it is specific. So it translate correctly. (Kryon speaks according to Lee, so listen to it all) Lemurian have not re-incarnated as a Lemurian. What I mean spiritually saying is that there is almost 350 million individual, unique souls were - not only human souls, but 350 million angels have alternated and are passed through the Lemurian culture as a people, and they have not re-incarnated. They came only once, the Lemurian birth was not typical of your current birth rate, not nearly as high as yours today. She walked away not even geometrically as your current one. It's complicated. There was a biological reason that the Lemurian did not have many children. It had to do with the temperatures on the planet and their culture. Men were not able to reproduce as they are today. It also allowed the [then] the necessary spiritual aspects. Everything what you must know, is that in the Lemurian spiritual culture was only 350 million souls, which represented the longest-lasting civilization that ever existed on Earth. More on that in a moment.

began 15,000 years ago the ice to melt, and the Lemurian knew it it was slow, and they did their best to delay it. At the time of the Lemurians a maritime society had become, and most were on boats. They knew what would happen gradually, and their interest in ships was very high. And it happened that the Lemurian nation began to split. It happened faster than they imagined, because they understood the importance of the new weight distribution of water is not, and what effect would it have on the Earth's crust movements (many earthquakes).

your volcanic basin began to shake and move faster and water involved. 15,000 years ago changed the water balance of the earth, and filled up to 10,000 years ago the valleys of Lemuria. It filled the valleys between the mountains. It washed away everything they had ever built, everything they had ever built. Nature does that, you know. Go and look at the ruins on the planet that are less than 1000 years old, and look what happened to them. Then think of ruins which are 15,000 years old and under water in the ocean are where the roaring currents. Nothing is left. Some of the Lemurian remained on the mountains, climbed higher when the water rose. 10,000 years ago heard the water to climb, reaching a level similar to that which you see today. The summit of the highest Lemurian mountain is now a group of islands known as Hawaii.

The water cycle of the earth determined warm and cold, and it is dynamic and constantly changing. To make it short, there were on the planet many temperature changes up and down again. Almost all of this change to survive the people (that is, no man ever lived long enough to experience a full cycle). Cycles up to a minimum length of 200 years were common. So most people know is that it changes, without knowing the normal cycles. You have experienced in the recent past a number of small ice ages. Only a few hundred years ago, in the 14th century, there was one where the glaciers increased again. The temperature of the planet went down slightly and then increased again. This is for the planet and the way it works, typical.

The interesting happens before these little ice ages, something that gives the people no sense. It is getting warmer! This is part of the cycle. You experience another, and you find yourself at the beginning of a water cycle that gradually leads to a lower temperature. Just ask any of the rock.

Some of the Lemurian climbed the mountains, and you can meet their descendants today. They are called Polynesians and know everything about the oceans. They know the tides. They were there before the tides! They have watched as they established themselves and were created. They can move with small, tiny boats from island to island, across hundreds of miles without a compass. You know how it goes, the ocean tides. Some claim that their ancestors were Lemurian.

The Future is scientifically controversial, because what I'm going to tell you is that in these times of strikes of meteors were common, as is commonly believed. Less than 13,000 years and then 5,000 years ago there were strikes. The last was greater than 5000 years. Two things were like on Earth the result. First, the impact caused such a shift in the Earth's mantle, that the earth's axis shifted from a deviation of 28 degrees to 23 1 / 3 degrees. That was quite an impact! He came back only 5,000 years. Secondly, he influenced the civilization. Much dust was thrown up into the atmosphere, into what you call the stratosphere, and the result was mostly rain. The rain wiped out most of humanity. Many animals and people died. It was necessary necessary, and we have previously talked about. It was part of the plan. The main purpose was to delete the entire Lemurian knowledge, and create thousands of lakes for use by mankind. Science can see that in the sediment layers, and it was even brought to the mythology of the great global flood and an ark here.

Is not that interesting? There are those who call themselves followers of creation. Discuss with you against the evolution of humanity. In a way, both sides are right. Because the biology of the human race has developed very slowly. But the holiness was given at a time, just like in the story of the Garden of Eden, called Lemuria.

If we describe the time in years, we believe that right now the year is zero. When we describe something as 40,000 years, 20,000 years or 10,000 years ago, we count back from zero. This is in contrast to any time frame, which refers to any one of the prophets, no matter when they lived. So should those who want the history of this planet for the purpose of the review look up this message, it back from this year [2007] do as zero. If it should go to a specific date that we would like to discuss, then we would do it with the numbers the way you expect it, and needed.

The Lemurian civilization existed basically 35000-15000 years ago - the longest without foreign influence civilization ruled the earth. She was different than any civilization that you will ever have, and we will look back with you on what happened. The whole purpose of Lemuria and the characteristics of their DNA was to create a stage for what would come next. If the cook prepared a meal, it is often grease a pan, prepare all the ingredients for the meal and go on with many measures that do improve the food, but do not include the actual food.

The Lemurian represent this relationship to Earth and to you. On a spiritual way, the meal was prepared. So we tell you again that they had a different feature than its Akasha. Three hundred and fifty million Lemurian existed during the life of its culture. They were unique Lemurian, and had, with few exceptions, each [only] a life. You might say that they built the Akashic for the planet. Imagine the cave of creation with all the crystals from which we have described as the souls on the planet. Every time an angel comes in and is a long time for a Lemurian. The essence of their energy is then deposited on the planet. The crystal with her name then goes into the cave. Some of these statements are for those who understand the history of the Cave of Creation have not heard before, do not make sense. The entire Lemurian civilization was the construction of the Cave of Creation and the purpose of providing them with the energy of 350 million souls. And throughout its history there were only a few thousand who had past lives and come back as a Lemurian would - most of them scientists. All other lived a life that occurred then in the background, waiting for that civilization would be completely (speaking of the angels, who represent the souls of mankind). This was done on purpose, and for the purpose, sow the planet spiritually with what was coming, and to the crystalline value of the Cave of Creation to increase.

The Lemurian saw what happened. As we have said to you, the ice began to melt 15,000 years ago and made at least 5000 years so slowly. You could say they had plenty of time to prepare, and they did. What they did first was to become a seafaring nation, the ships built. Slowly, many of them left the valley in which they lived, which was filled constantly, as the ice melted and rose water on the planet. You might say that part of the Lemurian civilization, the coasts of the other land masses inhabited by ship. Addiction to them in New Zealand, Easter Island - there is not much left - and in the great continent that you call America. They were in areas of the West Coast, Alaska and you call the bridge to another continent. You were there. Many went to the mountain, you call Shasta, and they existed there long in its human form, before they went to as inter-dimensional beings in the mountain.

Some of them started together with other people who had traveled far away from the core and had forgotten its origin completely different civilizations. One of the Sumerian culture was called, and was in the Middle East. It led many years later gradually to the Egyptian culture. It's odd that you think the story started in fact there!

Here is something we have not yet told you before. All references to Lemuria were wiped out. The ocean currents on the seabed are very strong, almost like rivers they flow and take over eons of sand and silt with it. There are those who say, "This means that we will never see the artifacts of Lemuria." You will find not only that, you've already found some, and many of them hide. For when these collectors will present them to the science, they will be laughed at. Because they represent a paradox dar. .. a contradiction within the artifact itself. You'll be too old for what they are! That is, at least according to modern thinking. What if you could find a car part, the carbon dating gives an age of 3000 years? It would be an artifact, the "can not exist." So it will be with the artefacts of Lemuria. For it will be either maps of stars and to biological information, "that could not have been aware".

And how can anyone have an artifact of Lemuria? I've just said that Lemuria was washed away. It is up to the ships! Many of them wore Lemurian objects, artifacts of everyday use and have been destroyed in storms. Some are waiting to be found, and some have already found and purchased by collectors, which anyone can get them to look at them because they make no sense. There's more.

There are those who Lemuria confused with what you have called Atlantis. Here is information that many will not think of you. Because of Atlantis there really is not much knowledge. Your historians guessing. I want to tell you about Atlantis. There are two of them - the Old and the New Atlantis Atlantis. They are far, far apart, both physically and in time. That which is sought after today, is much younger than you may think. For the civilization of the New Atlantis of the same time Egyptian civilization was very similar. One was the product of the evolution of humans from Western Europe, and the other the result of the evolution of humans from the Middle East.

"Kryon, what's the younger Atlantis?" Now, I want to give you a hint: It's close. Look for it on the other side of the ship. I'm saying. (Refer Remember that the channeling took place in the western Mediterranean, that is, the information on the location of the cruise ship in the sea at the time of channeling the other side of the ship -. The other side from the southern end of Italy - where the ship was in, ie near Greece and Crete. The cruise ship had just left Rome when that information was supplied.)

"Kryon, what's the old Atlantis?" The answer is that it was in the Pacific, far from new, and ancient in comparison. It was a settlement of Lemuria Lemurian consciousness and not kept for long. It became the model for slavery and decadence. Technology has been misused. It is not my job, now about to say.

Now you all know about the Lemurian. You also know that they are not in terms of awareness were what is now normal. They are part of the test device, and you have lost because of the individual parts of your duality selected energy of activation of the DNA that they had. And free choice is to try to recognize it, and to get it back. And it is about the quantum part of the DNS. It are those of our Lemurian and Pleadian designated as layers of DNA, one of which is the Akasha Chronicle. Well, if you composed this, you will also understand that the Lemurian were responsible for the creation of cosmic Akasha chronicle of the earth.

Current Weather
The water cycle is the most important contribution to the changes in the weather on the planet. Are the second most important volcanic activity. The third are impacts from space. And you have it all in the recent past experienced. What you have at the time you call global warming. It shocks and worries the scientists. One reason is that these cycles over more than one human life span development, and therefore no one has seen in modern history, the big picture. You've had it before, and now it comes back. It is the change in a water cycle and occurs naturally and normally. How the earth, and evens out yourself. There is great variation in the water cycle and small. It happened between the large number of small. How the Earth. The last little ice age, which have seen her was 1200-1400 according to your reckoning. There were people and they have survived. Right now it stands at the beginning of another. But scientists call it not the beginning of a mini-ice age. They call instead warming! This is because they the water cycle do not understand. They see it from an angle, which we would describe as a microcosm, instead [of] a macrocosm.

It may seem strange to you that a cold period begins warming, but if you know the dynamics of the water cycle, it makes total sense. None of you in this room will experience the full cycle, since it will be slower than your life span. You must wait until next time. Because the water cycles vary in duration. The short can last at least 140 years and more than 400 years, and you are at the beginning of a mediator. Do not be afraid, for it is part of the world and a way how it balances itself. Now there are those who say, "Well, what about the idea that people have caused this? Does that mean that this idea is wrong?" Here is the truth, and you will know one day, people are not responsible for the water cycle. Whatever the case, what people have done is to accelerate the timing of this cycle a bit, so that it runs a little faster than he would otherwise have done. Yes, you have influenced him, but you did not cause it.

There are so many who want to know more about earthquakes that I will reveal a different function [of earthquakes]. As the water cycle, they are a part of the shifting planet. In fact, they are related with the water cycle. And really, there was recently an event that caused a tsunami, which raised the human compassion on the planet. It was one of the largest earthquake in the history of your life. It happened under the sea and was so large that it is actually the rotation of your planet has slowed slightly. And this one event will still continue for some years. What I will tell you, may violate geological logic, but it's the way the world works. The slowing of the rotation of the planet causes a slightly altered ratio between the speed of the molten core of the earth and its Crust. Therefore the earth will continue to adapt to these speeds again so are the way they were before.

The places where the earth is in the coming years, most are in motion to the equatorial markings, because they are furthest away from the core of the planet, and the most unstable. Because the planet rotates, there are those [areas], the bulge at the most. Therefore, it will affect them, according to the fact that they are the most turbulent. I just said, more earthquakes can be expected around the equator. None of these events will cause loss or darkness on this planet. It is instead simply a part of the earth changes. Light workers ensures you not because of these things because the system says that its the right place at the right time will be. But make no assumptions, which means right place. You are loved beyond measure and all things are appropriate when you have control over your life.

duration of life on earth
We have information in regard to the origin of planets. It was only in 1900 that the real trial began of the new enlightenment. There was really not much of it before. It then took 87 more years, the vibration of the planet to raise a point of decisions - decisions regarding vibration and future. While all the prophets have said, that you would learn about the millennium, an erasure, have you instead, the vibration of the planet shifted to a frequency that does not take place where needed. Does not accept the mistake it had been a plan of God to destroy this planet. It was the vibration of the test that you have created over eons. People create their own future. You create your own prophecy. The consciousness of the planet does. You have therefore created a different future than they have seen all the prophets, and now are almost all obsolete before 1987 made prophecies. You are on a different track.

href = "http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/project/people/BLH/exhibit/photos/seascapes/napali.jpg>

Now I want to tell you something that you might love to hear. Between 1987 and 2007 was somewhat admirable. Because of the new power awakening in the cave of creation, the crystals with Lemurian name. She whispered, "Time to come back!" Three hundred and fifty million of them. Listen to this, listen - Lemurian all who have ever lived on the planet live in that moment, back into a human body and are! They are spread across the globe. Listen, I have a whole room full of me. I look at them. And that's why you're here, my (e) love (r). Why are you reading this and you wonder why you go with these things in response? You wonder why there is an alliance between your cellular structure and Kryon? This is because you are a Lemurian, an old soul in a new energy.

"Kryon say that, that my soul before 1900 was not here?" Well, this answer is complicated. Some parts have been there, but not the full Lemurian nuclear energy. Ye see myself as a being, a soul, a name and a face. But you are not. You are a combination of many energy. It is hard to explain, if not impossible. Each time you arrive, are you like the soup that is served and comes on the planet. There is the Higher Self, which every Plays the same core energy. But from what it is surrounded varies, spiritually very strong. But now some of you are with the Lemurian nuclear energy around you back [come], something that did not happen 50,000 years. These pieces of DNA are activated again.

you to hear what I say to you for years: Less than half a percent of this planet need to wake up to make a difference in the oscillation for all. You will move you with a new vibration in the year 2012. Less than half a percent of seven billion people need to wake up. They are not that many. In fact, there are only about 10% of the 350 million Lemurian, who live today - a very reasonable percentage.

Where are you in this puzzle? How long should continue to civilization? I will tell you. The answer is your future, and you decide it will. You have full control of it, so it can last as long as you want. But I'll tell you how long the test was planned. Some of you will laugh. There are many famous figures that float a [certain] culture, and which were the doctrine and mythology. But very often there is a kernel of truth in terms of their importance. A [number], which appears often and in many contexts, is 144,000. It is intuitive and you all know this, it represents the length of the test in years - 144,000 years.

You find yourself at the 100,000 mark (measured from the arrival of the Pleiadians). You see, there's plenty of time if you do not even you destroyed, and Lemurian can change that. You have done it. A time comes up to you who will be what we "cooperate with the entire growth 'or' meet him 'call. And the Mayans have predicted. The energy of Gaia itself will begin in 2012, to shift. A more than 1000-year cycle is done, one who is friendly towards your spiritual growth, than the energy in which you were born into it.

The question was asked, "So, when will we see our brothers?" When will the Pleiadians return back to the planet? "I do not think that this is for anyone of you is a mystery. If you are regular visitors. Some see it, some do not. There is no sinister plan, my friends. If they see you, then observe them in love, as the garden grows Should survive her the 144,000 years, then you will at the end of the test just as they are -. a planet that is illuminated, one with the features of the Great Central Sun (Kryon smile)

. And I'll tell you something that many of you do not want to hear. If you're here in the room a Lemurian, then you will be there! So many lives you stay. As much as she loves the earth. We have it to you many times said before, as people you look in the mirror and say spiritual, "I'm tired. I will not come back." You say, "I've done my job. That's a lot of work, I would not go through it again." Then you sit down in your little human head and performs a one-sided conversation with God about the come back ... and this is funny. (Kryon smile)

you come back everyone! That's what you do. You can not wait. "Tired" is human talk. On the other side of the veil are not tired, only compassion. In the test, in which you find yourself, it's all about compassion. In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence. 2002 completion of the magnetic grid and the start of the crystalline experience. The 2004 tsunami and the transit of Venus. Venus Transit 2012, a further. These are events of the delivery of compassionate feminine energy in this world that is slowly absorb and use so you can move with integrity in the next energy. It provides the compassionate compensation for a planet that was not compensated for eons.

"Kryon, could you please name a marking point where we are now, as we progress?" You would not be here in this live channeling, if it [the channeling and it] would not exactly where it belongs. There will come a time to her looks back in history and that time will call the dark age of enlightenment. And some of you know that this is the time when the door is easily opened slowly to the light of spiritual understanding. Here's a concept that might not be properly translated into all languages, but the time when you're standing now will be known as the age of Monotheistic disputes. All agree that there is only one God. But we do not match what [it is]. The need to identify their next, and just like her on some things in your history look back and see how it was resolved will this [issue] is dissolved. [This presumably refers to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.]

I close now. What is the energy of the day? I'll tell you. Sympathy and synchronicity. How much light you can send to those around you? Can you light a man on this ship, send it needs, without which he must present at that meeting, or even knows anything about this energy, or has any idea of God? Can you compensate the concerns of someone? Do you have the ability to hold her hand with light? Let me tell you something. The system has brought them here so you just that can do. Can you accept that? Then it does, Lemurian. Do it.

Welcome to the new era.

And so it is.



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